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- (en) Epistemology
- (af) Epistemologie
- (an) Epistemolochía
- (ar) نظرية المعرفة
- (bg) Епистемология
- (ca) Epistemologia
- (cs) Gnozeologie
- (cy) Epistemoleg
- (da) Erkendelsesteori
- (de) Erkenntnistheorie
- (eo) Sciteorio
- (es) Epistemología
- (et) Epistemoloogia
- (eu) Epistemologia
- (fa) شناختشناسی
- (fi) Tietoteoria
- (fr) Théorie de la connaissance
- (ga) Eipistéimeolaíocht
- (gl) Epistemoloxía
- (he) תורת ההכרה
- (hu) Ismeretelmélet
- (id) Epistemologi
- (io) Epistemologio
- (is) Þekkingarfræði
- (it) Gnoseologia
- (ja) 認識論
- (ka) ეპისტემოლოგია
- (la) Epistemologia
- (lt) Epistemologija
- (ms) Epistemologi
- (nl) Kennistheorie
- (no) Erkjennelsesteori
- (oc) Epistemologia
- (pl) Epistemologia
- (pt) Epistemologia
- (ru) Эпистемология
- (simple) Epistemology
- (sk) Teória poznania
- (sl) Gnoseologija
- (sq) Epistimologjia
- (sr) Епистемологија
- (sv) Kunskapsteori
- (ta) அறிவாய்வியல்
- (th) ญาณวิทยา
- (tl) Epistemolohiya
- (tr) Epistemoloji
- (uk) Епістемологія
- (uz) Epistemologiya
- (vi) Nhận thức luận
- (zh) 知识论
- (zh-min-nan) Jīn-sek-lūn
- (zh-yue) 知識論
English: Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature, scope, and limitations of knowledge.
branch of philosophy studying the nature and scope of knowledge | |||||
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Instance of | |||||
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Said to be the same as | gnoseology, theory of knowledge, philosophy of science | ||||
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This category has the following 30 subcategories, out of 30 total.
Media in category "Epistemology"
The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total.
1 Pramana Epistemology Charvaka Hindu school.svg 512 × 817; 7 KB
1. Epistemology of models1.png 1,168 × 1,110; 340 KB
2 Pramana Epistemology Buddhism.svg 512 × 817; 9 KB
2 Pramana Epistemology Vaisheshika Hindu school.svg 512 × 817; 7 KB
3 Pramana Epistemology Jainism.svg 512 × 817; 9 KB
3 Pramana Epistemology Samkhya Yoga Hindu schools.svg 512 × 817; 11 KB
4 Pramanas, epistemology according to ancient Nyayasutras.svg 512 × 817; 12 KB
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre von Moritz Schlick.png 403 × 617; 33 KB
Ampère - Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, 1838 - 3912601 323893 1 00011.tif 1,934 × 3,334; 18.66 MB
Arbre objet terrain recherche voute.png 790 × 576; 11 KB
Autism and Hermeneutical Injustice.png 2,152 × 1,864; 151 KB
Autism and Testimonial injustice.png 5,992 × 3,392; 239 KB
Back cover of "Ācārya Kundakunda’s Pravacanasāra – Essence of the Doctrine" (2018).jpg 1,800 × 2,700; 1.64 MB
BOPelvis-example.jpg 488 × 226; 46 KB
Brain in a vat (de).png 819 × 872; 158 KB
Carta del Cellario ricostruzione.png 664 × 520; 55 KB
Catch-22.png 3,504 × 4,040; 231 KB
Cerborg.png 2,000 × 1,545; 100 KB
Classical definition of Kno uk.svg 604 × 404; 5 KB
Descartes Epistolae London 1668-2.gif 471 × 711; 23 KB
Eco storico 3.jpg 1,227 × 798; 151 KB
Epistemic injustice.png 1,880 × 1,444; 101 KB
Epistemic Insight Discipline Wheel.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 58 KB
EpistemologiaQuaerenz.png 639 × 475; 19 KB
Epistemology.png 677 × 294; 11 KB
Eskimo-kinship-chart.png 900 × 296; 8 KB
Eskimo-kinship-chart.svg 900 × 296; 14 KB
Evaluation vecteurs connaissance technique.jpg 1,381 × 860; 115 KB
Forming Firm Beliefs.gif 640 × 480; 45 KB
Foundationalism, coherentism, and infinitism.png 1,373 × 457; 40 KB
Foundationalism, coherentism, infinitism.svg 512 × 232; 4 KB
Foundationalism, coherentism, infinitism2.svg 512 × 171; 7 KB
Front cover of "Ācārya Kundakunda’s Pravacanasāra – Essence of the Doctrine" (2018).jpg 1,800 × 2,700; 1.95 MB
Frontispiece Smithsonian Bulletin163.jpg 1,715 × 1,287; 1.65 MB
Goldman1.jpg 401 × 142; 6 KB
Hawaiian-kinship-chart.png 900 × 279; 10 KB
Hawaiian-kinship-chart.svg 920 × 285; 13 KB
Historia de los pobres Margarita Durán.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.33 MB
Iriquois-kinship-chart.png 859 × 273; 13 KB
Justified true belief.png 470 × 435; 47 KB
Layers of Abstraction.jpg 2,280 × 1,990; 374 KB
LossiusUrsachendesWahrenTitel.JPG 1,038 × 1,332; 159 KB
Mat2.svg 300 × 200; 10 KB
Mat3.svg 300 × 200; 8 KB
Metaphysics and Epistemology.webm 1 h 14 min 10 s, 320 × 240; 94.06 MB
Metodología.jpg 1,974 × 1,586; 515 KB
Nicchie disciplinari.png 505 × 490; 38 KB
Obrázek.png 768 × 614; 15 KB
Philippe Descola, Par dela nature et culture maitrier.jpg 389 × 622; 140 KB
Platon thumb fr.gif 275 × 195; 7 KB
Platão - Mundo Sensível x Inteligível - eo.svg 1,052 × 744; 1.14 MB
Platão - Mundo Sensível x Inteligível - pt.svg 1,052 × 744; 646 KB
RAT problem, DLW.png 267 × 118; 11 KB
RAT Problem, DLW.png 136 × 120; 9 KB
Rozměry poznání.jpg 939 × 744; 78 KB
Science articulation630.png 630 × 450; 136 KB
Tardigrade reading a book.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.06 MB
Tietovee001.jpg 720 × 540; 65 KB
Untitled Diagram.png 714 × 1,338; 83 KB
Vselennaya.jpg 4,975 × 6,289; 1.29 MB
Všechno.png 768 × 614; 18 KB
Ācārya Kundakunda’s Samayasāra – with Hindi and English Translation.jpg 1,950 × 2,850; 1.79 MB
ص 2 من محتويات كتاب إبستيمولوجيا السوسيولوجيا للدكتور محمَّدحسين الرفاعي.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.79 MB
ص 3 من محتويات كتاب إبستيمولوجيا السوسيولوجيا للدكتور محمَّدحسين الرفاعي.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.77 MB
“Não sou a subalterna que o senhorio crê que construiu ” feminismo negro, inclusão e Educação de Jovens e Adultos.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 20 pages; 2.04 MB