Category:Road traffic

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<nowiki>tránsito vehicular; Umferð; lalu lintas; traffic; ترافیکي پولیس; Circulație rutieră; 交通; trafik; дорожній рух; 交通; 交通; Verkehr; 교통; trafiko; сообраќај; saobraćaj; यातायात; Gyaudoeng; circulation routière; Çул-йĕр çинчи куçăм; giao thông; саобраћај; Trânsito; traffic; Verkéier; Tō-lō͘ kau-thong; trafikk; Yol hərəkəti; Gaunisala; 郵傳; Jotolâh; traffic; حركة المرور; 交通; forgalom; Zirkulazio; tráficu; дорожное движение; Verkehr; дарожны рух; саобраћај; 交通; trafik; 道路交通; Traffico; መራኸቢ; תנועה; Commeatus; రహదారి నియమాలు; ਸੜਕ ਤੇ ਚਲਣ ਦੇ ਨਿਯਮ; Verkieër; verkeer; traffico; οδική κυκλοφορία; saobraćaj; Trafik; дарожны рух; Trafiku; traffic; provoz; Trafiko; Trafiki; trafikk; trânsito; ട്രാഫിക് നിയമങ്ങൾ; Verkehr; trànsit; آمدرفت; cestni promet; Trapiko; Liiklus; ترافیک; Lalu lintas; ruch drogowy; Trafaig; Cestovni promet; promet; liikenne; Ferkear; trafik; tráfico; যান চলাচল; tràfego; trácht; flujo de vehículos en una vía, calle o autopista; déplacement de véhicules, piétons ou animaux sur la voie publique; Deplasman veyikil, pyeton,oubyen zannimo nan chemen piblik la; consisteix en usuaris de la via, inclosos vianants, animals muntats o en manada, vehicles, tramvies, autobusos i altres mitjans de transport, individualment o junts, mentre utilitzen la via pública amb finalitats de desplaçament.; Bewegung von Verkehrsteilnehmern, entweder einzeln oder zusammen, während sie den öffentlichen Weg zu Reisezwecken benutzen; hệ thống di chuyển, đi lại của con người; term; Учесници у саобраћају који путују пешице или возилом; 人、貨物、信息之間的交換和通訊; Учесници у саобраћају који путују пешице или возилом; حركة; geheel van weggebruikers inclusief voetgangers, bereden of geleide dieren, voertuigen, bussen en andere enkelvoudige of gemeenschappelijke middelen om te reizen; movimento di veicoli su una rete di trasporto; movement of road users including pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars, buses and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using the public way for purposes of travel; Bewegung von Verkehrsteilnehmern, entweder einzeln oder zusammen, während sie den öffentlichen Weg zu Reisezwecken benutzen; kulkuvälineiden ja jalankulkijoiden liikkuminen ja tavaroiden kuljetus kokonaisuutena; tránsito de automóbiles nas vías; term; termín popisující provoz na silnicích a jiných cestách; movimento de usuários de uma via, incluindo pedestres e veículos para fins de deslocamento; katnav; seyrüsefer; mürur; Pangtrapiko; közlekedés; közúti forgalom; tránsitu; لالو لينتس; trafik; ترافيک; trafic routier; silniční provoz; ruch; doprava; tráfico vehicular; tráfico; tránsito automovilístico; tráfico de vehículos; transito vehicular; trafico vehicular; trafico; transito automovilistico; trafico de vehiculos; tránsito; circulación; traffic on roads; road traffic; trànzito; κίνηση; κίνηση στους δρόμους; κυκλοφορίας στους δρόμους; τροχαία κίνηση; τροχαία κυκλοφορία</nowiki>
movement of road users including pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars, buses and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using the public way for purposes of travel
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Wikidata Q4323994
GND ID: 4057931-1
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85136769
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119384324
NL CR AUT ID: ph125535
HDS ID: 013898
National Library of Spain ID: XX527108
BabelNet ID: 00077888n
J9U ID: 987007543714305171
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Road traffic is the flow of vehicles on roads, the interaction between them and its regularization.

Broader categories usually merit classification at Road transport, and smaller-scale ones can be sheltered in one of the subcategories listed here below.


This category has the following 28 subcategories, out of 28 total.

Pages in category "Road traffic"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Road traffic"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 227 total.

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