Category:Porter's Five Forces Model

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<nowiki>Análisis Porter de las cinco fuerzas; 五力分析; Porteri öt erő modell; anàlisi Porter de les cinc forces; Branchenstrukturanalyse; Մայքլ Փորթերի մրցակցային հինգ ուժերը; 五力分析; Porters Five Forces; پورٹر کا 5 فورسز تجزیہ; Porterova analýza piatich síl; חמשת הכוחות של פורטר; Viiden kilpailuvoiman malli; Porterova analýza pěti sil; Modello delle cinque forze competitive di Porter; cinq forces de Porter; Porterov model; 5 세력 모형; Năm tác động của Porter; ပေါ်တာ၏ အားသက်ရောက်မှု ၅ ခုကို ခွဲခြမ်းစိတ်ဖြာခြင်း; Portera piecu spēku analīze; ファイブフォース分析; hPorter_five_forces_analysis; Analiza strukturalna sektora; Аналіз п'яти сил Портера; Анализ на Портър на петте конкурентни сили; Cinco forças de Porter; Analisis lima kekuatan Porter; femkraftmodellen; പോർട്ടർസ് ഫൈവ് ഫോഴ്സസ് അനാലിസിസ്; Porterin beş güc analiz modeli; පෝටර්ගේ පස් විධි බලවේග විශ්ලේෂණය; vijfkrachtenmodel; femkraftsmodellen; Анализ пяти сил Портера; Porter five forces analysis; القوى التنافسية الخمسة لمايكل بورتر; Μοντέλο ανταγωνιστικών δυνάμεων; Porters femkraftsmodell; porterio analizė; מודל לניתוח ענף עסקי; Schema zur strategischen Analyse nach Michael Porter; framework to analyse level of competition within an industry; framework to analyse level of competition within an industry; مصطلح اقتصادي الأعمال; modell for å vurdere attraktiviteten til en bransje; virksomhedsanalyseredskab; Analisis Porter de las cinco fuerzas; Porter's five forces; Porter's 5 forces; القوى التنافسيه الخمسه لمايكل بورتر; ανάλυση των πέντε δυνάμεων του Πόρτερ; Porters femkraftsmodell; Porters konkurranseanalyse</nowiki>
Năm tác động của Porter 
framework to analyse level of competition within an industry
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Porter's five forces is a framework for the industry analysis and business strategy - development developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. It uses concepts developing, Industrial Organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market.

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