Català: Collita, recollida
Deutsch: Ernte, Ernten
process of people gathering mature crops or their products | |||||
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This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total.
Media in category "Harvest"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 280 total.
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"Зґребітка" - гуцульський інструмент для збору чорниці.jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 5.38 MB
... after the harvest. - Flickr - BazzaDaRambler.jpg 4,340 × 3,260; 3.23 MB
01910 Crude sickle, 1880-1910, Pomerania.jpg 4,000 × 3,005; 812 KB
076 Museu d'Història de Catalunya, els fruits de la collita.JPG 2,112 × 2,648; 1.91 MB
077 Museu d'Història de Catalunya, els fruits de la collita.JPG 2,760 × 1,840; 1.5 MB
079 Museu d'Història de Catalunya, els fruits de la collita.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 1.59 MB
1014149-harvest co operative garden-The Gambia.jpg 560 × 365; 48 KB
17092007Pendro.Sleman,Leyl,Surme,Bengin&Saleh.jpg 640 × 480; 55 KB
19 Hülsenfruchternte.jpg 1,439 × 1,035; 357 KB
2009 KBS Dry Bean Harvest 011.jpg 2,152 × 3,233; 1.72 MB
2011 04 18 Seedling Harvest Tractor Lifting detail 7287.jpg 3,772 × 2,323; 7.39 MB
A wheat field (2609352959).jpg 1,024 × 781; 458 KB
After the harvest - Flickr - Stiller Beobachter.jpg 3,259 × 2,333; 2.87 MB
Agriculture in Hajjiabad, Zeberkhan.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.29 MB
AlAinOasis HarvestedDates.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.95 MB
All mowed (1148773123).jpg 1,280 × 851; 170 KB
April Harvest.jpg 990 × 1,500; 189 KB
Artichoke harvest.jpg 1,280 × 719; 259 KB
At harvest (1972). (9781955976).jpg 800 × 534; 119 KB
Autour du Monastère zurmang gaden 3.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.95 MB
AutumnSquash.jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 8.37 MB
Avocado farmer 01.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 1.01 MB
Avocado farmer 03.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 924 KB
Avocado harvest 01.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 1 MB
Avocado harvest 02.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 1.46 MB
Avocado harvest 03.jpg 3,989 × 2,638; 854 KB
Battage du blé par des femmes dAsie (6509842439).jpg 416 × 341; 54 KB
Bees at Harvest.jpg 4,096 × 2,732; 4.21 MB
Berba šljiva u Debeloj Kosi (Dulene).JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 443 KB
Betakarítás - panoramio.jpg 1,448 × 826; 380 KB
Bijvoetbladeren.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 822 KB
Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F005922-0001, Westerwald, Getreideernte.jpg 799 × 563; 106 KB
Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F005924-0011, Westerwald, Getreideernte.jpg 795 × 564; 107 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1982-1102-003, Mark Ottenhein, Kürbisernte.jpg 785 × 461; 91 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-26828-0002, Pause bei der Ernte.jpg 571 × 800; 85 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-27123-0001, Nägelstädt, Rübenernte.jpg 603 × 800; 69 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-48211-0001, Einhausen, Ernte, Dreschen.jpg 784 × 536; 52 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S75714, Radieschenernte.jpg 584 × 800; 58 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S75716, Kohlrabiernte.jpg 599 × 800; 54 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S91788, Saatzuchtbetrieb Petkus.jpg 800 × 582; 71 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild183-R0210-347, Dahlwitz, Ernte von Getreide.jpg 800 × 502; 75 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild183-R0210-353, Dahlwitz, Dreschen von Roggen.jpg 800 × 503; 64 KB
Cafe, Tuma La Dalia.jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 13.95 MB
Cahuzac, octobre 1895 (3621493981).jpg 532 × 371; 48 KB
California Grain Harvesting.jpg 2,400 × 1,600; 4.98 MB
Cannabis harvest.jpg 3,784 × 2,604; 2.67 MB
Capital from Saint Benoist Abbaye (3486782878).jpg 1,536 × 1,107; 346 KB
Carisbrook harvest.jpg 1,365 × 1,024; 333 KB
Cengkeh.jpg 2,522 × 3,572; 3.42 MB
Château de Pommard Harvest.jpg 5,336 × 4,000; 1.54 MB
Claas-Lexion-570-2.jpg 1,152 × 864; 541 KB
Constructed wetland (5546715281).jpg 2,333 × 1,638; 1.72 MB
Cordon d en bas 001.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 4.95 MB
Cosecha de huertos.JPG 480 × 640; 76 KB
Cucurbita pepo crookneck summer squash Clagett Farm Share for Sept. 4th, 2010.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 7.42 MB
Debut de moisson.jpg 6,016 × 3,760; 8.3 MB
During harvesting of the plants (4438343259).jpg 768 × 1,024; 388 KB
During harvesting of the plants (4439121056).jpg 768 × 1,024; 265 KB
Early 1900s farming scene - horse drawn reaper - harvester (5107417674).jpg 1,000 × 758; 221 KB
Eim-zaugholse-nonder.png 1,536 × 1,028; 2.32 MB
Ephemera Collection, Melhuish's Flour Showca Wellcome L0030511.jpg 2,706 × 4,080; 4.34 MB
Ernte - postcard.jpg 1,081 × 655; 364 KB
ErntehelferSchlesien1931.jpg 1,037 × 667; 337 KB
Fall at Snow Line Apple Orchard, CA 11-12 (15169139736).jpg 2,255 × 2,450; 2.99 MB
Family group with a baby rabbit, 1949 (8755455949).jpg 1,000 × 632; 202 KB
Farmer harvesting grass for his cows - West Java.jpg 828 × 552; 195 KB
Farming Equipment (1148771609).jpg 1,280 × 851; 184 KB
Fields after harvest time.jpg 4,208 × 2,368; 5.32 MB
Fields of Fire (52442851066).jpg 3,568 × 1,759; 2.62 MB
First Color, Oak Glen, CA 10-13 (15274375977).jpg 2,450 × 1,728; 2.04 MB
First Harvest.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 7.61 MB
Footpath and Harvest Home - - 214793.jpg 640 × 426; 114 KB
Tableau, grape, beret, fun, harvest Fortepan 26492.jpg 5,064 × 3,575; 6.95 MB
Határ aratáskor. Fortepan 75833.jpg 6,731 × 4,470; 13.55 MB
Harvest Fortepan 92236.jpg 3,709 × 3,631; 9.13 MB
Harvest, scythe, whetting Fortepan 94341.jpg 3,630 × 4,943; 10.93 MB
Harvest Fortepan 94344.jpg 3,648 × 4,384; 10.48 MB
Harvest, horse Fortepan 94345.jpg 4,447 × 3,428; 11.1 MB
Agriculture, harvest, sickle, barefoot, attire Fortepan 95187.jpg 5,314 × 3,648; 12.56 MB
Yard, harvest, folk costume Fortepan 100982.jpg 6,000 × 4,566; 16.22 MB
Fotothek df rp-f 0010022.jpg 800 × 505; 106 KB
Fotothek df rp-f 0010024.jpg 501 × 820; 142 KB
Getreideernte P1290445.jpg 2,951 × 2,213; 4.31 MB
Getreideernte.JPG 640 × 480; 114 KB
Grape harvest - La vendemmia.jpg 3,840 × 2,769; 1.51 MB
Grape picking in Stanthorpe, ca. 1940 (8755455687).jpg 1,000 × 693; 196 KB
Groundnuts in a basket.jpg 1,024 × 683; 240 KB
Guimaras Island Manggahan Festival.jpg 3,500 × 2,800; 6.7 MB
GUKETHA- Harvesting.jpg 600 × 800; 82 KB
Harvest (29703648721).jpg 4,363 × 2,909; 7.6 MB
Harvest - Pegsdon, Bedfordshire, England - August 2009.jpg 4,287 × 1,675; 5.54 MB
Harvest 3.jpg 2,101 × 2,803; 1.88 MB
Harvest despite disease.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 5.12 MB
Harvest field (20757406269).jpg 5,184 × 3,030; 8.69 MB
Harvest Home (3871884618).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 818 KB
Harvest Home- Stubble Burning (3871102283).jpg 966 × 639; 330 KB
Harvest in Kovačica.jpg 1,569 × 1,021; 1.39 MB
Harvest in Skorenovac.jpg 1,984 × 1,488; 696 KB
Harvest jug from Loughor.jpg 2,420 × 1,995; 1 MB
Harvest jug, exhibited in Swansea Museum.jpg 3,347 × 2,871; 1.64 MB
Harvest of Hope.jpg 1,440 × 1,920; 1.28 MB
Harvest of plants in a constructed wetland (5546715675).jpg 1,476 × 1,449; 650 KB
Harvest, Bekonscot.JPG 3,438 × 2,188; 2.1 MB
Harvest, Oak Glen, CA 9-2007 (5991356417).jpg 2,092 × 1,800; 1.33 MB
Harvest, Riley's Farm, Oak Glen, CA 11-15 (22878721466).jpg 2,100 × 2,800; 3.15 MB
Harvested Cassava tubers.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.97 MB
Harvested grapes with barley.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.77 MB
Harvested Wheat 1 (3727629107).jpg 896 × 597; 344 KB
Harvesters in a wheat field (3004415880).jpg 1,024 × 770; 560 KB
Harvesting (Green Gulch farm).jpg 1,280 × 960; 588 KB
Harvesting complete.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 1.37 MB
Harvesting green peas for Birds Eye - - 994101.jpg 320 × 240; 12 KB
Harvesting Lavender.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.91 MB
Harvesting rice on the river (7172228009).jpg 2,942 × 3,272; 2.62 MB
Harvesting the Land..jpg 3,696 × 4,928; 4.51 MB
Harvesting.jpg 4,864 × 2,736; 4.81 MB
Harvestlogo.png 239 × 90; 6 KB
HarvestScarecrows.jpg 760 × 519; 433 KB
HAYAL MUGHLAN - panoramio.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.82 MB
Hazel nut harvest.jpg 3,000 × 2,988; 2.79 MB
Hedwigenkoog kohlfeld frisch beerntet closeup.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.77 MB
Hedwigenkoog kohlfeld frisch beerntet weiter.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.56 MB
Hhu kohlernte2.JPG 2,760 × 1,971; 1 MB
Hopfenernte Wolhynien.jpg 2,289 × 1,823; 2.34 MB
Houghton FP7 En190 - Oeconomie Rustique Indigoterie et Manioc.jpg 1,506 × 2,390; 1.24 MB
Human, Nature and Machine.jpg 6,000 × 3,376; 1.61 MB
ICARDA Terbol Station in Beqaa Valley Lebanon.jpg 7,180 × 4,693; 10.58 MB
IMG-30190630-0WA0000.png 1,920 × 2,013; 271 KB
In the fields (9553068433).jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 1.21 MB
Indian Rice.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 4.11 MB
Indian woman picking huckleberries (3230032728).jpg 3,820 × 2,822; 5.84 MB
Indian woman picking huckleberries (3230033182).jpg 3,735 × 2,819; 6.28 MB
Jersey Lavender Farm 69.jpg 2,592 × 3,872; 2.24 MB
John Deere combine and tractor at work.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.16 MB
Joyfulness in the season of Fishing Harvest.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.6 MB
Kazakhstan harvest season in the field.jpg 2,114 × 1,342; 498 KB
Kelpharvest 300.jpg 1,275 × 827; 201 KB
Ketika panen padi.jpg 1,000 × 624; 880 KB
Kippel, Wallis. Hay harvest July 2008 (3).jpg 1,024 × 767; 205 KB
Kippel, Wallis. Hay harvest July 2008.jpg 1,024 × 767; 222 KB
Kol-c063-.jpg 4,156 × 2,763; 3.87 MB
Kol-c064-.jpg 4,512 × 3,008; 3.73 MB
Komorów żniwa.JPG 1,280 × 856; 242 KB
Konso Tribe (7979257506).jpg 1,794 × 1,260; 220 KB
Kooloogst - panoramio.jpg 1,024 × 686; 271 KB
Kornbunke 2005-01.jpg 1,830 × 1,359; 736 KB
Kornskörd i Bodums socken, Ångermanland - Nordiska Museet - NMA.0048799.jpg 3,000 × 2,222; 3.95 MB
Larousse - 1922 - Porteurs de comporte (Gers).jpg 248 × 412; 28 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Seau à vendanges (Hérault).jpg 226 × 194; 12 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Seau à Vendanges (Languedoc).jpg 231 × 267; 18 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Serpette.jpg 138 × 258; 6 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Sécateur.jpg 318 × 67; 6 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Vandangerot (Bourgogne).jpg 245 × 103; 7 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Vendanges (Bourgogne).jpg 960 × 584; 150 KB
Larousse - 1922 - Vendanges (Médoc).jpg 960 × 584; 113 KB
Machine à vendanger demo.JPG 3,648 × 5,472; 4.87 MB
Manggahan Festival of Guimaras.jpg 3,500 × 2,333; 5.85 MB
Many years ago ; la récolte des mirabelles (51506889656).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 741 KB
Maury Geography 062E corn.jpg 970 × 426; 71 KB
Maury Geography 070A raisins.jpg 987 × 625; 101 KB
Maury Geography 079B pulque.jpg 640 × 736; 87 KB
Maury Geography 107C Valencia.jpg 975 × 583; 77 KB
Michael Baum.png 872 × 696; 1.18 MB
Mietitori1.jpg 350 × 260; 21 KB
Mietitura.jpg 700 × 446; 78 KB
Miscanthus Ernte 2.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 8.06 MB
Musim panen.jpg 4,480 × 3,200; 16.64 MB
Native American women with basket of huckleberries (3230032308).jpg 3,808 × 2,880; 6.91 MB
Neolitico-agricultura.gif 3,121 × 2,074; 126 KB
Neolitico-agricultura.svg 1,534 × 1,019; 650 KB
New Holland CX8090 - 6.jpg 1,024 × 342; 213 KB
Nutting Day at Belmont (9088344798).jpg 2,094 × 1,200; 427 KB
Obstleiter, dreibeinig.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 4.51 MB
Orchard.harvest.jpg 512 × 384; 64 KB
Paddy fields near Killukudi - panoramio.jpg 2,880 × 2,160; 2.22 MB
Paddy Rice.jpg 2,136 × 4,624; 819 KB
Patania8.jpg 206 × 206; 12 KB