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Category:Circuit of the Americas

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Object location30° 07′ 58.1″ N, 97° 38′ 28″ W Edit this at Wikidata Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
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This category is about media of any type related to Circuit of the Americas

<nowiki>Circuito de las Américas; Circuit of the Americas; Ameriketako zirkuitua; Circuitu de les Amériques; Трасса Америк; Circuit of The Americas; پیست امریکاس; Писта на Америките; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; サーキット・オブ・ジ・アメリカズ; Circuit of the Americas; Траса Америк; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; circuito delle Americhe; Circuit des Amériques; Траса Амэрык; Circuito das Américas; Amerikas trase; Circuit of the Americas; Amerikos trasa; Circuit of the Americas; Circuíto das Américas; Circuit de les Amèriques; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; Staza Americas; 서킷 오브 더 아메리카; 美洲赛道; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; حلبة الأمريكتين; Trường đua Americas; Circuit of the Americas; circuito de carreras de motor situado en Austin, Texas; circuit automobile américain; аўтагоначная траса пад Остынам (Тэхас, ЗША); bouwwerk in Texas; autòdrom d'Austin; Autódromo norte-americano; Rennstrecke in den Vereinigten Staaten; moottorirata Texasissa Yhdysvalloissa; race track near Austin, Texas, USA; circuito motoristico statunitense; motorverseny-pálya az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban; Sirkuit balap di Amerika Serikat; Circuito Internacional de Austin; Circuito de Austin; Circuito de las Americas; サーキット・オブ・ザ・アメリカズ; Circuit automobile d'Austin; Sirkuit Internasional Austin; Austin Formule 1 circuit; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit d'Austin; Circuit of the Americas; Circuit of the Americas; COTA; Circuit of Americas; Ostinas F1 trase; Ostinas trase; 美國德州奧斯汀站; COTA; Circuitu d'Austin</nowiki>
Circuit of the Americas 
race track near Austin, Texas, USA
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Instance of
Named after
LocationAustin, Travis County, Texas
Has part(s)
  • Bold Stadium
  • 2010
Date of official opening
  • 2012
Significant event
  • 5,513 m
official website
Map30° 07′ 58.08″ N, 97° 38′ 27.96″ W
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Media in category "Circuit of the Americas"

The following 136 files are in this category, out of 136 total.