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<nowiki>opistodomo; opisthodome; Opistodomos; opistòdom; Opisthodom; opistódomo; Opistodoms; 後殿; Опистодом; opistodom; opisthodomos; Opistodom; Opistodom; Opistodomos; אופיסטודומוס; opisthodomos; Opisztodomosz; Opistodomos; Opisthodomus; Opisthodomos; Opistódomo; Opistodomo; Οπισθόδομος; Опистодом; espacio situado en la parte posterior de los templos griegos; rear room of Greek temple; rum i grekiskt tempel; elemento architettonico dei templi classici; zadnji prostor grškega templja; opistodomos; Opisthodomos; Опистодомус; Opisthodomos; Opistódomos; opistodomo; opisthodomus; opistodomos; opisthodom; opistódomo; opistodomo</nowiki>
rear room of Greek temple
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An opisthodomos (ὀπισθόδομος, 'back room') can refer to either the rear room of an ancient Greek temple or to the inner shrine, also called the adyton ('not to be entered'); the confusion arises from the lack of agreement in ancient inscriptions.

Media in category "Opisthodomos"

The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.