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Category:Eystein (III) Meyla

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<nowiki>Eystein Meyla; Eystein Eysteinsson; Эйстейн III Девчушка; Øystein Møyla; Eystein Meyla; Йойстейн Мейла; Øystein Øysteinsson Møyla; エイステイン・メイヤー; Øystein Øysteinsson Møyla; 埃斯泰因·梅拉; אייסטיין מוליה; Øystein Øysteinsson Møyla; Ейстейн III; Øystein Møyla; Eystein Eysteinsson; 埃斯泰因·梅拉; Øystein Møyla; Eystein Meyla; Eystein Meyla; Eystein Meyla; Άισταϊν Μάιλα; Эйстэйн III Дзяўчынка; кароль Нарвегіі (1176—1177); Birkebeinerkönig; Elected a rival King of Norway during the Norwegian Civil War (1157–1177); Эйнстейн Девчонка; Эйнстейн Дева; Эйстейн Мейла; Эйстейн Дева; Øistein Øistenson Møyla; Øystein Møyla; Øystein Øysteinson; Ейнстейн III; Oystein Moyla; Eystein Meyla; Oystein Møyla; Øystein Moyla; Эйстэйн Дзяўчынка; Øystein Møyla; 埃斯泰因·美依拿; 埃斯泰因·莫伊爾; Oystein Moyla</nowiki>
Eystein Meyla 
Elected a rival King of Norway during the Norwegian Civil War (1157–1177)
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Date of birth1157
Date of death1177
Re Municipality
  • anti-king
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Media in category "Eystein (III) Meyla"

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