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Français : La commune d'Ohey (province de Namur, en Belgique) a été formée en 1977 par la fusion des anciennes communes de Évelette, Goesnes, Haillot, Jallet, Ohey et Perwez (population : 5,090 habitants en 2018).
<nowiki>Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; اوئه; Ое; Ohey; ユィー; Ohey; Ohey; 오에; Ohè; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; Ohey; 奥埃; Ohey; Ohey; ئوئی; Ohey; Ое; Ohey; Ohey; Namur iline bağlı belediye (Valon Bölgesi, Belçika); commune de Wallonie (Belgique); belsch Gemeng; kommun i Belgien; parokya; gemeente in Namen (Wallonië), België; municipi de Bèlgica; Коммуна в Валлонии, Бельгия; Gemeinde in Wallonie, Belgien; 벨기에 나뮈르주의 도시; municipality in Wallonia, Belgium; بلدية في دائرة نامور، بلجيكا; 比利时那慕尔省市镇; comune belga</nowiki>
municipality in Wallonia, Belgium
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Instance of
Part of
  • Emergency zone Nage
  • Police zone des Arches
LocationArrondissement of Namur, Province of Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
  • Ohey
Official language
Head of government
  • Christophe Gilon
Legal form
  • Cities and municipalities
  • 5,090 (2018)
  • 56.62 km²
official website
Map50° 26′ 07.08″ N, 5° 07′ 18.12″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q721090
VIAF cluster ID: 6421159477900427990007
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 2330165
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