Category:Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building

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The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank building at 51 Chambers Street between Broadway and Centre Street in the Civic Center neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, was built in 1908-1912 and was designed by Raymond F. Almirall in the Beaux-Arts style. It was the first skyscrapers to use the "H" lay-out. The bank itself was organized in 1850 by Roman Catholic Bishop John Hughes and the Irish Emigrant Society, with the purpose of protecting the savings of Irish immigrants to the city. The building is now owned by the City of New York, and was designated a NYC landmark in 1984; both the exterior and interior are landmarked. (Source: Guide to NYC Landmarks (4th ed.))

Diese Kategorie enthält Dateien zu einem Objekt, das im National Register of Historic Places der Vereinigten Staaten verzeichnet ist. Die Referenznummer lautet 82003375.

<nowiki>Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; Palazzo della Banca di risparmio industriale per emigranti; Emigrant Bank Building; 移民工業儲蓄銀行大樓; Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building; 49 تشامبرز; צ'מברס 49; Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Binası; bank New York'ta bina; Palazzo di New York; Hochhaus in New York City; גורד שחקים בארצות הברית; architectural structure; strukturë arkitekturore; споруда; bouwwerk in de Verenigde Staten; Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building; Former Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; 49 Chambers Building; 51 Chambers Street; Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; Former Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; Former Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building; 49 Chambers; 51 Chambers Street; 49 Chambers Street</nowiki>
Emigrant Bank Building 
Hochhaus in New York City
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
OrtManhattan, New York City, New York
offizielle Website
Karte40° 42′ 50″ N, 74° 00′ 19″ W
Wikidata Q1335726
ISNI: 0000000092160933
VIAF-Kennung: 135073797
LCAuth-Kennung: n2004064176
Structurae-Bauwerk-ID: 20021919
NRHP-ID: 82003375
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Medien in der Kategorie „Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building“

Folgende 81 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 81 insgesamt.