Category:Grauman's Chinese Theatre

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English: Grauman's Chinese Theatre — on Hollywood Boulevard, in Hollywood
<nowiki>Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Китайский театр TLC; Grauman’s Chinese Theatre; تئاتر چینی تی‌سی‌ال; 中國戲院; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Teatrul Chinezesc Grauman; گرومن چینی تھیٹر; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Китайський театр TCL; Graumanni Theatrum Sinicum; 中國戲院; Grauman’s Chinese Theatre; Ĉina Teatrejo; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Κινέζικο Θέατρο Γκράουμαν; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; TCL Çin Tiyatrosu; התיאטרון הסיני של גראומן; Grauman se Chinese teater; Graumano kinų teatras; Grauman’s Chinese Theatre; Theatr Tsieineaidd Grauman; TCL Chinese Theatre; Китайски театър на Грауман; โรงละครแกรมแมนส์ไชนิส; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; TCL 차이니즈 시어터; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; 中國戲院; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; المسرح الصيني "تي سي إل"; 中国戏院; グローマンズ・チャイニーズ・シアター; sala de cine en Hollywood, California, Estados Unidos; salle de cinéma; Кинотеатр в Лос-Анджелесе (США); Kinogebäude; JAV kino teatras Holivude, Los Andžele; cinematograf din Los Angeles; アメリカ合衆国ハリウッドにある映画館; biografi i Hollywood, Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA; bouwwerk in Los Angeles; 電影院; kineja palaco sur la historia Trotuaro de famo en Holivudo; bioskop di Amerika Serikat; elokuvateatteri Yhdysvaltojen Kaliforniassa; movie theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA; مسرح أفلام في هوليوود، لوس أنجلوس; โรงภาพยนตร์ในฮอลลีวูด ลอสแอนเจลิส; kinematograf v Hollywoodu (Los Angeles, Kalifornija, ZDA); Chinese Theatre; Grauman’s Chinese Theater; Mann's Chinese Theater; Chinese Theater; Mann's Chinese Theatre; Grauman’s Chinese Theatre; Théâtre chinois de Sid Grauman; Grauman's Chinese Theater; Chinese Theatre; Китайский театр Граумана; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; Graumans Chinese Theatre; Китайски театър на Груман; TCL kinų teatras; Mano kinų teatras; チャイニーズシアター; チャイニーズ・シアター; โรงละครทีซีแอลไชนิส; โรงละครแมนน์สไชนิส; Grauman's Chinese Theater; Teatr Chiński; Grauman's Chinese Theater; TCL Chinese Theatre; 中国戏院; 中国大剧院; 格勞曼中國劇院; Mann's Chinese Theater; Grauman’s Chinese Theatre; Grauman's Chinese Theater; Grauman's Chinese Theatre; TCL Chinese Theater; Mann's Chinese Theater; Mann's Chinese Theater; Chinese Theatre; TCL Chinese Theatre; 中国大剧院; Grauman's Chinese Theater</nowiki>
Grauman's Chinese Theatre 
movie theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
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Instance of
LocationLos Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, Pacific States Region
Street address
  • 6925 Hollywood Blvd,Hollywood, CA 90028
  • 18 May 1927
Date of official opening
  • 18 May 1927
Maximum capacity
  • 932
official website
Map34° 06′ 07″ N, 118° 20′ 27″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1122565
VIAF cluster ID: 135021376
Library of Congress authority ID: n93117147
J9U ID: 987007290655105171
Structurae structure ID: 20009399
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Media in category "Grauman's Chinese Theatre"

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