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Category:Membrane technology

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<nowiki>Processo a membrana; séparation membranaire; tecnologia de la membrana; Membrantechnik; processo de separação por membranas; 微孔濾膜法; Membranteknik; 膜技術; Мембранна технологія; membranteknik; แมมเบรนเทคโนโลยี; סינון על ממברנה; تقنية أغشية; 膜過濾; 膜过滤; Teknologi membran; kalvotekniikka (erotusmenetelmät); membrane technology; membrana tekniko; 膜过滤; Membranska tehnologija; tecnologia; mechanische Trennverfahren; separering av ämnen med hjälp av membran; séparation des composés d'un fluide par utilisation de membranes; engineering approaches for the transport of substances between two fractions with the help of permeable membranes; mechanical separation processes for separating gaseous or liquid streams use membrane technology.; Filtrazione a membrana; 膜分離; méthode de séparation membranaire; procédé membranaire; procédés membranaires; technologie membranaire; technologie des membranes; séparation par membrane; séparations membranaires; séparations par membranes; technologies membranaires; technologies des membranes; Filtració per membrana; Membranfilter; Filtermembran; Membranfiltration; Processos de separação por membranas; membrane separation; 薄膜技術; 膜过滤; 過濾膜; Membranfilter; Mellemgrænse</nowiki>
membrane technology 
engineering approaches for the transport of substances between two fractions with the help of permeable membranes; mechanical separation processes for separating gaseous or liquid streams use membrane technology.
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This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.

Media in category "Membrane technology"

The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total.