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Category:Formal methods

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<nowiki>método formal; 形式化方法; Formális módszerek; Metodo formalak; Kaedah formal; Formale Methode; фармальныя метады; روش‌های صوری; 形式化方法; Biçimsel yöntemler; 形式化方法; formella metoder; Формальні методи; 形式化方法; 정형 기법; formala metodo; metodo formale; méthode formelle; фармальныя мэтады; Các phương pháp hình thức; Формалне методе; מתודות פורמליות; métodos formais; Metoda formal; metody formalne; formelle metoder; Formal metodlar; Формальные методы; Metodat formale; 形式手法; Formalūs metodai; formal methods; أساليب رسمية; 形式化方法; formele methoden; mathematical program specification intended to allow correctness proofs, including algorithmically; insieme di tecniche matematicamente rigorose per la specifica, sviluppo e verifica di sistemi software e hardware; matematisk programspesifikasjon ment å tillate korrekthetsbevis, inkludert algoritmisk; Techniques de raisonnement mathématique sur des programmes ou du matériel informatique; Métodos formales; Metodo formal; Metodos formales; 形式的手法; フォーマルメソッド; méthodes formelles; methode formelle; фармальны мэтад; שיטות פורמליות; formele methode; Formale Methoden; 형식수법; 형식 수법; 정형기법; Método formal; روش های صوری; توابع رسمی; توابع صوری; روش های رسمی; 形式方法; metodi formali</nowiki>
formal methods 
mathematical program specification intended to allow correctness proofs, including algorithmically
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  • method
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Wikidata Q1049183
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 60444
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.

Media in category "Formal methods"

The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total.