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Català: Gremi
Deutsch: Innungen, Zünfte
English: Guild
Español: Gremio, Guilda, Corporación
Français : Corporations
Italiano: Corporazioni
Nederlands: Gilde
Picard : Corporacions
Русский: Цехи, гильдии, кумпанства, корпорации, компании

This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Media in category "Guilds"
The following 107 files are in this category, out of 107 total.
De-Zunft.ogg 1.7 s; 16 KB
Goldsmiths Company of Dublin Coat of Arms on postage stamp.jpg 653 × 485; 36 KB
APDG Logo.png 2,488 × 1,018; 191 KB
Apothecaries Hall, Dublin, Coat of Arms.jpg 2,431 × 2,431; 1.6 MB
Azulejo oficios-Cantero26.png 1,117 × 1,130; 2.52 MB
Azulejo oficios-Guarnicionero.jpg 679 × 678; 158 KB
Azulejo oficios-Herrero7.png 1,482 × 1,489; 4.82 MB
Azulejo oficios-Mimbrero30.png 1,117 × 1,130; 2.61 MB
Azulejo oficios-Panadero32.png 1,117 × 1,130; 2.79 MB
Azulejo oficios-Pasamanero10.png 1,085 × 1,120; 2.64 MB
Azulejo oficios-Sombrerero46.png 1,085 × 1,093; 2.59 MB
Azulejo oficios-Tonelero.jpg 518 × 527; 95 KB
Azulejo oficios-Vinatero.jpg 675 × 691; 111 KB
Azulejo oficios-Zapatero34.png 1,117 × 1,130; 2.64 MB
Blue Plaque in Clerks' Place, Bishopsgate, London EC3.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.11 MB
Váci gombkötőcéh céhlevele.jpg 600 × 469; 79 KB
OHM - Zunftzeichen Zimmerer.jpg 2,560 × 1,712; 1.02 MB
Welcome cup3.JPG 813 × 1,200; 433 KB
Coat of arms of arquebussiers of St. Andrew and St. Barbara of Ostende.jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4 MB
Collier of a guild of crossbowmen from Opheers (1).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 5.06 MB
Collier of a guild of crossbowmen from Opheers (2).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.63 MB
Collier of the St. Sebastian Guild.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.53 MB
Dhënia e testirit (skicë).jpg 1,800 × 968; 167 KB
Dunamocs112.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 666 KB
Flößerfahne 9542.jpg 3,839 × 3,839; 3.56 MB
Flößerfahne 9543.jpg 5,116 × 3,410; 4.52 MB
Frå skrå for Onarheimsgildet.jpg 772 × 502; 208 KB
Gildezilver 1500.JPG 2,304 × 3,072; 2.83 MB
Goldsmith Hall - 2nd half of the 19th century.jpg 1,227 × 600; 150 KB
Goldsmiths Hall. Engraved by W Angus c.1814..jpg 495 × 361; 60 KB
Guild Book of Saint-Bernulphus.jpg 726 × 992; 308 KB
Guild insigna birds (1).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.56 MB
Guild insigna birds (2).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.44 MB
Guild insigna birds (3).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.56 MB
Guild insigna birds (4).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.88 MB
Guild insigna birds (5).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.72 MB
Guild torch of bakers guild (detail).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 3 MB
Guild torch of the bakers guild.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 3.88 MB
Guild torch.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 3.84 MB
Guild torches.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 3.47 MB
Incorporated Trades Minute Book for Cupar Burgh.jpg 2,322 × 4,128; 2.2 MB
Izb.Rzem. Poznan.jpg 813 × 798; 190 KB
L-14-07-19-A (14705689551).jpg 3,600 × 2,400; 4.66 MB
L-14-07-19-A (14708577082).jpg 3,600 × 2,400; 4.49 MB
Lange Wurst (Königsberg).JPG 2,445 × 1,383; 2.84 MB
Llibre dels Advertiments de la Confraria de Sant Eloi dels Argenters.jpg 872 × 1,236; 860 KB
LogoWalburgis.JPG 1,500 × 2,250; 584 KB
Medallion Saint Norbertus guild.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.81 MB
Necklace arquebussiers guild (1).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.91 MB
Necklace arquebussiers guild (2).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 3.97 MB
Necklace crossbow guild of Berchem.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.69 MB
Necklace of an archers guild from Mechelen (1).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 5.38 MB
Necklace of an archers guild from Mechelen (2).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 5.38 MB
Necklace of an crossbowmens guild.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.84 MB
Necklace of archers guild Dudzele (1).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.28 MB
Necklace of archers guild Dudzele (2).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.09 MB
Necklace of Saint Sebastian guild.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 5.28 MB
Necklace of the guild of musketeers from Geel.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.97 MB
Necklace of the guild of musketeers from Nivelles.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.75 MB
Necklace of the St. Martin and St. Sebastian Guild from Kortrijk-Dutsel.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.5 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Keerbergen (1).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.47 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Keerbergen (2).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 3.69 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Keerbergen (3).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.53 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Machelen.jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.56 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Orsmael (1).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.5 MB
Necklace of the St. Sebastian Guild from Orsmael (2).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.5 MB
Necklace Saint Sebastian guild Neder-Over-Heembeek (1).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.53 MB
Necklace Saint Sebastian guild Neder-Over-Heembeek (2).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.91 MB
Osnabrück-Bocksmauer12-18-3-Asio.JPG 5,472 × 3,648; 13.07 MB
Saint Sebastian guild necklace.jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 4.19 MB
SchwarzeTafel.jpg 2,583 × 3,101; 4.53 MB
Slovenske Konjice, Leather guild sign.jpg 1,728 × 2,304; 622 KB
Székesfehérvár-mesterlevél-1820.jpg 1,151 × 950; 360 KB
Tadzhik Craft Customs. Festival on the Occasion of a Guild Initiation WDL11004.png 1,460 × 1,024; 2.24 MB
Tadzhik Craft Customs. Gaining Admittance into a Guild WDL11006.png 1,471 × 1,024; 2.28 MB
Tadzhik Craft Customs. Ritual of Placing Bread in the Hands of a Guild Initiate WDL11003.png 1,468 × 1,024; 2.18 MB
Taipei Commercial Printing Association official envelope 20200731.jpg 2,220 × 2,960; 794 KB
The mikado's empire (1894) (14804134573).jpg 816 × 2,132; 353 KB
Toledo Stained Glass Guild.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.87 MB
Vermeer Centrum in St. Lucas Gilde (1).jpg 4,864 × 2,736; 2.84 MB
Writers Guild of America West Building.jpg 1,126 × 706; 161 KB
Wroclaw National Museum 2022 Iron World Exhibition P06 locksmiths guild sign.jpg 3,456 × 5,184; 9.17 MB
Zunftlaterne, Rottweil.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.07 MB
Cech krawiecki - Kanka gospodnia (59906).jpg 632 × 869; 162 KB
Cech krawiecki - Obraz kuty w srebrze (59919).jpg 660 × 990; 288 KB
Cech krawiecki - Obraz kuty w srebrze (59920).jpg 797 × 1,261; 326 KB
Cech krawiecki - Puhar cechowy (59934).jpg 1,001 × 2,124; 594 KB
Cech krawiecki - Puhar czeladzi (59922).jpg 851 × 1,683; 429 KB
Cech piekarski - Obrusek cechowy (59963).jpg 1,021 × 1,114; 500 KB
Cech piekarski - Puhar majstrów (59975).jpg 828 × 1,814; 452 KB
Cech piekarski - Talerz cynowy (59976).jpg 512 × 586; 110 KB
Cech szewców - Puhar czeladzi - Ryngraf czeladniczy (59154).jpg 1,059 × 1,189; 356 KB
Cech szklarski - Kubek w gospodzie czeladzi (59536).jpg 877 × 1,035; 312 KB
Cech szklarski - Latarnia z przed dawnej gospody czeladniczej (59057).jpg 1,145 × 1,407; 475 KB
Cech szklarski - Taca do tytuniu z gospody (59056).jpg 1,335 × 921; 354 KB
Cech szklarski - Taca do zbierania składek w gospodzie (59058).jpg 1,374 × 895; 476 KB
Cech zegarmistrzowski - Zegar Franciszka Krantza z Warszawy (59082).jpg 1,237 × 1,414; 681 KB
Cech zegarmistrzowski - Zegar kaflowy Szymona Kupieckiego (59067).jpg 911 × 629; 194 KB
Cech zegarmistrzowski - Zegarek kieszonkowy Franciszka Gugenmusa (59096).jpg 622 × 1,000; 200 KB
Cech ślusarski - Inicyał z przywileju cechowego (59018).jpg 2,405 × 2,105; 1.73 MB
Cech ślusarski - Konew czeladzi - Kubki gospody czeladniczej (59014).jpg 1,358 × 1,478; 593 KB
Stół prezydyalny cechu szewskiego (59142).jpg 2,540 × 1,518; 1.39 MB
Свободная листовая поталь.jpg 3,568 × 2,760; 870 KB