Category:Anwar Sadat
العربية: محمد أنور السادات أو أنور السادات (ولد في قرية ميت أبو الكوم، مركز تلا من محافظة المنوفية في 25 ديسمبر 1918 - 6 اكتوبر 1981)، واسمه الكامل محمد أنور محمد السادات، الرئيس الثالث لجمهورية مصر العربية حيث استمر حكمه ما بين عامي 1970 و1981 م، عقب استلامه الرئاسة بعد وفاة الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر. كان أحد ضباط الجيش المصري وأحد قادة ثورة يوليو 1952 م، كما قاد ثورة 15 مايو 1971 م ضد مراكز القوى المسيطرة على الحكم منذ عصر جمال عبدالناصر. كما قاد حرب أكتوبر 1973 م. انتهى حكمه باغتياله أثناء الاحتفال بذكرى حرب 6 أكتوبر في عام 1981 م، إذ قام خالد الاسلامبولي وآخرون بإطلاق النار عليه أثناء الاستعراض العسكري في الإحتفال وهو جالس فى المنصة
Deutsch: Mohammed Anwar as-Sadat (arabisch أنور السادات) (* 25. Dezember 1918 in Mit Abul-kum, einem Dorf im Nil-Delta; † 6. Oktober 1981 in Kairo) war ein ägyptischer Staatsmann. Neben Nasser und anderen war er Mitgründer des Geheimbunds der Freien Offiziere, seit dem Staatsstreich 1952 bekleidete er hohe Ämter. Als Nachfolger Nassers wurde er 1970 Staatspräsident. Sadat lockerte das diktatorische Regime, führte Ägypten in den Oktoberkrieg 1973, löste das Land aus der engen Bindung an die Sowjetunion und schloss 1979 Frieden mit Israel. Für seine Bemühungen im Friedenprozess mit Israel erhielt er zusammen mit Menachem Begin 1978 den Friedensnobelpreis. Sadat fiel einem Attentat zum Opfer, das Gegner seiner Politik der Aussöhnung mit Israel verübten.
English: Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat (محمد أنورالسادات in Arabic) (December 25, 1918 – October 6, 1981) was an Egyptian politician and served as the third President of Egypt from September 28, 1970 until his assassination on October 6, 1981. He is considered in Egypt and in the west to be one of the most important Egyptian and Arab leaders in modern history.
中文:穆罕默德·安瓦尔·萨达特(台譯沙達特Mohamed Anwar el-Sadat – محمد أنورالسادات Arabic) ( 1918年12月25日 – 1981年10月6日) 埃及政治家和总统。
President of Egypt from 1970 to 1981 | |||||
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Audio recording of the subject's spoken voice | |||||
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Date of birth | 25 December 1918 Mit Abu al-Kum (Monufia Governorate, Nile Delta, Sultanate of Egypt) | ||||
Date of death | 6 October 1981 Cairo | ||||
Manner of death | |||||
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official website | |||||
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This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
- 1977 Cairo fires (2 F)
- Anwar Sadat in Desouk (14 F)
- Ashraf Marawan (2 F)
- Sadat museum (11 F)
Media in category "Anwar Sadat"
The following 183 files are in this category, out of 183 total.
Egyptian President Sadat's Remarks Upon His Arrival at Camp David Summit , 5 September 1978.webm 2 min 41 s, 654 × 480; 14.16 MB
Anwar as-Sadat.jpg 322 × 430; 17 KB
Abdel Halim Hafez and Gamal Abdel Nasser.jpg 463 × 313; 34 KB
Al-Ahram newspaper 6-6-1978.jpg 677 × 960; 142 KB
Al-Kaher-2 Nasse Aamer-Sadat.jpg 385 × 390; 13 KB
Anwar El Sadat Signature.svg 60 × 44; 4 KB
Anwar el-Sadat waving goodbye.jpg 3,000 × 1,995; 3.48 MB
Anwar Sadat (1971).jpg 1,170 × 1,163; 222 KB
Anwar Sadat 1978.jpg 130 × 190; 7 KB
Anwar Sadat and Cyrus Vance (cropped).jpg 845 × 611; 357 KB
Anwar Sadat and Cyrus Vance-002.jpg 2,860 × 1,880; 4.63 MB
Anwar Sadat and Cyrus Vance.jpg 2,853 × 1,885; 2.69 MB
Anwar Sadat and Ezer Weizman during the Camp David Summit - NARA - 181192.tif 3,000 × 2,053; 17.62 MB
Anwar Sadat and Helmut Schmidt.jpg 1,140 × 724; 166 KB
Anwar Sadat at Camp David - NARA - 181163.tif 2,025 × 3,000; 5.79 MB
Anwar Sadat cropped.jpg 547 × 808; 96 KB
Anwar Sadat greets Ezer Weizman 9-7-78.gif 588 × 393; 62 KB
Anwar Sadat meets with members of the Egyptian delegation at Camp David. - NARA - 181225.tif 3,000 × 2,053; 17.62 MB
Anwar Sadat poses at Camp David - NARA - 181162.tif 2,020 × 3,000; 5.78 MB
Anwar Sadat voice.ogg 1 min 49 s; 4 MB
Anwar Sadat with members of the Egyptian delegation at Camp David. - NARA - 181219.tif 3,000 × 2,019; 5.78 MB
Anwar Sadat with members of the Egyptian delegation at Camp David. - NARA - 181230.tif 3,000 × 2,058; 17.66 MB
Anwar Sadat, 1953.jpg 338 × 493; 46 KB
Anwar Sadat.jpg 193 × 261; 7 KB
Atef El Sadat 2.jpg 453 × 604; 40 KB
Atef El Sadat.jpg 213 × 300; 19 KB
Bahi Ladghm et Anour Al sadet.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 2.33 MB
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.jpg 1,170 × 858; 203 KB
CAC CC 001 18 14 0000 1347.jpg 5,100 × 3,942; 1,024 KB
CAC CC 001 18 14 0000 1348.jpg 5,100 × 3,942; 1.05 MB
CAC CC 001 18 14 0000 1368.jpg 5,050 × 3,900; 1.05 MB
CAC CC 001 18 15 0000 1437.jpg 2,554 × 1,979; 280 KB
Cairo fires 1977.jpg 300 × 323; 49 KB
Cairo Metro Sadat plathome.jpg 960 × 544; 136 KB
Celebration of the first anniversary of July Revolution-Egypt(1).png 552 × 528; 409 KB
Celebration of the first anniversary of July Revolution-Egypt(3).png 506 × 492; 426 KB
ChuriaHaifa91979.jpg 2,345 × 1,058; 1.15 MB
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi visits Egypt 01.jpg 642 × 600; 95 KB
Egypt Leaders.JPG 800 × 434; 33 KB
Egyptian government officials at al-Azhar Mosque, 1966.jpg 434 × 421; 59 KB
Egyptian officials at al-Azhar, 1959.jpg 394 × 476; 32 KB
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg 1,656 × 5,067; 10.25 MB
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, January 4, 1978 (10729707624).jpg 2,874 × 2,874; 2.23 MB
Egyptian President Sadat with Israeli Prime Minister Begin (10729747523).jpg 1,536 × 832; 529 KB
Egyptian President Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Begin (10729548734).jpg 2,240 × 1,168; 1.16 MB
Egyptian Soldiers - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg 332 × 480; 90 KB
Egyptian-Syrian-Iraqi unity talks, 1963.jpg 674 × 394; 81 KB
Elsharawy with Sadat 1978.jpg 500 × 566; 137 KB
Executive Committee of ASU, 1969.jpg 699 × 443; 99 KB
Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - Sadat and P.M. Begin.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 606 KB
Free Officers, 1952.jpg 743 × 562; 195 KB
Gagarin and Nasser and Sadat in Cairo Egypt 01-02-1962.jpg 2,910 × 2,838; 2.94 MB
Haut barrage Assouan7.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 780 KB
Henry Kissinger with Anwar Sadat cph.3b13868.jpg 1,506 × 916; 584 KB
John Murtha greets former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.jpg 600 × 459; 48 KB
King Faisal with Kamal Adham and Anwar Sadat.jpg 1,000 × 1,333; 184 KB
Kuznetsov and Sadat - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg 953 × 887; 99 KB
Lital Yadin D120-009.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 737 KB
Nasrcity.jpg 1,638 × 1,024; 562 KB
Sadat tomb 01.JPG 3,456 × 2,304; 3.79 MB
Sadat tomb 02.JPG 3,456 × 2,304; 3.14 MB
Sadat tomb 03.JPG 3,885 × 2,900; 2.17 MB
Sadat tomb 04.JPG 2,304 × 3,456; 3.2 MB
Sadat tomb 05.JPG 3,456 × 2,304; 3.1 MB
Sadat tomb 06.JPG 3,456 × 2,304; 3.69 MB
Sadat tomb 07.JPG 2,304 × 3,456; 3.19 MB
Menachem Begin (FL45926767).jpg 2,898 × 1,930; 1.44 MB
Menachem Begin (FL45926805).jpg 2,952 × 1,895; 1.47 MB
Menachem Begin (FL45926842).jpg 2,868 × 1,951; 2.35 MB
Menachem Begin (FL45926879).jpg 2,076 × 2,695; 1.46 MB
Muhammed Naguib colors.jpg 279 × 380; 38 KB
Muhammed Naguib release.jpg 640 × 480; 170 KB
Nasser and RCC members welcomed by Alexandria, 1954.jpg 525 × 464; 130 KB
Nasser and Sadat in National Assembly.JPG 647 × 457; 32 KB
Nasser and Sadat vote 1968 referendum.jpg 506 × 502; 93 KB
Nasser sadat 1960.jpg 500 × 437; 31 KB
Nasser's Second Term.jpg 518 × 450; 49 KB
Nasser, Sadat, Sabri and Shafei.jpg 691 × 431; 48 KB
Nasser-Umm Kulthum-Sadat.jpg 1,170 × 899; 205 KB
Nixon Presidential Library & Museum (30909062395).jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 2.46 MB
Om Kolthoum Nasser Sadat.jpg 3,552 × 2,368; 2.11 MB
Osama El-Baz and Anwar Sadat at Camp David - NARA - 181221.tif 3,000 × 2,033; 5.82 MB
Osama El-Baz and Anwar Sadat at Camp David.JPG 584 × 394; 50 KB
Pic of Anwar Sadat-Sadat City.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.37 MB
PikiWiki Israel 32580 People of Israel.jpg 800 × 547; 92 KB
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt arrives in the United States.JPEG 2,010 × 3,000; 1.73 MB
President Anwar Sadat.jpg 504 × 660; 166 KB
President Sadat van Egypte, kop, Bestanddeelnr 931-5437.jpg 2,566 × 2,566; 1.02 MB
Queen Farida and Anwar Sadat 1980.jpg 382 × 544; 24 KB
Right to left-Sadat - Salal - Bidany - Kamal Rifaat.jpg 600 × 358; 52 KB
Saad el-Shazly الصورة المزورة من حسني مبارك.jpg 229 × 320; 26 KB
Sadat & Kamal Hassan Ali.JPG 268 × 221; 15 KB
Sadat - Joint Session of Congress (cropped) - USNWR.jpg 1,680 × 2,056; 565 KB
Sadat - USNWR.jpg 2,000 × 2,640; 841 KB
Sadat 1 (cropped 2).jpg 475 × 606; 52 KB
Sadat 1 (cropped 3) (3x5).jpg 409 × 681; 104 KB
Sadat 1 (cropped 4) (2x3).jpg 412 × 618; 100 KB
Sadat 1 (cropped).jpg 456 × 570; 48 KB
Sadat 1.jpg 475 × 700; 54 KB
Sadat and A Ismail.jpg 480 × 480; 83 KB
Sadat and Begin and their delegations at Camp David, September 17, 1978 (10729645586).jpg 3,000 × 2,122; 1,006 KB
Sadat and Begin at Joint Session of Congress, September 18, 1978 (10729711904).jpg 4,631 × 3,073; 7.36 MB
Sadat and Begin Commemorative Coin.jpg 800 × 800; 283 KB
Sadat and Helmy.jpg 1,170 × 1,808; 269 KB
Sadat and Khalid.jpg 1,159 × 800; 184 KB
Sadat and Kissinger - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg 600 × 477; 42 KB
Sadat and LBJ.jpg 1,170 × 642; 129 KB
Sadat and Mubarak - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg 500 × 698; 88 KB
Sadat Andrews AFB.jpg 2,829 × 1,877; 886 KB
Sadat at a military school graduation.jpg 325 × 460; 68 KB
Sadat Camp David.jpg 207 × 196; 19 KB
Sadat Egypt.ogv 10 min 33 s, 400 × 300; 44.67 MB
Sadat Egyptian delegation Camp David NARA - 181219 (cropped).tif 2,353 × 1,712; 3.84 MB
Sadat knesset 1977.jpg 744 × 491; 76 KB
Sadat Qaddafi Assad 1971.jpg 600 × 426; 45 KB
Sadat young.gif 500 × 744; 242 KB
Sadat&Zulfikar.jpg 397 × 298; 31 KB
Sadat's House.JPG 1,197 × 707; 85 KB
Sadat's League.png 2,000 × 1,015; 432 KB
Sadat, Nasser and Amer.jpg 473 × 482; 67 KB
Sadat, September 12, 1978 (10729381715).jpg 4,000 × 2,876; 726 KB
Sadat-Liga.png 2,000 × 1,015; 432 KB
SadatB.jpg 300 × 223; 30 KB
SadatHaifa.jpg 980 × 697; 318 KB
SadatWavesP61.jpg 961 × 650; 181 KB
State Information Service Banner in Cairo, March 8, 1979 (10729685836).jpg 4,000 × 2,892; 653 KB
Syrian-Iraqi-Egyptian talks.jpg 507 × 482; 83 KB
The Collar of St. Arsene.JPG 4,352 × 3,264; 1.34 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45817942).jpg 3,303 × 2,149; 2.74 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45817972).jpg 3,335 × 2,199; 2.43 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45818068).jpg 3,282 × 2,187; 3.95 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45818107).jpg 3,163 × 2,209; 3.56 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45818144).jpg 3,136 × 2,073; 3.61 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45818210).jpg 3,335 × 2,200; 2.73 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45818230).jpg 3,335 × 2,200; 2.71 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933307).jpg 2,946 × 1,899; 2.62 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933387).jpg 2,923 × 1,914; 1.86 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933418) (cropped).jpg 190 × 271; 91 KB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933418).jpg 2,992 × 1,870; 2.93 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933465).jpg 3,010 × 1,859; 3.25 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933512).jpg 2,885 × 1,939; 1.56 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933586).jpg 2,060 × 2,715; 1.51 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933705).jpg 2,853 × 1,961; 2.92 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933752).jpg 2,917 × 1,918; 1.84 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933787).jpg 2,917 × 1,918; 1.99 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933837).jpg 2,042 × 2,740; 1.66 MB
Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks (FL45933873).jpg 2,069 × 2,704; 2.95 MB
Walter Mondale and Anwar el-Sadat 001.jpg 3,000 × 1,956; 3.99 MB
Walter Mondale and Anwar el-Sadat 002.jpg 3,000 × 1,995; 2.38 MB
Yom Kippur War Montage.png 2,342 × 2,691; 3.58 MB
ביקור סאדאת 1.jpg 560 × 404; 41 KB
ביקור סאדאת 1979.jpg 560 × 404; 33 KB
ביקור סאדאת 2.jpg 560 × 404; 45 KB
ביקור סאדאת 3.jpg 1,600 × 900; 250 KB
עמרי פדן עם אנואר סאדאת בביקור במצרים 1979.jpg 934 × 637; 63 KB
أنور السادات مع يونس بحري.jpg 376 × 256; 35 KB
الرئيس السادات يصافح الفريق سعد الدين الشاذلي.jpg 641 × 500; 47 KB
الفريق الشاذلي وأحمد إسماعيل والسادات.JPG 720 × 518; 60 KB
ثورة 52.jpg 998 × 720; 348 KB
قرار تعيين الدكتور محمد ناجى المحلاوى رئيسا لجامعة عين شمس.png 477 × 539; 17 KB
- Sadat (surname)
- Anwar (given name)
- Mohammed (given name)
- 1918 births
- 1981 deaths
- Deaths by gunshot
- Laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize
- Collars of the Order of Isabella the Catholic
- Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Knights Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
- Recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal
- Recipients of the Order of Abdulaziz al Saud
- Recipients of the Order of the Star of Nepal
- Recipients of the Order of the Nile
- Recipients of the Order of the Republic (Tunisia)
- Presidents of Egypt
- Prime ministers of Egypt
- Military people of Egypt
- Cold War leaders
- Deaths in Cairo
- Assassinated politicians
- Egyptian Army officers
- Free Officers of Egypt
- Members of Parliament of Egypt
- Iron Guard of Egypt
- Operation Salam
- Supereme Council of the Liberation Organization (Egypt)
- Recipients of the Order of Fidelity (Albania)
- Prisoners of the Cairo Citadel Prison
- Nobel laureates in 1978