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English: A pronaos is the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple, situated between the portico's colonnade or walls and the entrance to the cella, or shrine.
<nowiki>pronao; pronaos; Pronaos; Пронаос; Pronaos; pronaos; prónaos; پیش‌خان; Πρόναος; Pronaos; Pronaos; Pronao; pronaos; pronaos; Pronaos; Pronaos; Пронаос; Pronaos; Pronaosz; pronaos; pronaus; Pronaos; pronaos; Pronaoso; Pronaos; Pronaoss; Yunan tapınağında ön salon; görög templomok előtere; elemento architettonico dei templi classici; kamer in een tempel uit het oude Griekenland; vestíbul davant de la naos, a un temple; preddverje v grških in egipčanskih templjih, skozi katerega se je vstopalo v bogoslužni prostor; Vorhalle bei griechischen oder ägyptischen Tempeln, durch die man in den Kultraum gelangte; antiikin kreikkalaisen temppelin avoin etuhuone; open vestibule in front of the naos or cella of a temple; vestíbulo dun templo grego ou romano; vstupní vestibul antického chrámu; vestíbulo o entrada de los templos griegos y romanos; pronao; prodomo; pródomo; Pronaos; پیش خان; prònaos; prodromo; Pronaos; Pronao; Prónaon</nowiki>
open vestibule in front of the naos or cella of a temple
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Media in category "Pronaos"

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