Category:Celestial coordinate systems
English: Category:Celestial coordinate system and their Conversions. For Orbital Coordinate Systems see Category:Kepler motions.
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
- Axial tilt (or Obliquity) (21 F)
- Ecliptic coordinate system (22 F)
- Equatorial coordinate system (62 F)
- Flammarion Woodcut (1 P, 23 F)
- Galactic coordinate system (36 F)
Media in category "Celestial coordinate systems"
The following 164 files are in this category, out of 164 total.
20060825 Ole Rømer's Instruments.jpg 300 × 386; 30 KB
Abóbada Celeste II.jpg 540 × 433; 48 KB
Abóbada Celeste.jpg 540 × 429; 66 KB
AbóbadaCelesteNS.png 562 × 457; 13 KB
AstroHimmelskugel.jpg 300 × 300; 7 KB
AstroHorizontAequatorial.pdf 1,466 × 1,381; 49 KB
Astronomical elongation schema FR.svg 689 × 732; 12 KB
Astronomical opposition schema.svg 689 × 732; 8 KB
Atmospheric refraction.svg 388 × 144; 6 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2 fr.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 8 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2 kr.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 25 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2 lt.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 8 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2 mk.svg 2,800 × 1,500; 51 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2-bn.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 8 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2-mr.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 8 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2-ne.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 9 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2-te.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 8 KB
Azimuth (PSF) 2.svg 2,981 × 1,991; 7 KB
Azimuth (PSF) mod hy.svg 3,500 × 1,400; 15 KB
Azimuth.svg 748 × 864; 12 KB
Bilddrehung.Projektion.png 2,304 × 2,048; 52 KB
Brunton.JPG 3,648 × 2,593; 3.94 MB
Calotte celesti visibile e invisibile.svg 670 × 700; 22 KB
Cardinal Point Glyphs Added.gif 852 × 480; 2.86 MB
Casovna kroznica.svg 744 × 770; 9 KB
Casovni kot.svg 744 × 727; 19 KB
Celestial equator and ecliptic.svg 353 × 373; 178 KB
Celestial northpole of Mars.png 763 × 683; 72 KB
Celestial numbers.svg 690 × 620; 70 KB
Celestial Southpole 2016.png 986 × 767; 146 KB
Celestial Sphere el.svg 478 × 459; 18 KB
Celestial sphere mk.svg 501 × 520; 54 KB
Celestial Sphere sr.svg 478 × 459; 17 KB
Celestial sphere tr.svg 480 × 520; 9 KB
Celestial sphere-line drawing.svg 758 × 784; 7 KB
Celestial sphere-ml.svg 744 × 1,052; 11 KB
Celestial sphere-ru.svg 480 × 520; 9 KB
Celestial Sphere.png 227 × 267; 14 KB
Celestial sphere.svg 480 × 520; 9 KB
Celestial Sphere.svg 567 × 567; 76 KB
Celestial.png 416 × 373; 29 KB
Circumpolar stars 15min exp.jpg 3,456 × 2,298; 2.82 MB
Colourflamarion33.jpg 450 × 349; 162 KB
Colure-it.png 634 × 590; 216 KB
Colure-it.svg 774 × 684; 7.15 MB
Colure.png 760 × 590; 222 KB
Colure.svg 774 × 684; 7.18 MB
Congiunzione superiore e inferiore IT.svg 744 × 1,052; 9 KB
Coordenadas Galácticas Aparentes.png 1,172 × 663; 680 KB
Coordenadas horizontales.png 382 × 351; 5 KB
CoordenadasHorariasEquatoriais.png 531 × 440; 15 KB
Daflippi tropical year.svg 512 × 205; 44 KB
Declinazione.jpg 591 × 591; 29 KB
Dlugosc ekliptyczna.svg 2,126 × 2,126; 14 KB
Earth Centered Inertial Coordinate System HE.png 548 × 458; 103 KB
Earth Centered Inertial Coordinate System.png 548 × 458; 104 KB
Earth rotation aperture synthesis.jpg 238 × 265; 3 KB
EARTHandSUN.png 1,235 × 1,146; 108 KB
East Point.png 1,340 × 1,134; 141 KB
Ecliptic equator galactic anim.gif 1,181 × 1,200; 92 KB
Ecliptic geocentric system.png 400 × 204; 54 KB
Ecliptic-4.png 388 × 361; 12 KB
Ecliptic-4.svg 670 × 570; 29 KB
Eclittica.png 1,060 × 988; 259 KB
Elevazione.png 415 × 201; 3 KB
Emisferi celesti.svg 670 × 700; 15 KB
Eqdt3 wiki.png 618 × 384; 6 KB
Equatore celeste ed eclittica.png 353 × 373; 75 KB
Equatore celeste.png 960 × 720; 33 KB
Equatorial and horizontal celestial coordinates E.svg 720 × 900; 21 KB
Equatorial galactic coordinates transformation.svg 447 × 441; 31 KB
Esquema Sistema de Coordenadas.jpg 2,144 × 1,496; 497 KB
Flammarion Woodcut 1888 Color 1.jpg 1,024 × 780; 394 KB
Flammarion-3.jpg 1,155 × 900; 811 KB
Galactic quadrants.png 1,540 × 908; 229 KB
GalEclipt.png 960 × 800; 122 KB
Heliocentric rectangular ecliptic.png 800 × 435; 26 KB
Hemisferio celeste.svg 670 × 700; 15 KB
Himmelskoordinaten.png 2,048 × 2,048; 111 KB
Himmelskugel Sonne in der Dämmerung.png 1,116 × 1,186; 181 KB
Horizontal Parallax.png 854 × 488; 78 KB
Horizontal sundial diagram.png 644 × 717; 97 KB
Horizontal sundial diagram.svg 644 × 717; 21 KB
Horizonte astronómico.png 292 × 301; 4 KB
Horizonte astronómico.svg 292 × 301; 9 KB
ICRF3 Figure 13 Defining Sources Only.png 6,000 × 3,000; 969 KB
Inside view of the precession.jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 121 KB
Langar-1024px-Equatorial coordinates.kab.jpg 1,024 × 1,024; 267 KB
Latitud de Marte Terrestre.png 1,099 × 571; 205 KB
Latitud de Saturno Terrestre.png 1,099 × 571; 356 KB
Local Sidereal Time sr.svg 468 × 315; 20 KB
Local Sidereal Time.svg 552 × 317; 18 KB
Logo de la collection "La Galaxie" des éditions Hachette.JPG 1,294 × 751; 272 KB
Meridiano.svg 670 × 700; 19 KB
Meridyen tr nf.svg 670 × 700; 111 KB
Meridyen tr.svg 670 × 700; 17 KB
Mokhtasat.jpg 418 × 416; 31 KB
Moon and Orion.gif 270 × 480; 181 KB
N pole precession.png 1,248 × 1,248; 693 KB
Nachylenie osi obrotu.svg 774 × 684; 7.15 MB
Nebeska sfera pozorovatel.cs.svg 586 × 608; 14 KB
Nebeska sfera.cs.svg 524 × 572; 9 KB
Nebeski ekvator i ekliptika.svg 353 × 373; 114 KB
North ecliptic pole.png 1,684 × 1,398; 508 KB
North pole path.png 953 × 953; 65 KB
Old RA diagram.png 1,158 × 471; 175 KB
Oppositieastronomie01.png 846 × 1,100; 48 KB
Orbital elements ar.svg 696 × 378; 88 KB
Orientation of astronomical coordinates projected on the Celestial Sphere.jpg 1,132 × 1,300; 141 KB
Paralaje de altura.png 403 × 388; 6 KB
Paralaje diurno y horizontal.png 366 × 252; 5 KB
Planet Conjunction.jpg 389 × 417; 20 KB
Planet Elongation.jpg 414 × 223; 14 KB
Plano Galáctico y la Eclíptica.png 1,183 × 817; 131 KB
Poli celesti.svg 670 × 700; 17 KB
Pontos cardeais.png 400 × 149; 11 KB
Precession chart fr 2.png 610 × 610; 116 KB
Precession chart fr.svg 695 × 786; 26 KB
Precession N.gif 1,134 × 1,134; 87 KB
Precession N.png 1,134 × 1,134; 114 KB
Precession S.gif 1,134 × 1,134; 93 KB
Precession S.png 1,134 × 1,134; 120 KB
Precession torque.jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 141 KB
Projektion.Horizont.Bildebene.png 2,560 × 2,048; 66 KB
Refracción.png 388 × 144; 12 KB
Retrogadation.png 589 × 352; 4 KB
Retrogadation1.png 574 × 356; 2 KB
Retrogradation.svg 530 × 230; 3 KB
Retrogradation1.svg 539 × 333; 5 KB
Right ascension sr.svg 430 × 220; 28 KB
Right ascension.en.png 430 × 230; 34 KB
Shematic inferior-superior conjonction BG.svg 720 × 730; 9 KB
Shematic inferior-superior conjonction FR.svg 720 × 730; 9 KB
Sign cusps.png 353 × 373; 65 KB
Sign cusps.svg 353 × 373; 99 KB
Sol en equinoccio.png 340 × 240; 42 KB
Solar System Barycenter 1944-1997.png 819 × 822; 38 KB
Solar System Barycenter 2000-2050.png 741 × 741; 20 KB
Solar system barycenter pl.svg 463 × 459; 22 KB
Solar system barycenter-af.svg 463 × 459; 30 KB
Solar system barycenter.svg 463 × 459; 52 KB
Solstices and equinoxes seethru.svg 124 × 124; 7 KB
South ecliptic pole.png 1,684 × 1,398; 534 KB
Spherical Triangle.png 814 × 781; 133 KB
Stars and dec.png 1,600 × 850; 462 KB
Stars and ra.png 1,608 × 900; 459 KB
Tagbogen-3xSonnenbahn.png 725 × 391; 19 KB
Tagbogen-Auf-Untergang.png 563 × 183; 3 KB
TSL.svg 514 × 393; 72 KB
YiXiangKaoCheng 03.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.91 MB
Zeru-koordenatu ekuatorialak eta horizontalak.svg 480 × 600; 11 KB
Zirkumpolaritaet.png 2,304 × 2,048; 84 KB
ÄquSysOrt.svg 366 × 337; 79 KB
БСЭ1. Высота светила.png 690 × 458; 77 KB
Второй астрономический треугольник.svg 550 × 530; 42 KB
Горизонтальная система координат.png 386 × 426; 59 KB
Горизонтальная система координат.svg 386 × 426; 19 KB
Из Фламмариона.jpg 2,110 × 1,698; 6.77 MB
Ориентација на астрономските координати.svg 690 × 620; 156 KB
Первый астрономический треугольник.png 522 × 584; 74 KB
Первый астрономический треугольник.svg 522 × 584; 30 KB
Третий астрономический треугольник.png 447 × 441; 62 KB
Третий астрономический треугольник.svg 447 × 441; 32 KB