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Nederlands: Afbeeldingen van de gemeente Gent in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen in het noordwesten van België (bron [1])
<nowiki>Gante; Gent; Gent; Gent; Гент; Ghent; Jänt (Shtadt); گینٹ; Gent; Gant; Гэнт; Gent; Gent; Gent; Gent; Ganti; Gand; Gent; Gent; Гент; Гент; Gent; Gent; Gent; خنت; Gent; ဂင့်မြို့; 岡城; Гент; Gante; Gent; Gent; Gent; Gant; Gent; Գենտ; 根特; Gint; გენტი; ヘント; جنت; Ghent; ඝෙන්ට්; Gandavum; खेंट; 根特; Gent; Gant; Ghent; ஜிஹெண்ட்; Gent; Гент; Gent; Gent; เกนต์; Gent; Гент; Gand; Gent; Gent; Ghent; Гент; Gand; Gent; Gent; 根特; Gent; Gant; Gento; Gent; Gant; জেন্ট; Gent; გენტი; Gent; Gante; Ghent; Гент; Gent; Gent; ಘೆಂಟ್; Ghent; Gent; ઘેન્ટ; Gante; 𐌲𐌴𐌽𐍄; Gent; Гент; Гент; Gent; Gent; Gent; גנט; Гент; Gent; Gent; ఘెంట్; Ghent; Gent; ᱜᱷᱮᱱᱴ; Ghent; Gent; Gand; گنت; Կենթ; Gandawa; Gent; Gænt; Gant; Gent; Gent; Гент; Гент; Gante; Gent; Gent; Gent; Gentas; Gent; Gante; Гент; Gente; Gent; Gent; Gent; Gent; गेंट; Гент; 헨트; Gent; Gante; غینٹ; Γάνδη; Ghent; ciudad de Bélgica; város Belgium flamand régiójában, Kelet-Flandria tartomány székhelye; cità in Belghju; llocalidá de Bélxica; ciutat flamenca; Stadt in Flandern, Belgien; citii i' Beljum; شهری در بلژیک; 比利时东佛兰德省城市与省会; belgisk by; Doğu Flandre iline bağlı kent ve belediye (Flaman Bölgesi, Belçika); ベルギーの都市; stad och kommun i provinsen Östflandern, Belgien; עיר בבלגיה; urbs Belgiae; e Stadt z Flandere, Belgie; 벨기에 플랑드르 지자체에 위치한 도시이다.; Urbo en Flandrio, Belgio; град во Источна Фландрија, Белгија; siudat den Belgika; città del Belgio; ville de Flandre-Orientale, en Belgique; места ва Ўсходняй Фляндрыі (Бэльгія); cidade na província de Flandres Oriental, Bélgica; belt fil-Belġju; pilsēta Beļģijā, Flandrijā; cidade de Bélxica; 位于比利时弗拉芒大区的一个自治市; ville ed Bergike; grad u Belgiji; sídlo v provincii Východní Flandry v Belgii; kota di Belgia; miasto (prow. Flandria Wschodnia, Belgia); by i Belgia; stad en hoofdplaats van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, België; ciutat flamenca; город в Бельгии; dinas yn Ngwlad Belg; belsch Stad; city in the province of East Flanders, Belgium; بلدية في مقاطعة فلانديرز، بلجيكا; city in the province of East Flanders, Belgium; kaupunki Belgiassa; Gent; Ghent; Guanto; Gent; Gand; Blumenstadt; Gand; Gande; Gent; Ghent; Gent; Gāna; Ģente; Gent-Gand; Ghent; Gand; Gand; Gent; Gent; Gand; Stad Gent; Arteveldestad; Ghent; Gand; Ghent; Gand; ᱜᱷᱮᱸᱴ; Ganda; Gent; Gand; قنط; غنت; غينت; Gent; Gand; Gand; Gent</nowiki>
city in the province of East Flanders, Belgium
Centrala Gent
Stadens läge i provinsen Östflandern.
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Spoken text audio
Instance of
Part of
  • East Flanders
  • Emergency zone East Flanders Center
  • Police zone Ghent
Named after
Patron saint
  • Arrondissement of Ghent
  • Belgium
Located in or next to body of water
  • Ghent
Official language
  • Klokke Roeland (unknown value – )
Head of government
Legal form
  • Cities and municipalities
Significant event
  • Fall of Ghent
  • Siege of Ghent
  • Siege of Ghent
  • 265,086 (2022)
  • 157.77 km² (2021)
Top-level Internet domain
  • .gent (2014–)
Different from
official website
Map51° 03′ 13″ N, 3° 43′ 31″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q1296
ISNI: 0000000406127942
VIAF cluster ID: 128544040
GND ID: 4020176-4
Library of Congress authority ID: n79021344
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11949424z
IdRef ID: 027457443
NL CR AUT ID: ge221887
National Library of Spain ID: XX451131
NORAF ID: 98046368
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10045083
J9U ID: 987007554809405171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 897671
OpenStreetMap node ID: 1668655163
GitHub username: StadGent
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