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Category:Carlos Gardel

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<nowiki>Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Карлос Гардел; Carlos Gardel; 卡洛斯·葛戴爾; Carlos Gardel; Карлос Гардель; Carlos Gardel; 卡洛斯·葛戴爾; 卡洛斯·葛戴尔; 카를로스 가르델; Карлос Гардель; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Karloss Gardels; Carlos Gardel; 卡洛斯·葛戴尔; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; كارلوس غارديل; Carlos Gardel; 卡洛斯·葛戴爾; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Карлас Гардэль; Կառլոս Գարդել; 卡洛斯·葛戴爾; Carlos Gardel; कार्लोस गारडेल; カルロス・ガルデル; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; קרלוס גרדל; Carolus Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; كارلوس ڭارديل; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Κάρλος Γαρδέλ; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Карлос Гардель; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; كارلوس جارديل; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; کارلوس گاردل; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; کارلوس قاردل; 卡洛斯·葛戴爾; Carlos Gardel; कार्लोस गारडेल; Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; Carlos Gardel; 卡洛斯·葛戴尔; Carlos Gardel; cantante, attore e compositore argentino; chanteur-compositeur argentin, créateur du tango chanté; އާޖެންޓީނާއަށް އުފަން އެކްޓަރެއް; Argentinischer Tangosänger und -komponist; Αργεντινός τραγουδιστής; argentinsk sanger, skuespiller og komponist; argentinski pevec, tekstopisec in igralec; najvidnejša osebnost v zgodovini tanga; actor a chyfansoddwr a aned yn 1887; músico argentino; Argentine singer, music composer and actor; خواننده، بازیگر، و آهنگساز آرژانتینی; аржентински музикант; French yiliyiina ŋun nyɛ doo; Arjantinli şarkıcı (1890-1935); アルゼンチンのタンゴ歌手・俳優; penyanyi asal Argentina; ureueng meujangeun asai Argèntina; argentinsk sångare, skådespelare och kompositör; argentyński piosenkarz, aktor; argentinsk sanger, skuespiller og komponist; zanger uit Argentinië (1890-1935); արգենտինացի երգիչ; compositor y cantante argentino; argentinsk songar, skodespelar og komponist; panyanyi dâri Argentina; Argentinian singer, songwriter, actor; the most prominent figure in the history of tango; مغني ومطرب وممثل أرجنتيني; argentinský zpěvák tanga; مغني ومومتيل ومطرب أرجونتيني; Gardel; Gardel; Charles Romuald Gardès; Charles Gardès; Charles Gardes; Κάρλος Γκαρντέλ; Γκαρδέλ; Γκαρντέλ; Κάρλος Γκαρδέλ; Charles Romuald Gardes; Charles Romuald Gardès; Charles Gardès; Charles Gardes; Charles Romuald Gardès; Carlitos; Charles Romuald Gardes; Carlitos Gardel; El Zorzal criollo; El Morocho del Abasto; Charles Romuald Gardès; Charles Gardès; Charles Romuald Gardés; Charles Gardés; Gardel; Гардел; Гардель Карлос; Charles Romuald Gardes; Charles Gardes; Charles Romuald Gardès; Carlitos Gardel; El Zorzal criollo; El Morocho del Abasto; Gardel; Charles Romuald Gardès; Carlos Gardel; Gardels; Charles Romuald Gardes; Charles Romualdo Gardes; Carlitos Gardel; Carlos Romualdo Gardés; Zorzal criollo; Morocho del Abasto; Jilguero de Balvanera; Карлос Ґардель</nowiki>
Carlos Gardel 
Argentinian singer, songwriter, actor; the most prominent figure in the history of tango
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Date of birth11 December 1890 (birth registry)
Toulouse (birth registry)
Date of death24 June 1935
Manner of death
Cause of death
Place of burial
Work period (start)
  • 1917
Country of citizenship
Member of
  • Dúo Gardel-Razzano
Field of work
Work location
Award received
Authority file
Wikidata Q229613
ISNI: 0000000121340547
VIAF cluster ID: 56618280
GND ID: 118865188
Library of Congress authority ID: n83172799
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11969900r
IdRef ID: 027715973
NDL Authority ID: 00847913
Libraries Australia ID: 53723112
NL CR AUT ID: xx0171360
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000051285
National Library of Spain ID: XX1113711
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 072371102
NORAF ID: 3033518
NUKAT ID: n2009095242
NLP ID (old): a0000002511163
autores.uy ID: 4379
National Library of Korea ID: KAC2018M7631
PLWABN ID: 9810642487605606
J9U ID: 987007261546205171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA11400645
SBN author ID: CUBV071236
Open Library ID: OL1312318A, OL6516061A
MusicBrainz artist ID: bb54817c-6829-4ccc-bc58-030abb85c583
Europeana entity: agent/base/62606
IMDb ID: nm0306624
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