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English: Zoroastrian (i.e. Iranian/Persian) divinity Mithra.[1]
Deutsch: zoroastrische (d.h. iranische/persische) Gottheit Mithra.
<nowiki>Mitra (dios persa); মিথ্রা; Mithra (Perzsia); Mitra; Mithra; Mithra; میترا; 密特拉; Mithra; Митра; ミトラス神浮彫; مثرا; Mithra; Mithra; Mitra (mitologia persana); Mithra; Mithra; מיתרה; مهر (ایزد ایرانی); Mithra; 미트라 (조로아스터교); Mithra; Mitrao; Mithra; Митра; зороастрийское божество; চুক্তি, আলো এবং শপথের জরাথুষ্ট্রীয় দেবত্ব; divinité zoroastrienne des contrats et des serments, une forme de Mitra (Q6497135) aussi vénérée dans l'Empire romain comme un dieu du soleil (Q99743232); dios solar persa; Zoroastrian divinity of Contracts and Oaths, a form of Mitra and also worshipped in the Roman Empire as a mystery god of masculinity and the sun; از ایزدان آیین مزدیسنا; perské božstvo; Zoroastra dio; Мифра; Митра (иранский бог); Mithras; Mithras Petrogenes; Mithras Petrogene; Mithras Rockborn; Mithras Rock-Born; ميثرا; 米特拉; 密特拉崇拜; 密斯拉; ایزد مهر</nowiki>
Zoroastrian divinity of Contracts and Oaths, a form of Mitra and also worshipped in the Roman Empire as a mystery god of masculinity and the sun
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Said to be the same asMithras, Mitra
Authority file
Wikidata Q12614595
Library of Congress authority ID: sh97004133
IdRef ID: 027319717
NL CR AUT ID: jo2016908738
J9U ID: 987007566250605171
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Not to be confused with Category:Mithras, which pertains to a Roman divinity.


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.