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Category:Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity in Hajnówka

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Object location52° 44′ 44.7″ N, 23° 34′ 44.3″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
<nowiki>Собор Святой Троицы; Kathedrale der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit; Сабор Святой Тройцы; Sobór Świętej Trójcy w Hajnówce; Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity in Hajnówka; Hainuvkos Šv. Trejybės cerkvė; Polnisch-Orthodoxe Kirche; Cerkiew Świętej Trójcy w Hajnówce</nowiki>
Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity in Hajnówka 
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Instance of
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LocationHajnówka, Hajnówka County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland
Architectural style
  • Aleksander Grygorowicz
Heritage designation
  • immovable monument in Poland (A-657, cerkiew pw. Świętej Trójcy, 2023–)
Religion or worldview
official website
Map52° 44′ 44.24″ N, 23° 34′ 45.52″ E
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