Category:Apollo 15 EVA at Station 9

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From the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report (NASA SP-289, 1972):

Station 9 is located on the mare surface approximately 1400 m west of the LM and 300 m east of Hadley Rille. The site lies just outside the mapped limits of a diffuse ray. The surrounding area is broadly flat and smooth but hummocky in detail. The sample station is located at a 15-m-diameter crater of very fresh appearance and is surrounded by abundant friable clods and glass. The surface material near the rim of the crater was observed to be noticeably soft. Because the crater does not penetrate what appears to be true bedrock, the regolith is greater than 3 m thick at station 9, as opposed to the very thin regolith at nearby station 9A.

Media in category "Apollo 15 EVA at Station 9"

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