<nowiki>Enfermedad de Hers; glycogénose type 6; Penyakit Hers; Choroba Hersa; Хвороба Херса; Болезнь Хэрса; Morbus Hers; Hersin tauti; glycogen storage disease VI; داء اختزان الغلايكوجين النمط السادس; 肝醣儲積症第八型; Malaltia de Hers; Болезни накопления гликогена; Krankheit; Glycogen storage disease; Choroby spichrzeniowe glikogenu; дефіцит печінкової фосфорилази; Гликогеноз VI типа; maladie de Hers; Hers' disease; Glycogen storage disease, type VI (disorder); glycogen storage disease type VI; hepatic glycogen phosphorylase deficiency (disorder); hepatophosphorylase deficiency glycogenosis; hepatic glycogen phosphorylase deficiency; Glycogen storage disease type 6; Hers Disease; Glycogen storage disease due to liver glycogen phosphorylase deficiency; Glycogenosis type VI; GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VI; GSD6; Glycogenosis due to liver glycogen phosphorylase deficiency; GSD due to liver glycogen phosphorylase deficiency; Hepatic phosphorylase deficiency; GSD type VI; Gsd 6; Liver glycogen phosphorylase deficiency; Phosphorylase Deficiency Glycogen-Storage Disease of Liver; GSD6; GSD type 6; GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VI; Glycogenosis type 6; Glikogenoza typu VI; GSD VI; Глікогеноз, VI тип</nowiki>