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<nowiki>geoparque; geopark; jarðvangur; geoparke; geoparc; Geopark; geopháirc; ژئوپارک; 地质公园; geopark; jeopark; 地質公園; geopark; геопарк; 地質公園; भूद्यान; geopuisto; ジオパーク; geopark; geopark; 地质公园; geoparco; geopark; géoparc; geopark; geopark; geoparc; 지질공원; геопарк; геопарк; geopark; אתר מורשת גאולוגי; geopark; geopark; taman bumi; công viên địa chất; геопарк; geopark; geologia parko; geoparque; geopark; อุทยานธรณี; geopark; geopark; geopark; геопарк; գեոպարկ; geoparc; geoparque; xeoparque; حديقة جيولوجية; γεωπάρκο; geopark; territorio con patrimonio geológico relevante; 保全と普及に取り組む「大地の公園」の地域認定プログラム。; geológiai élménypark; природозаштитно подрачје од геолошко значење; kawasan terpadu untuk perlindungan dan penggunaan warisan geologi secara berkelanjutan.; terytorium ze znaczącym chronionym dziedzictwem geologicznym; geologicky cenné území, kde jsou ve spolupráci s místními obyvateli a organizacemi rozvíjeny aktivity na podporu rozvoje oblasti, návštěvnosti a vzdělanosti; territorio con un rilevante patrimonio geologico; геологический заповедник; geologisten luonnonpuistojen verkosto; Gebiet, in dem Erdgeschichte erlebbar gemacht wird; área delimitada para a salvaguarda de património geológico; unified area that advances the protection and use of geological heritage in a sustainable way; type d'aire protégée; 包括地质、考古、生态等科学研究价值的区域; enotno območje, ki spodbuja varstvo in trajnostno uporabo geološke dediščine; narodni geopark; 地質遺産; 大地の公園; Label Géoparc; geopark; nationaler Geopark; công viên địa chất toàn cầu; 지오파크; geopark</nowiki>
unified area that advances the protection and use of geological heritage in a sustainable way
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Wikidata Q1324355
GND ID: 4824467-3
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2004014560
NDL Authority ID: 001130492
NL CR AUT ID: ph502996
J9U ID: 987007535134005171
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English: This category contains media about geoparks, which is a UNESCO brand. They exist on three levels, national, regional and global. The global must also be regional and national if national exists in the country, while the regional must also be national if the level exists. The name, geological park, is not per se a geopark. It may occur coincidentally in some UNESCO national geoparks.
 See also categories: Geological exhibitions and Geological parks.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Media in category "Geoparks"

The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.