Category:Cross-country skiing in Norway
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Media in category "Cross-country skiing in Norway"
The following 71 files are in this category, out of 71 total.
"Bilde af Odin som er taget paa vei til skistuen" (1909) (3323649534).jpg 3,341 × 2,172; 2.8 MB
320 Langrenn ved Frognersæteren - no-nb digifoto 20150909 00027 bldsa PK02882.jpg 6,363 × 4,561; 2.1 MB
A view of Store Gørja lake.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 6.29 MB
AIN.11161.1695.jpg 1,080 × 708; 450 KB
Alan - Flickr - Graham Grinner Lewis.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.53 MB
Barn på skitur.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 2.64 MB
Blefjell skigåing.jpg 1,280 × 851; 131 KB
Blefjell skiing, fog.JPG 2,840 × 1,668; 2.2 MB
BRINK Joergen.jpg 533 × 800; 150 KB
Cross-country race in Standaldalen, 1924. (8424038532).jpg 3,835 × 2,194; 5.16 MB
Crowded on the peaks around Bjørnbrean.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.4 MB
Delicate ski trail down Storutladalen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 7.07 MB
Den Finske Patruljes Ankomst til Mål (1930) (14324665807).jpg 3,378 × 5,906; 1.65 MB
Den Norske Militærpatrulje (1930) (14509994752) (cropped).jpg 2,839 × 1,805; 727 KB
Den Norske Militærpatrulje (1930) (14509994752).jpg 3,378 × 5,906; 1.78 MB
Den Polske Patrulje (1930) (14531223503).jpg 3,378 × 5,906; 1.75 MB
DNT's tour leader looks toward the snowdrifts.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 6.48 MB
Downhill skiing in flat light.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 6.12 MB
Early ski season in Bymarka Trondheim.jpg 3,753 × 5,629; 5.71 MB
Esquiadores de fondo.jpg 1,024 × 768; 366 KB
Excausting uphill skiing in Vetledalen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.01 MB
Fixing the shoes while snow is blowing.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 6.22 MB
Floodlit.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.61 MB
Fredrikstad Skiklubb 01.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 1.47 MB
Gipfel erreicht.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.93 MB
Harvey Alex-Trondheim09-1.jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 622 KB
Jörgen Brink (SWE).jpg 446 × 498; 90 KB
KOZU Masaaki (424083353).jpg 533 × 800; 144 KB
Kvamskogen banner.jpg 1,980 × 283; 488 KB
Lillehamme 2015 2.jpg 2,865 × 2,448; 1.94 MB
Lonely skier in Nørdstedalen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 5.6 MB
Lunch break at Smørstabbrean with Storebjørn in the background.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.23 MB
Lysløypa Stathelle (5415893660).jpg 3,118 × 1,962; 1.31 MB
Many tracks upward and inward Leirbrean.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.38 MB
Nils Mora-Nisse Karlsson, 1952.jpg 361 × 480; 41 KB
No-nb bldsa 7a049.jpg 6,060 × 3,836; 6.55 MB
Norgesmesterskapet på ski (1953) (22409909327).jpg 5,528 × 9,372; 41.72 MB
Offpiste skiers getting ready for descent from Storebjørn.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 10.3 MB
Petter Northug JR (8634611496).jpg 5,616 × 3,113; 1.92 MB
Preparation of skis at Sota Sæter.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 9.79 MB
Roa IL austlid 01.JPG 3,888 × 2,592; 3.77 MB
Royken ski1.jpg 2,576 × 1,932; 552 KB
Sandvikshytta lodge in Nordmarka.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 9.25 MB
SerainaMischol-Trondheim1.jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 603 KB
Skidebuten.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 3.14 MB
Skier far north in Nordmarka woods.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.51 MB
Skiers following the marks against Fortundalsbreen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 6.29 MB
Skiing in norwegian mountains.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.93 MB
Skiing, ca 1918-1920. (8422695613).jpg 3,987 × 2,310; 5.04 MB
Skitrip1 - panoramio.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.91 MB
Skitrip2 - panoramio.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.82 MB
Slopes down to Gravdalen from Smørstabbreen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.85 MB
Sognefjellshytta langrennsløpere juli2020.jpg 4,939 × 2,316; 1.83 MB
Spanstind rundt start.jpg 2,048 × 1,366; 303 KB
Steep groove up against the Storebjørn.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 7.06 MB
Svarthetta 1548.JPG 3,455 × 1,531; 736 KB
The guide give some advice to the skiers.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 7.63 MB
The skiers following the marks with Tverrådalskyrkja in the background.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 5.71 MB
Thor Gotaas 1.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 8.35 MB
Towards Sjunkhatten National Park.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 8.9 MB
Tranemyrene sør for Saga - panoramio.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.51 MB
Trip to Skorafjell 1.jpg 1,024 × 590; 592 KB
Trulte-Heide-Steen-OB.RD0001e.jpg 1,194 × 1,200; 815 KB
Up the last steep piece at the summit of Storebjørn.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 9.56 MB
Vangsaasen Hamar.jpg 960 × 576; 67 KB
Ved Austlid - no-nb digifoto 20150205 00058 NB MIT FNR 15713.jpg 6,896 × 4,955; 2.91 MB
View from the Storebjørn against Hurrungane.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 8.15 MB
View from the Storebjørn against Leirdalen.jpg 4,493 × 3,225; 3.06 MB
View from the Storebjørn against Simledalen.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 7.3 MB
World Cup Nordic (424084847).jpg 2,048 × 1,361; 510 KB