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English: Hydride is the name given to the negative ion of hydrogen, H. Although this ion does not exist except in extraordinary conditions, the term hydride is widely applied to describe compounds of hydrogen with other elements, particularly those of groups 1–16. The variety of compounds formed by hydrogen is vast, arguably greater than that of any other element. Various metal hydrides are currently being studied for use as a means of hydrogen storage in fuel cell-powered electric cars and batteries. They also have important uses in organic chemistry as powerful reducing agents, and many promising uses in hydrogen economy.

Every element of the periodic table (except some noble gases) forms one or more hydrides. These compounds may be classified into three main types by the predominant nature of their bonding:

  • Saline hydrides, which have significant ionic character,
  • Covalent hydrides, which include the hydrocarbons and many other compounds, and
  • Interstitial hydrides, which may be described as having metallic bonding.
<nowiki>Hidruro; hidrid; Hidrid; hidruro; 氢化物; Hydrid; Hydrid; Hydridi; hydrid; hydride; гідрыды; хидрид; Хидрид; Hydrid; ჰიდრიდი; 氫化物; Hidrid; ไฮไดรด์; Metallhydrid; hidrur; гідриди; hydride; 氫化物; 氢化物; 水素化物; Gidridlar; Гидридтер; hidrido; хидрид; Hidrid; idruro; Hydride; гидридъёс; Hidrür; Hüdriidid; हाइड्राइड; Հիդրիդներ; هیدرید; 수소화물; 氢化物; hidreto; Hydrua; Hidridi; hidrīdi; Hidried; хидрид; hidrid; hidríd; Hidreto; 氢化物; Hidrida; wodorek; hydrure; 氫化物; Hydride; hydridy; гидриды; Hidrură; hydride; هيدريد; Υδρίδια; הידריד; katera koli kemijska spojina, ki ima vodikov atom vezan na elektropozitivnejši element ali skupine; senyawa kimia yang terdiri atas hidrogen dengan unsur lain; związek nieorganiczny, w którym atom wodoru związany jest z pierwiastkiem lub grupą bardziej elektrododatnią; Hidrogenoa (H^-) eta elementu edo konposatu baten arteko konbinazioa. Metal bakar batekin (LiH), bi metalekin (NaAlH4), metal batekin eta ez-metal batekin (LiBH4) eta metal batekin eta talde organiko batekin konbina daiteke hidrogenoa.; соединения водорода с металлами и с имеющими меньшую электроотрицательность, чем водород, неметаллами; Στη χημεία, ένα υδρίδιο είναι το ανιόν του υδρογόνου, H−, ή ένα κράμα ή συνηθέστερα μια χημική ένωση στην οποία ένα ή περισσότερα κέντρα υδρογόνου έχουν πυρηνόφιλες, αναγωγικές ή βασικές ιδιότητες.; Wasserstoffverbindungen; 화합물의 부류; any chemical compound having a hydrogen atom bonded to a more electropositive element or groups; једињења елемента са водоником; binární sloučeniny vodíku s jinými prvky; anione dell'idrogeno; Hidruro metalico; H-; Hidruro metálico; hydrures métalliques; hydrures interstitiels; hydrure interstitiel; hydrure métallique; hydrures; Hüdriid; гидрид; Hydrid; Hydridion; Hidretos iônicos; Hidretos; гідрыд; Deiterīdi; Hidrīda jons; Protīdi; Tritīdi; Hidrīdjons; 金属氢化物; Hidridi; Hydrid; wodorki; гідрид; metaalhydride; Хидрид; Hydridy; Хидриди; H−; Idruri; Hydride; Deuteruro; هيدريدات; الهيدريد; хидриди; Hydriden; Hydride</nowiki>
any chemical compound having a hydrogen atom bonded to a more electropositive element or groups
sample of titanium hydride
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Wikidata Q106520
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85063361
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119358346
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 61130
J9U ID: 987007533632505171
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