Category:Hyperbolic cosine function
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Hyperbolic cosine function"
The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total.
Catenary parabola.svg 512 × 512; 8 KB
Catenary part below circle of curvature.svg 400 × 400; 266 bytes
Catenary properties.svg 520 × 396; 3 KB
Catenary with pulley.svg 520 × 188; 2 KB
Chainette formule.png 357 × 387; 61 KB
Complex Cosh.jpg 1,046 × 1,046; 150 KB
Cosh area and arc.svg 380 × 390; 50 KB
Cosh by Yugui.png 412 × 302; 3 KB
Cosh of unit complex number x.gif 600 × 446; 9.89 MB
Cosh plot real.png 1,200 × 1,000; 44 KB
Cosh utility pole.svg 1,054 × 409; 340 KB
Cosh-approx.png 773 × 687; 23 KB
Cosh-semilogy.svg 885 × 660; 62 KB
Cosh.png 483 × 419; 9 KB
Cosh.svg 460 × 425; 42 KB
CoshMiinu40kuni40.svg 512 × 512; 43 KB
CoshMiinu4kuni4.svg 512 × 512; 24 KB
Cosinus hyperbolique - graphe.png 512 × 379; 24 KB
Curves of hyperbolic cosine and parabola.PNG 557 × 256; 21 KB
Division ((cosh x)^2)-1; x^2 (detail).png 2,700 × 1,700; 51 KB
Division ((cosh x)^2)-1; x^2.png 1,100 × 1,200; 18 KB
Division (cos x)-1; (cosh x)-1 (derivatives).png 1,700 × 1,500; 32 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; (sin x)^2 (derivatives).png 1,100 × 1,200; 24 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; (sinh x)^2 (derivatives).png 1,100 × 1,000; 18 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; (sinh x)^2.png 1,100 × 1,000; 16 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; x^2 (derivatives).png 1,700 × 1,700; 27 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; x^2 (detail).png 2,300 × 2,300; 45 KB
Division (cosh x)-1; x^2.png 1,700 × 1,900; 24 KB
Division cos(x)-1; cosh(x)-1.png 1,700 × 1,500; 26 KB
Division cosh(x)-1; (sin x)^2.png 1,100 × 1,000; 16 KB
Division e^x-1; cosh(x+arcosh(2))-2.png 1,300 × 1,300; 21 KB
ExampleUseOfCatenary.png 802 × 558; 22 KB
Figu11.png 2,678 × 1,237; 103 KB
Graf cosh.png 208 × 235; 15 KB
Hyperbolic and exponential; cosh.png 900 × 1,500; 17 KB
Hyperbolic and exponential; cosh.svg 389 × 530; 72 KB
Hyperbolic Cosine.svg 320 × 370; 13 KB
Mplwp cosh.svg 600 × 400; 25 KB
Mplwp sinh cosh.svg 600 × 400; 29 KB
Sinh cosh.svg 312 × 500; 15 KB
Sinh-cosh-r-12pt.svg 425 × 594; 53 KB
Sinh-cosh-r-28pt.svg 340 × 421; 51 KB
Sinhcosh.svg 269 × 431; 37 KB