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Category:National Register of Historic Places

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English: National Register of Historic Places of the United States. The Register includes the following three groups of properties.
  1. Nominated listings:
    • Individual structures or properties
    • Districts of multiple properties
  2. All National Historic Landmarks:
    • Individual structures or properties
    • Districts of multiple properties
  3. All units of the National Park Service that are historic in character, including
Español: El Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. El registro tiene tres grupos de propriedades:
  • listados nominados:
    • Estructuras o propriedades individuales
    • Distritos de muchas propriedades
  • Todos los Hitos Históricos Nacionales:
    • Estructuras o propriedades individuales
    • Distritos de muchas propriedades
  • Todas las unidades del Servicio de Parques Nacionales que tienen personajes históricos:
  • <nowiki>Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos; Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Gune Historikoen Erregistroa; Rexistru Nacional de Llugares Históricos; Национальный реестр исторических мест США; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; ԱՄՆ-ի պատմական վայրերի ազգային գրանցիչ; 國家史蹟名錄; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; アメリカ合衆国国家歴史登録財; National Register of Historic Places; Національний реєстр історичних місць США; 國家歷史遺蹟; Nacionala registro pri historiala loki; National Register of Historic Places; Registo Nacional de Lugares Históricos; National Register of Historic Places; Национален регистар на историски места; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; Nacia Registro de Historiaj Lokoj; Registre national des lieux historiques; National Register of Historic Places; Нацыянальны рэестар гістарычных мясьцінаў ЗША; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; ثبت ملی اماکن تاریخی; Нацыянальны рэестр гістарычных месцаў ЗША; 미국 국가 사적지; National Register of Historic Places; Sổ bộ Địa danh Lịch sử Quốc gia Hoa Kỳ; Nasjonaal Register fan Histoaryske Plakken; Nacionālais vēsturisko vietu reģistrs; தேசிய வரலாற்று இடங்கள் பதிகை; ทะเบียนสิ่งสำคัญทางประวัติศาสตร์แห่งชาติ; Nacionalni register zgodovinskih krajev; 国家历史遗迹; Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos; Naitional Register o Historic Places; US National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places; ABŞ-ın Tarixi Yerlərin Milli Reyestri; המרשם הלאומי של מקומות היסטוריים; National Register of Historic Places; Daftar Tempat Bersejarah Kebangsaan; Registre Nacional de Llocs Històrics; Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos; السجل الوطني للأماكن التاريخية; 国家历史遗迹; National Register of Historic Places; lista federal de lugares históricos en los Estados Unidos; Liste officielle des lieux historiques des États-Unis; llista federal de llugares históricos nos Estaos Xuníos; официальный перечень памятников культуры США; offizielle Kulturdenkmalliste der Vereinigten Staaten; danh sách chính thức của chính quyền liên bang Mĩ về các địa điểm và công trình xứng đáng được bảo tồn vì ý nghĩa lịch sử; афіцыйны пералік помнікаў культуры ЗША; 美國歷史遺址名單; 連邦政府が管轄する史跡一覧(アメリカ合衆国); officiell lista över kulturellt viktiga platser i USA; lista zabytków w USA; USAs offisielle liste over bevaringsverdige steder og gjenstander; register van historische plaatsen in de Verenigde Staten; federal list of historic sites in the United States; סוכנות ממשלתית אמריקנית; elenco federale dei luoghi storici da preservare del governo degli Stati Uniti; rekisteri suojeltavista historiallisista kohteista Yhdysvalloissa; lista federal de lugares históricos nlos Estados Unidos; senarai persekutuan bagi tapak-tapak bersejarah di Amerika Syarikat; oficiální seznam kulturních památek USA hodných federální ochrany; lista federal de locais históricos nos EUA; NRHP; Daftar Tempat Sejarah Kebangsaan; 歴史遺産登録制度; 国家歴史登録財; NRHP; NRHP; Registro Nacional de Lugares Historicos; RNLH; NRHP; United States National Register of Historic Places; US NRHP; U.S. NRHP; U.S. National Register of Historic Places; NRHP; Registro nazionale dei luoghi storici; US NRHP; U.S. NRHP; U.S. National Register of Historic Places; National Register of Historic Places degli Stati Uniti; RLNS; 国家历史遗迹; NRHP</nowiki>
    National Register of Historic Places 
    federal list of historic sites in the United States
    Upload media
    Instance of
    • United States
    Maintained by
    Has part(s)
    • National Register criteria for evaluation
    • National Register of Historic Places listed place
    • NRHP multiple property submission
    • National Register of Historic Places nomination form
    • Weekly List
    • National Register property and resource category
    • address restricted
    • National Register of Historic Places multiple listing cover form
    • National Register Information System (digital distribution)
    • 1966
    official website
    Authority file
    Wikidata Q3719
    ISNI: 0000000121076950
    VIAF cluster ID: 125458723
    GND ID: 5255592-6
    Library of Congress authority ID: n50056823
    IdRef ID: 200217437
    National Library of Israel ID (old): 002106927
    NORAF ID: 8036737
    BabelNet ID: 03485040n
    J9U ID: 987007590151705171
    Open Library ID: OL1501675A
    Union List of Artist Names ID: 500253387
    Edit infobox data on Wikidata


    This category has the following 27 subcategories, out of 27 total.

    Pages in category "National Register of Historic Places"

    This category contains only the following page.

    Media in category "National Register of Historic Places"

    This category contains only the following file.