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<nowiki>memorabilije; Memorabilia; memorabilia; memorabília; Memorabilia; memorabilia; Memorabilia; memorabílie; меморабилия; objects kept or collected due to association with notable people or events; Gegenstände, die für Menschen einen mentalen Erinnerungswert besitzen; oggetti collezionati per il loro legame con un evento o un personaggio famoso; zbiralski predmeti; zbirateljski predmeti; памятная вещь</nowiki>
objects kept or collected due to association with notable people or events
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Said to be the same assouvenir
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English: Memorabilia are objects (usually small), souvenirs, or ephemera created to commemorate a particular event, such as a Coronation, World's Fair or Olympics. Larger objects such as statues and memorials are not commonly described as memorabilia. Memorabilia (from Latin, for memorable) is an object that is treasured for its memories. Memorabilia are valued for a connection to a historical event, culture or entertainment.

Pages in category "Memorabilia"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Memorabilia"

The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total.