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Category:Dyatlov Pass incident

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<nowiki>Accidente del Paso Diatlov; Gyatlov-rejtély; Dyatlov Pasabideko Gertakaria; Pas de Diàtlov; Unglück am Djatlow-Pass; Unglück am Djatlow-Pass; Даьтловин кхарстархойн тоба йер; Dyatlov Pass incident; Դյատլովի տուրիստական խմբի վախճանը; 佳特洛夫事件; Dyatlov Pass hændelsen; Incidentul Diatlov; ディアトロフ峠事件; Olyckan vid Djatlovpasset; ඩයැට්ලොව් දුර්ග සිද්ධිය; Dýatlow geçelgesi; Djatlovin solan onnettomuus; Dyatlov Pass incident; neštěstí v Ďatlovově průsmyku; incidente del passo di Djatlov; affaire du col Dyatlov; Djatlovi kuru intsident; 댜틀로프 고개 사건; Συμβάν στο Πέρασμα Ντιάτλοφ; Dyatlov Geçidi Vakası; Incidente do Passo Dyatlov; гибель тургруппы Дятлова; Djatlova caurlaides incidents; Dyatlov Pas insident; Diatlovo perėjos incidentas; رخداد گذرگاه دیتلوف; Sự kiện đèo Dyatlov; Incidente do Passo Dyatlov; Ongeluk in de Djatlovpas; Insiden Dyatlov Pass; Tragedia na Przełęczy Diatłowa; Hendelsen i Djatlovpasset; Dyatlov keçidi; Загибель тургрупи Дятлова; תקרית מעבר דייטלוב; Инцидент при прохода Дятлов; Трагедија пролаза Дјатлов; Dyatlov Pass incident; حادثة معبر دياتلوف; 迪亚特洛夫事件; Morto ĉe montpasejo Djatlov; morte di nove escursionisti negli Urali settentrionali nel 1959; 1959-ben az Urálban történt rejtélyes haláleset; matkagrupi hukkumine selgitamata põhjustel 1959. aastal; невыясненная гибель группы туристов в 1959 году на Северном Урале; ungeklärter Tod von neun Skiwanderern im Ural 1959; cái chết chưa được giải của 9 người thợ đi núi ở Nga; مرگ های حل نشده در اتحاد جماهیر شوروی(۱۹۵۹); 1959年9名蘇聯登山者死亡事件; moartea în circumstanțe misterioase a unui grup de turiști conduși de Igor Deatlov; 1959年にソビエト連邦で発生した死亡事件; 1959年9名苏联登山者死亡事件; olycka då nio skidåkare dog vid Djatlovpasset 2 februari 1959; záhadné úmrtí Ďatlovovy výpravy na Urale v roce 1959; תקרית מסתורית שהביאה למותם של תשעה גולשים בהרי אורל בליל ה-2 בפברואר, 1959.; нез'ясована загибель групи туристів в 1959 році на Північному Уралі; morts non élucidées de randonneurs russes dans les montagnes de l'Oural, la nuit du 1er au 2 février 1959.; 1959 yılında Sovyetler Birliği'ndeki faili meçhul ölümler; suceso inexplicable que provocó la muerte de 9 excursionistas en los montes Urales; yhdeksän ihmistä surmannut onnettomuus Venäjän Uralvuorilla 1959; unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union (now Russia) between 1 February and 2 February 1959; حادثة وقعت بالاتحاد السوفييتي سابقا عام 1959 م لمجموعة من الرحالة ووفاتهم جميعا; Υπόθεση ανεξιχνίαστων θανάτων; mortes não resolvidas na União Soviética em 1959; гибель группы Дятлова; incidente del passo Djatlov; incidente del passo di Dyatlov; 迪亚特洛夫事件; 迪亞特洛夫事件; incident v Djatlovově průsmyku; Ďatlovova výprava</nowiki>
Dyatlov Pass incident 
unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union (now Russia) between 1 February and 2 February 1959
A view of the tent as the rescuers found it on Feb. 26, 1959. The tent had been cut open from inside, and most of the skiers had fled in socks or barefoot. Photo taken by soviet authorities at the camp of the Dyatlov Pass incident and anexed to the legal inquest that investigated the deaths.
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Instance of
Named after
Point in time
  • 2 February 1959
Number of deaths
  • 9
Number of injured
  • 0
Different from
Map61° 45′ 17″ N, 59° 27′ 46″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q814484
NL CR AUT ID: ko20211122192
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English: The Dyatlov Pass incident refers to an event that resulted in the deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural mountains on the night of February 2, 1959. It happened on the east shoulder of the mountain Kholat Syakhl (Холат Сяхл) (a Mansi name, meaning Mountain of the Dead). The mountain pass where the incident occurred has since been named Dyatlov Pass (Перевал Дятлова) after the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov (Игорь Дятлов).


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