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<nowiki>fenomenólogo; phénoménologue; фэнамэноляг; fenomenologo; fenomenólogu; fenomenologista; Phänomenologe; fenomenólogo; fenomenologas; fenomenolog; феноменолог; fenomenolog; fenomenolog; fenomenolog; fenomenolog; fenomenoloog; fenomenologo; fenomenologo; fenomenològ; феноменолог; phenomenologist; فيلسوف ظاهراتي; φαινομενολόγος; פנומנולוג; Philosoph; philosopher who studies phenomena; פנומנולוגית; fenomenologiskt; Феноменологи; fenomenoložka; fenomenologė</nowiki>
philosopher who studies phenomena
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Wikidata Q28045801
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2016002415
J9U ID: 987007400389605171
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This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.


Media in category "Phenomenologists"

This category contains only the following file.