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English: Coaching, when referring to getting coached by a professional coach, is a teaching, training or development process in which an individual gets support while learning to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal. The individual receiving coaching may be referred to as the client or coachee, or they may be in an intern or apprenticeship relationship with the person coaching them. Occasionally the term coaching may be applied to an informal relationship between one individual who has greater experience and expertise than another and offers advice and guidance as the other goes through a learning process. This form of coaching is similar to mentoring.
<nowiki>entrenamiento; coaching; markþjálfun; entrenamendu; entrenament personal; Coaching; مربیگری; коучинг; coaching; Koçluk; コーチング; coachning; коучинг; 教練學; कोचिंग; కోచింగ్; 코칭; kuntrejnado; koučování; பயிற்சியளிப்பு; coaching; কোচিং; entraînement; kootsing; koučovanie; coaching; coaching; coaching; אימון אישי; spējraise; afrigter (mentor); ugdomasis vadovavimas; coaching; коучинг; 教練學; kouçinq; coaching; coaching; coaching; coaching; coaching; การฝึกสอน; коучинг; ڕاھێنەری; coaching; تدريب; Συμβουλευτική διαβίωσης; coaching; forma de desarrollo en la que una persona con experiencia, llamada coach, ayuda a un alumno o cliente a alcanzar un objetivo personal o profesional específico proporcionándole formación y orientación; forme de développement dans laquelle une personne expérimentée, appelée coach, aide un apprenant ou un client à atteindre un objectif personnel ou professionnel spécifique en lui fournissant une formation et des conseils; garapen pertsonalean laguntzeko asmoa duen gidaritza mota bat; метод консалтинга и тренинга; Unterstützung beim Entwickeln eigener Lösungen; hoạt động phát triển con người; 協助學習者達成特殊之個人或專業之目標的人; oblika razvoja, pri kateri izkušena oseba, imenovana coach, podpira učenca ali stranko pri doseganju določenega osebnega ali poklicnega cilja z usposabljanjem in vodenjem; coaching; proces modyfikacji charakteru; תהליך המכוון לסייע לאנשים מתפקדים להציב ולהשיג מטרות; forma de desenvolupament; affiancamento e guida di una persona per il raggiungimento di un obiettivo; form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance; form for utvikling der en erfaren person, kalt en coach, støtter en elev eller klient i å oppnå et spesifikt personlig eller profesjonelt mål ved å gi opplæring og veiledning; üzletszerű tanácsadás; forma de desenvolvimento; Entrenamiento ejecutivo; életvezetési tanácsadás; coaching; coaching; Coach; Gruppencoaching; Vertriebscoaching; Konflikt-Coaching; Lifecoach; Konfliktcoaching; coach; izaugsmes vadība; izaugsmes veicināšana; afrigter; koučingas; coaching; パーソナルコーチ; coaching; coachcertifieringar; coach certifieringar; קאוצ'ינג; קואצ'ינג; מאמן אישי; קואוצ'ינג; loopbaancoaching; team coaching; performance coaching; executive coaching; business coaching; personal coaching; boardroom coaching; business-coaching; 教練指導; executive coaching; træning; coach; huấn luyện; coaching; livsstilsveiledning; mental trening; veiledning; guidance; koučing; 人生教練; 教练辅导; 教练指导</nowiki>
form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance
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Wikidata Q1104185
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2003005186
NDL Authority ID: 01008288
NL CR AUT ID: ph335997
J9U ID: 987007549440105171
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