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English: A diary is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. Diaries undertaken for institutional purposes play a role in many aspects of human civilization, including government records (e.g., Hansard), business ledgers and military records. Schools or parents may teach or require children to write personal diaries (notebooks) in order to encourage the expression of feelings and to promote thought.
Diaries |
العربية: لاستخدامات أخرى للمصطلح 'يوميات'، انظر يوميات (الغموض).
Català: El diari personal és un tipus de text on l' autor escriu les seves experiències, somnis o comentaris sobre la realitat a partir d'entrades sota la data del dia. En un principi serveixen per portar un registre d'esdeveniments vitals i són per a ús privat, tot i que molts es publiquen, constituint un gènere de la literatura (concretament de l'autobiografia). Hi ha diaris de tot tipus, temàtics, epistolars, com a esborranys de les memòries i els més moderns diaris a Internet, que han adoptat el format de bitàcola (weblog).
Čeština: Diář je osobní, většinou kapesní kalendář, jenž zároveň slouží také jako zápisník či plánovací rozvrh (např. k zaznamenávání osobních poznámek, plánů a úkolů do budoucna).
Deutsch: Ein Tagebuch, auch Diarium (lat.) oder Memoire (v. franz. memoire „schriftliche Darlegung, Denkschrift“), ist eine autobiografische Aufzeichnung in chronologischer Form.
Esperanto: Taglibro estas persone skribita notaĵo pri la eventoj dum diversaj tagoj. Kutime homoj skribis ĝin pro sia memkonscio aŭ ĉar skribadi ofte ŝajnas helpi kontraŭ la ĉiutagaj problemoj de la vivo.
Español: En un 'diario personal' se anotan hechos, pensamientos y reflexiones, así como los hechos más importantes que se dan cada día. Utiliza formas de expresión coloquial y puede hacer uso de las modalidades de elocución narrativa, descriptiva, argumentativa, expositiva etc.
Suomi: Päiväkirja on henkilökohtainen kirja tai vihko, johon kirjoitetaan muistiinpanoja omasta elämästä aikajärjestyksessä, yleensä kerran päivässä. Päiväkirjaan voi laittaa kuvia ja muita tärkeitä asioita talteen.
Français : Un journal intime (ou personnel) est un écrit qui aborde généralement les sentiments, pensées et aventures intimes de son auteur. Il a la particularité d'être rédigé régulièrement, souvent à un rythme quotidien, et ses entrées sont datées. Il peut ainsi relater des périodes variées de l'existence : maladie, travail, guerre, deuil, amours, problèmes familiaux ...
עברית: יומן משמש לרישום אירועים לפי סדר הימים בלוח השנה. יומן עשוי להיות צופה פני עתיד, כלומר לשמש לרישום אירועים ומשימות המתוכננים לעתיד, או צופה פני עבר, כלומר לתאר אירועים לאחר התרחשותם.
हिन्दी: दैनन्दिनी या डायरी एक पुस्तिका है जिसमें प्रतिदिन घटने वाली घटनाओं को समय, दिन एवं स्थान आदि विवरण्के साथ लिखा जाता है।
Bahasa Indonesia: Buku Harian atau Diary adalah catatan kejadian yang kita alami sehari-hari. Kita menulis kejadian yang mengesankan pada hari ini pada buku diary. Fungsi diary adalah sebagai kenangan masa-masa yang pernah kita alami. Bisa juga sebagai momento/sejarah kehidupan kita.
Italiano: Un diario è una forma narrativa in cui il racconto - reale o di fantasia - è sviluppato cronologicamente, spesso scandito ad intervalli di tempo regolari, solitamente a giorni.
日本語: 日記(にっき)とは、日々の出来事を、ある程度連続的に紙などに記録したものである。単なる記録として扱われるものから、 文学として扱われるものまで、その内容は様々である。ある人物の生涯にわたって記されるような長期にわたるものから、ある旅、ある職務、ある事件などの間だけ記された短期のものまで、期間・分量も様々であり、西洋・東洋を問わず、世界的に存在する。
ქართული: დღიური - ავტორისეული ყოველდღიური ან პერიოდული ჩანაწერები, პირველ რიგში მოთხრობის სახით. ასახულის თანადროული (მემუარებისგან განსხვავებით). ამიტომ დღიურის დამახასიათებელია ჩაწერის თარიღის აღნიშვნა და მისი სინქრონულობა. დღიური მხატვრულ ლიტერტურაში ორი მნიშვნელობით გამოიყენება:
한국어: 일기(日記)란 개인이 일상에서 체험하는 경험,생각,감상등의 제반사항을 하루 단위로 기록하는 비공식적, 사적 기록이다. 보통 일일 단위로 기록하지만, 작성하는 개인에 따라 천차만별이며, 강제성이 있는 공적인 기록이 아니므로 쓰는 간격에 따라서는 사실상 주기(週記)나 월기(月記)가 되기도 한다. 특별한 목적하에 공식적인 기록으로 남기는 것은 보통 일지(日誌)라고 하나, 과거의 일기는 오늘날과 달리 일지와 일기의 성격을 함께 갖는 경우가 많았다. 일기는 일기작성자가 작가이면서 동시에 유일한 독자인 특이한 글쓰기이다. 따라서 어떤 글쓰기보다 사적인 비밀이나 속마음이 적나라하게 표현된다. 일반에 공개된 일기의 일부- 안네의 일기-는 문학사에 족적을 남기는 문학작품이 되기도 한다. 실제의 일기가 문학작품이 되는 반면에, 일기의 형식을 따온 문학작품도 다수 존재한다.
Lietuvių: Dienoraštis – chronologiniai asmens gyvenimo užrašai, kuriuose periodiškai fiksuojami dienos įvykiai, jausmai ir nurodoma kiekvieno įrašo data.
Bahasa Melayu: Diari ialah rekod catatan harian tentang perkara yang berlaku atau yang akan dilakukan, lazimnya di dalam buku dan disusun mengikut tarikh. Diari mengandungi pengalaman atau pemerhatian peribadi seseorang.
Nederlands: Een dagboek is een autobiografisch geschrift, waarin, vaak van dag tot dag, in chronologische volgorde, wordt opgetekend wat de schrijver meemaakt, denkt, waarneemt of overweegt. Dit in tegenstelling tot de autobiografie, die gebeurtenissen achteraf beschrijft. Vaak is het dagboek iets intiems en persoonlijks, wordt het zelfs voorzien van een slot en komt het in principe nooit onder ogen van iemand anders dan de auteur. Een uitzondering is het logboek dat meestal juist wordt bijgehouden zodat informatie later weer kan worden teruggezocht, ook door andere personen.
Norsk nynorsk: Dagbok er ei nemning brukt om nedteikningar der ein person skriv fortløpande om livet sitt, til dømes om personlege opplevingar, hendingar i samfunnet, eller sjelegranskande refleksjonar. Å skriva dagbok kan vera ei personleg og privat handling, men oppføringane kan òg gjerast med tanke på ettertida. Ein kan skriva dagbok gjennom store delar av livet eller berre i eit kortare tidsrom.
Norsk bokmål: Dagbok er en bok med blanke ark som en person kan skrive om sitt eget liv i. Dagbok kan inneholde fragmenter av hva som har skjedd, beskrive vær og vind, eller være dyptloddende og sjelegranskende. Å skrive en dagbok er en personlig og privat sak. Mange begynner å skrive dagbok i tenårene og fortsetter med det resten av livet, mens for andre er det en kortere fase av livet.
Polski: Dziennik (diariusz, dyariusz) – gatunek autobiograficzny, zapiski bieżące, sporządzane dla potrzeb własnych, lub w charakterze twórczości literackiej (publikowanej na bieżąco, lub później w postaci zbiorczej). Składa się z codziennych wpisów, które mogą być opatrzone datą i informacją o miejscu powstania. Termin "dziennik" wywodzi się od łacińskiego wyrazu diarium, oznaczającego początkowo codziennie porcje pokarmu, rozdawane np. żołnierzom. Później słowo to zaczęło oznaczać również zapiski codzienne.
Português: Diário é uma agenda pessoal onde se escreve um resumo do cotidiano. O diário é um dos géneros mais comummente cultivados, pois é confidente tanto do homem público como do homem privado.
Română: Jurnalul intim este o specie a genului autobiografic.
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Dnevnik ili žurnal je knjiga ili bilježnica za upisivanje diskretnih tekstova aranžiranih prema datumu koji obavještavaju o događajima tokom dana. Pod time se podrazumijeva i zbirka takvih zapisa koja kasnije može biti izdana kao književno djelo.
Simple English: A diary is a book which a person writes about what they have seen or heard or what they have been doing. Diaries are usually handwritten. People like to keep diaries (meaning: write a diary) for a variety of reasons: they may want to keep a record for themselves about what they have done during their life. They may sometimes want to publish it so that other people can read it. Some diaries may be important for business or military purpose. Children in schools are often asked to write a diary. This helps them to write about what they have been doing and expressing their thoughts.
Slovenščina: Dnevnik je knjiga z osebnimi zapisi, razvrščenimi krnonološko. Poroča o dogodkih v določenem obdobju (navadno dnevu). Dnevniški zapisi se uporabljajo tako v osebne namene, kot tudi vladne, poslovne ali vojaške namene. Vsebinsko so lahko zelo različni, navadno obsegajo poslovne zapiske, dnevne dogotke, vreme, občutja, razmišljanje...
ไทย: อนุทิน หรือ ไดอารี่ เป็นการบันทึก แรกเริ่มบันทึกในรูปแบบของ สมุด ซึ่งแยกข้อมูลเป็นวัน รายงานสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นในแต่ละวัน ในแต่ละช่วงเวลา อนุทินบางครั้งยังมีจุดประสงค์ ลักษณะ ความศิวิไลซ์ของมนุษย์ รวมถึงการบันทึกของรัฐบาล การบันทึกทางธุรกิจ การบันทึกทางทหาร โรงเรียนหรือผู้ปกครองบางคนสอนเด็กให้เขียนอนุทิน เพื่อแสดงความรู้สึกและความคิดออกมา
Українська: Щоде́нник — літературно-побутовий жанр, фіксація побаченої, почутої, внутрішньої пережитої події, яка щойно сталася.
Tiếng Việt: Nhật ký là loại văn xuôi ghi chép những sinh hoạt thường ngày. Trong văn học, nhật ký là hình thức trần thuật từ ngôi thứ nhất số ít, dưới dạng những ghi chép thường ngày có đánh số ngày tháng.
Volapük: Delabuk binon buk, keli pagebon ad kipedön memis e tikis oya in fom penik. Lautoy kösömiko aldeliko ini aton, denu kömon nem ona. Dabinos i metod ad lautön delabuki oya in Vüresod, äs sam bei LiveJournal.
Walon : Li djournå d' ene mierdjin, c' est, po cmincî, on cayé la k' ene djin discrît les parfonds sintimints k' ele rissint.
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This category has the following 37 subcategories, out of 37 total.
- Diaries in art (2 F)
- Bronson Diary (85 F)
- Clinical diaries (1 F)
- The Clue in the Diary (9 F)
- Diaries PDF files (11 F)
- Diary of Jennie Trzcinski (95 F)
- Diary page (13 F)
- Un Receuil (6 F)
Media in category "Diaries"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 329 total.
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01-Riemann-Tagebuecher.jpg 500 × 361; 74 KB
1908 1 1 Norman Burt Sherry I, Diary.pdf 566 × 904, 209 pages; 32.86 MB
1921 1 1 Transcription of Norman Burt Sherry I Diary.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 46 pages; 556 KB
1926 1 1 Transcription of Norman Burt Sherry I Diary.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 39 pages; 591 KB
1961 prison diary of anti-apartheid activist John Schlapobersky (40181812791).jpg 5,428 × 3,619; 11.39 MB
1976 diary.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.63 MB
2017 Guar Semi Daily Diary.png 418 × 275; 136 KB
2019 diary.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.11 MB
6 mei 041.jpg 4,288 × 2,416; 2.78 MB
A brown diary.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.32 MB
A journal writing book.jpg 4,608 × 3,072; 3.92 MB
A Madman's Diary - Lu Xun.JPG 1,936 × 1,296; 721 KB
A selection of Wellcome Diaries Wellcome L0039098.jpg 4,061 × 3,426; 5.31 MB
Absalom Watkin; extracts from his journal, 1814-1856 (IA absalomwatkinext00watk).pdf 741 × 1,179, 372 pages; 16.13 MB
Adams diary 1.jpg 932 × 1,496; 347 KB
Agenda de Collège.jpg 2,056 × 1,536; 767 KB
Alexander Liholiho's personal journal, 1849.jpg 745 × 946; 124 KB
An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu 5,100 × 6,601, 273 pages; 8.21 MB
Anna Blue.png 404 × 527; 349 KB
Anna Dostoevskaya's Diary (1867).jpg 383 × 651; 67 KB
Arthur Schultz diary 1912 Racine College.pdf 608 × 1,010, 75 pages; 12.16 MB
Arthur-Schnitzler Tagebuch 1917-05-14.tif 2,139 × 2,551; 15.63 MB
Arthur-Schnitzler Tagebuch, Chronik August 1885.tif 2,114 × 2,601; 15.75 MB
August von Tschirschnitz by Anton Josef Pepino 1893.jpg 191 × 275; 7 KB
Bagosora Diary Agenda 1993.jpg 734 × 1,214; 355 KB
Boclair Diary.jpg 1,728 × 2,592; 964 KB
Bohdan Pawlowicz 1947- 1950 diary title page.jpg 3,272 × 4,227; 7.77 MB
Burte-Tagbuech.jpg 1,809 × 1,227; 1.12 MB
Chang Feng-Chu 1950s - 1090325~2.jpg 3,250 × 2,187; 1.01 MB
Charles Wilkes02.jpg 676 × 1,024; 60 KB
Chopin's Diary.JPG 506 × 616; 53 KB
City Council House 2008.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.36 MB
Cosmoglotta Interlingue.jpg 850 × 1,169; 97 KB
Creating A Path & My Journey.jpg 436 × 257; 117 KB
Diary of the corporation (IA cu31924026358246).pdf 866 × 1,450, 532 pages; 11.68 MB
Currently (8544659670).jpg 3,777 × 2,728; 4.14 MB
Dagboek Dirk Schut.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.79 MB
Dagboekpagina Dirk Schut.png 481 × 524; 531 KB
Dagbok - Hans Petter Wennerberg - 1973 184.tif 3,355 × 2,739; 26.32 MB
Daidōji Yūzan - Bushidō shoshin-shū.jpg 996 × 1,438; 187 KB
Deník Věrky Kohnové.jpg 2,324 × 1,502; 4.34 MB
Description of a Trip to Canton 1746-1749 WDL3041.jpg 1,024 × 1,388; 417 KB
Diary of a jailed anti-apartheid activist 1961 (25657402457).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 14.53 MB
Diary of a soldier.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.37 MB
Diary of Charles Whitman (front cover).jpg 200 × 273; 7 KB
Diary of Harriet Louisa Browne, 1855 (15325246875).jpg 6,726 × 4,065; 11.6 MB
Diary of journey from Boston to Saybook by John Winthrop the Younger.jpg 974 × 1,536; 230 KB
Diary of Julius Friedrich Döring, page 155.jpg 2,806 × 4,005; 12.73 MB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028910.jpg 1,294 × 1,648; 849 KB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028911.jpg 1,292 × 1,618; 1.01 MB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028912.jpg 1,306 × 1,624; 1.04 MB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028915.jpg 1,298 × 1,582; 916 KB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028916.jpg 1,332 × 1,580; 917 KB
Diary of Sergeant George Charles Maidment Wellcome L0028917.jpg 1,316 × 1,586; 1.16 MB
Diary of ten years.djvu 1,946 × 3,392, 584 pages; 16.21 MB
Diary Page Showing Air Mail Method Used in Nicaragua, 27 September 1928 (6731210443).jpg 1,688 × 1,073; 277 KB
Diary.jpg 2,976 × 3,968; 1.14 MB
DiaryAllenGardiner.jpg 700 × 661; 413 KB
Die Tagebücher von Sissi (no joke!) (499345740).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.62 MB
Diário Diary.JPG 2,592 × 1,728; 561 KB
Doctor Leffmann's diary 01.jpg 900 × 1,600; 109 KB
Doctor Leffmann's diary 02.jpg 900 × 1,600; 136 KB
Doctor Leffmann's diary 03.jpg 900 × 1,600; 93 KB
Dubb Diary.jpg 351 × 370; 82 KB
Eerste pagina uit het reisverhaal van Adrien Goffinet, KBS-FRB.jpg 1,500 × 1,112; 109 KB
Eikon Basilike (8594540501).jpg 1,565 × 1,782; 573 KB
Ejemplar revista ESCA julio 1949.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 452 KB
El Diario de Adolf Hitler.jpg 1,280 × 720; 65 KB
Emily Shore journal 6 October 1936.jpg 707 × 546; 231 KB
Excerpt from diary and notebook of Cicely Williams Wellcome L0072308.jpg 3,754 × 5,598; 4.12 MB
ExpoSYFY - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (10746692044).jpg 4,238 × 2,804; 9.01 MB
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (IA extractsfrommydi00cros).pdf 881 × 1,185, 58 pages; 1.47 MB
First page of Axel von Fersen's diary (cropped).jpg 1,753 × 2,128; 339 KB
First page of Axel von Fersen's diary.jpg 3,789 × 2,432; 782 KB
Freddie Welsh Scrap book.jpg 389 × 500; 52 KB
G-C-Woolley-Cover-of-diary-No2.jpg 3,655 × 4,890; 14.89 MB
G-C-Woolley-page-of-diary-No2.jpg 5,521 × 3,681; 11.92 MB
Gellert Tagebuch 1761.jpg 435 × 621; 79 KB
George Edward's Journal.jpg 664 × 1,000; 364 KB
Goethe 15-06-1775.jpg 313 × 499; 31 KB
Greenlifesmith.JPG 931 × 102; 26 KB
Gwen & Cecily HWTC Yes it's in my diary jeh.jpg 1,201 × 1,300; 374 KB
Handtekening Jan Kruys 1807.jpg 3,896 × 2,371; 1.62 MB
Hollywood Museum - Indiana Jones' Grail Diary (7659583966).jpg 1,698 × 1,696; 881 KB
Humboldt reisetagebuch VIIab 220.png 1,304 × 2,108; 3.36 MB
Issue Order to Return Manuscripts. Ret-xIMG 0006.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 2.02 MB
J c sly journal.jpg 448 × 651; 21 KB
Jagdtagebuch Ludwig VIII von Hessen-Darmstadt 1756-11-10.jpg 2,639 × 4,317; 4.07 MB
Jenner's Daybook, 1794 Wellcome L0015561.jpg 1,456 × 1,248; 610 KB
John Bargrave - diary - Sancerre.jpg 698 × 370; 183 KB
Journal Henriette Dessaulles.jpg 768 × 576; 82 KB
Journal of F. Buckle, Cook's pepper pot Wellcome L0030478.jpg 1,948 × 1,106; 941 KB
Journal of Fleetwood Buckle, 1 December 1869 Wellcome L0030477.jpg 1,148 × 1,895; 922 KB
Journal of Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied vol. I page 85.jpg 862 × 1,004; 518 KB
Julius Jaffe theatre diary.jpg 1,240 × 1,753; 151 KB
Karl Erb Rollentagebuch.jpg 1,811 × 1,892; 1.37 MB
Langland Diarium side 1 (1).jpg 2,416 × 3,648; 1.29 MB
Lawson's Journal.jpg 1,400 × 863; 301 KB
Libri (272187609).jpg 1,800 × 1,200; 702 KB
Light has gone out.jpg 637 × 1,038; 61 KB
Marcha de las juventudes políticas en Argentina.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.83 MB
Mashovi familija dnevnik.jpg 539 × 397; 47 KB
Matrons diary of the voyage of the Fitzjames, 1856-57 (3633677229).jpg 552 × 657; 108 KB
Matrons diary of the voyage of the Fitzjames, 1856-57 (3633681763).jpg 567 × 659; 103 KB
Matrons diary of the voyage of the Fitzjames, 1856-57 (3633683809).jpg 558 × 658; 101 KB
Mi espacio de trabajo.jpg 593 × 589; 85 KB
Michael Shiner Diary 1813.jpg 400 × 526; 125 KB
Mihael Golouh v prvi svetovni vojni.pdf 7,200 × 4,800, 25 pages; 11.32 MB
Milk on the stove.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.78 MB
Monthly schedule (Unsplash).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.71 MB
Mårten Törnhielms resedagbok.pdf 943 × 1,506, 566 pages; 308.78 MB
Mémoires d’Apolline Hélène Massalska en l’Abbaye Royale de Notre Dame aux Bois.jpg 1,158 × 1,514; 1.12 MB
New Zealand & Australian Division Diary, Gallipoli 1915 (16349967174).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.42 MB
Nini Roll Ankers dagbok 1909-1912 (Ms.8° 2669).pdf 268 × 345, 561 pages; 54.1 MB
Italian Diary. Holograph, 1859 (NYPL b15823745-5050189).tiff 3,549 × 4,216, 2 pages; 43.08 MB
Page from Diary of Anna Josepha King.jpg 888 × 1,050; 234 KB
Page of diary (wight) 7.jpg 793 × 615; 581 KB
Page of diary.jpg 793 × 615; 271 KB
Page of Page of diary (green2) (HSL).jpg 793 × 615; 360 KB
Part of Howell Harris' diary for 1747 NLW3364016.jpg 422 × 592; 59 KB
Personal Diary.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 3.22 MB
Plastuś information, Łódź Park Sienkiewicza.jpg 2,592 × 3,872; 5.41 MB
Plastuś.JPG 1,920 × 2,560; 2.26 MB
Queen Victoria Diaries. Princess Beatrice.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 8 pages; 96 KB
Recke Werke Band 2.djvu 907 × 1,464, 474 pages; 8.59 MB
Recorte de diario - Juventudes políticas de Argentina.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.1 MB
Recorte de diario - Juventudes políticas marchan por los derechos humanos.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.21 MB
Recorte de diario - Marcha por los derechos humanos.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.55 MB
Recorte de diario - Pedro Peretti es necesario pensar un reforma agraria.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.42 MB
Recorte de diario - Pedro Peretti, el candidato de los chacareros.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.74 MB
Reise5.jpg 1,424 × 1,046; 449 KB
Reisetagebuchseite 14.-16.6.2012.jpg 1,384 × 2,048; 1.17 MB
Ripslinger Diary.jpg 750 × 591; 157 KB
Rollentagebuch Willy Birgel.jpg 2,264 × 2,631; 2.05 MB
Rozloučení Věry Kohnové.jpg 2,324 × 1,478; 3.37 MB
Russian and Latvian text in a diary in Jurmala.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.4 MB
Salimgarh Fort 5.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.98 MB
Sanseido Bookstore 2016 (30743421065).jpg 5,984 × 3,366; 6.73 MB
Simple Diary Covers Fan300x300.jpg 300 × 300; 75 KB
Six-wordmemoir.jpg 157 × 198; 8 KB
Sleep diary.jpg 334 × 248; 15 KB
Sleep diary.svg 287 × 217; 12 KB
Soldiers in Uniform WDL2960.png 1,678 × 1,024; 3.58 MB
Song Kol Kymyz.png 1,773 × 1,773; 5.21 MB
Soren Kierkegaard Journals and Papers.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.14 MB
Stendhal diaries.jpg 565 × 769; 261 KB
Stenografia taglibro de Richard Henry Geoghegan.jpg 439 × 500; 217 KB
Sueleyman ruz-name.png 1,118 × 397; 241 KB
Sweetheart Diary No 33 Charlton, 1956 SA.jpg 430 × 634; 76 KB
Swm love.jpg 150 × 200; 7 KB
Tagebuch für Hunde.jpg 432 × 509; 65 KB
Tagesbuch.jpg 700 × 421; 248 KB
Tanya Savicheva Diary.jpg 437 × 300; 43 KB
Tapani Löfvingin päiväkirjat.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 1.9 MB
The Armenian Campaign a Diary of the Campaign of 1877 book cover.jpg 1,562 × 2,389; 263 KB
The diaries of Ethel Rudkin.jpg 2,100 × 2,718; 1.12 MB
The Diary.jpg 1,024 × 685; 407 KB
Toner Diary1.jpg 700 × 563; 98 KB
Toner Diary2.jpg 700 × 562; 63 KB
Travel Diary that Governor Francisco Joze de Lacerda e Almeida.jpg 913 × 1,329; 514 KB
Travel journal belonging to Peter Johnston-Saint, 1930 Wellcome L0075274.jpg 7,539 × 4,658; 6.76 MB
Travel journal belonging to Peter Johnston-Saint, 1930 Wellcome L0075275.jpg 5,555 × 6,188; 7.75 MB
Travel journal belonging to Peter Johnston-Saint, 1930 Wellcome L0075276.jpg 4,917 × 5,574; 6.55 MB
Travel journal belonging to Peter Johnston-Saint, 1930 Wellcome L0075277.jpg 7,580 × 4,708; 6.79 MB
Trosner-158.png 3,943 × 5,021; 18.51 MB
Ulrich Christoph Gradmann Tagebuch Ausschnitt.jpg 2,761 × 4,683; 2.41 MB
Urszula Tarnowska - Xięga czasu - 0001 - plik przycięty.tif 2,633 × 4,228; 31.85 MB
Urszula Tarnowska - Xięga czasu - 0002 - plik przycięty.tif 2,698 × 4,217; 32.55 MB
Urszula Tarnowska - Xięga czasu - 0004 - plik przycięty.tif 2,684 × 4,196; 32.22 MB
User record for the mangle in Zaschendorf.jpg 800 × 534; 224 KB
Vaisala diary.JPG 2,000 × 1,301; 613 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733419613).jpg 6,261 × 4,971; 2.54 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733421983).jpg 3,404 × 5,061; 1 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733427547).jpg 6,256 × 4,908; 2.81 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733429035).jpg 6,456 × 5,050; 2.76 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733429681).jpg 3,625 × 2,874; 1.14 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733460955).jpg 3,560 × 2,935; 1.15 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733461371).jpg 3,559 × 2,892; 1,020 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733463599).jpg 1,516 × 2,433; 463 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733464155).jpg 3,015 × 2,438; 734 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733464573).jpg 3,577 × 2,848; 1.01 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733465001).jpg 3,472 × 2,793; 1.01 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733465283).jpg 1,505 × 2,425; 380 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733466041).jpg 4,080 × 3,256; 1.69 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733467297).jpg 3,527 × 2,898; 1.08 MB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733469813).jpg 3,546 × 2,908; 1.08 MB
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Viles-wyman av701 (9733471437).jpg 1,499 × 2,419; 451 KB
Viles-wyman av701 (9733474945).jpg 3,507 × 2,920; 1.16 MB