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Category:Smuggling submarines

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English: Submarines, submersibles and semi-submersibles used for smuggling operations.
<nowiki>narco submarino; ボート型可潜艇; narco sous-marin; narko-ubåt; Tihotapska podmornica; наркоподморница; подводная лодка наркомафии; submarŝipo por droga kontrabando; Drogen-U-Boot; narcosubmarino; Narcosubmarino; Narkotiku zemūdene; 运毒潜艇; narco-submarine; typ av båt för narkotikasmuggling; подводная лодка для перевозки наркотиков; Unterwasserboot zum Schmuggeln illegaler Drogen; submersible used by drug smugglers; Наркосубмарина; Кокаиновая подлодка; 麻薬密輸用潜水艇; Schmuggel-U-Boot; Drogen-Torpedo; drug submarine; Bigfoot submarine; Narco submarine; knark-ubåt</nowiki>
submersible used by drug smugglers
a fully-operational submarine built for the primary purpose of transporting multi-ton quantities of cocaine located near a tributary close to the Ecuador/Colombia border that was seized by the Ecuador Anti-Narcotics Police Forces and Ecuador Military authorities with the assistance of the DEA
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Media in category "Smuggling submarines"

The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.