Category:Solid mechanics
branch of science that studies the behavior of solid materials | |||||
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This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total.
Pages in category "Solid mechanics"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Solid mechanics"
The following 153 files are in this category, out of 153 total.
2 forces.jpg 935 × 476; 34 KB
AlexandrovViktMih.jpg 278 × 321; 104 KB
Arrow-flexing.png 537 × 353; 36 KB
Axial stress.svg 491 × 403; 124 KB
Basculer.jpg 385 × 219; 10 KB
BendingForceLines.png 307 × 512; 27 KB
Betti's theorem - BEM.svg 54 × 99; 18 KB
Betti's theorem - example - bar elongation.svg 62 × 42; 6 KB
Betti's theorem - example - beam bending.svg 67 × 48; 8 KB
Betti's theorem - example - change of volume.svg 42 × 50; 10 KB
Big bending asymptote stress.png 598 × 211; 12 KB
Big bending asymptote stress.svg 605 × 220; 33 KB
Buckledmodel.JPG 1,632 × 1,224; 289 KB
Campbelldiagram.png 674 × 539; 11 KB
Cantilever point load M Q.png 900 × 900; 8 KB
CatastropheFailureModel.png 574 × 526; 69 KB
Comparison between theoretical failure predictions and test data.png 754 × 584; 63 KB
Configurazioni Cauchy.png 2,408 × 1,389; 300 KB
Continuo Cauchy.png 1,557 × 1,319; 318 KB
Continuum body deformation es.svg 910 × 871; 124 KB
Continuum body deformation.svg 910 × 871; 155 KB
Convenzioni per una forza agente su di una superficie.svg 550 × 570; 11 KB
Couple f.jpg 961 × 319; 43 KB
CrackForceLines.svg 251 × 477; 47 KB
Creep test.JPG 389 × 258; 5 KB
Deformation.png 910 × 871; 117 KB
DeformazioneCauchy1.png 2,408 × 1,389; 463 KB
DeformazioneCauchy2.png 2,327 × 1,401; 396 KB
DeformazioneCauchy3.png 1,802 × 997; 358 KB
DeformazioneCauchy4.png 1,991 × 993; 408 KB
DeformazioneCauchy5.png 1,893 × 857; 260 KB
DensityVSYieldStrength.png 1,546 × 862; 133 KB
DensityVSYoungsModulus.png 1,546 × 862; 115 KB
Deviatoric and hydrostatic stress vectors.svg 271 × 277; 17 KB
Displacement of a continuum es.svg 960 × 693; 98 KB
Displacement of a continuum.svg 960 × 693; 131 KB
Effective Notch.svg 728 × 706; 8 KB
Elastic hit.png 464 × 318; 18 KB
ELASTIC PVISCO solid.JPG 924 × 389; 28 KB
Elastic rope on a bollard.png 1,200 × 900; 18 KB
Equilibrium infinitesimal area.png 682 × 582; 14 KB
Equilibrium infinitesimal area.svg 700 × 636; 8 KB
Equilibrium infinitesimal volume.png 209 × 320; 9 KB
Equiprojectivite vitesse.svg 262 × 373; 21 KB
Equiprojectivite.PNG 280 × 400; 15 KB
External-External-Fixator-Pelvis-Acetabulum.png 753 × 690; 162 KB
FEA Problem 3.3 b.png 342 × 332; 8 KB
FEA Problem 3.3.png 342 × 332; 7 KB
ForceBucklingMode4.svg 512 × 433; 9 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab EF1.svg 87 × 434; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab EF2.svg 512 × 3,810; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab EF3.svg 512 × 2,367; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab EF4.svg 512 × 2,869; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab EF5.svg 512 × 2,561; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab reduced.svg 347 × 434; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlab.svg 434 × 434; 17 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlabCode.svg 560 × 420; 5 KB
ForceBucklingModeMatlabSource.svg 434 × 521; 49 KB
Forze Cauchy.png 2,125 × 1,003; 254 KB
Géométrie plaque perforée.pdf 502 × 325; 10 KB
HoleForceLines.gif 307 × 512; 43 KB
HoleForceLines.svg 251 × 473; 47 KB
Illustration accompanying derivation of Schwedler's theorem.svg 393 × 141; 12 KB
Infinite beam on an elastic halfspace.png 1,116 × 484; 103 KB
Influence température sur rigidité solide.png 543 × 580; 12 KB
Ingeklemde balk.gif 237 × 95; 712 bytes
Instalite fig5.png 723 × 448; 16 KB
J integralPathIndep.png 343 × 349; 16 KB
Kontakt Spannungsoptik.JPG 3,429 × 2,487; 546 KB
KubischAnisotrop.png 422 × 397; 9 KB
Lode Angle Approximation Comparison.svg 720 × 540; 58 KB
Lode's angle.svg 371 × 326; 31 KB
Lode's parameter in Mohr's diagram cos.svg 512 × 531; 37 KB
Lode's parameter in Mohr's diagram.svg 412 × 426; 48 KB
MCA group.gif 224 × 230; 29 KB
Mechanika smyk.svg 664 × 214; 4 KB
Metallic and semiconductor strain gages.png 1,110 × 593; 484 KB
Mobile Phone Drop Test.jpg 600 × 400; 76 KB
Mohr Circle plane stress (angle).svg 930 × 806; 339 KB
Mohr Circle plane stress (pole).svg 757 × 591; 283 KB
Moment f.jpg 336 × 352; 11 KB
Moment f.JPG 931 × 277; 32 KB
Mvt plan.JPG 844 × 438; 41 KB
Naprezenie.svg 270 × 260; 53 KB
Normaalspanning.png 1,205 × 675; 17 KB
Pfloutch 004.jpg 5,838 × 4,531; 2.26 MB
Pfloutch 005.jpg 2,804 × 1,696; 722 KB
Plane strain.svg 1,263 × 589; 80 KB
Plane stress.svg 698 × 666; 59 KB
Plasticity models octahedral profile.svg 720 × 540; 58 KB
Poussette 3f.jpg 1,035 × 522; 65 KB
Precession-expl.png 276 × 202; 13 KB
Principe superposition Boltzman.png 400 × 460; 7 KB
PVS VISCOUS3.JPG 951 × 390; 26 KB
Relaxation test.JPG 404 × 313; 5 KB
Remplacement d'un appui ponctuel.svg 253 × 236; 7 KB
Remplacement d'une liaison linéaire annulaire.svg 306 × 158; 7 KB
Rigidité solide fonction du temps.png 556 × 329; 8 KB
Roz-cz.JPG 200 × 206; 8 KB
Schema de Maille plate.JPG 372 × 276; 14 KB
Schwedler's theorem - axial force.svg 404 × 96; 8 KB
Schwedler's theorem - original drawing.jpg 799 × 499; 35 KB
Skin Stringer Free Body Diagram Section.jpg 960 × 720; 31 KB
Skin Stringer Model with Dimensions Shown.jpg 960 × 720; 25 KB
Skin Stringer Model With Shear Flow Assumed.jpg 960 × 720; 31 KB
Skin Stringer Model With Transverse Shear Force Applied.jpg 960 × 720; 20 KB
Skjærspenning.JPG 299 × 262; 8 KB
Solide cisaillement.png 747 × 264; 5 KB
Solido deformacion tangencial.svg 637 × 118; 29 KB
Stiffener.jpg 4,000 × 1,820; 1.92 MB
Stress strain comparison brittle ductile ro.svg 400 × 300; 11 KB
Stress strain comparison brittle ductile.svg 400 × 300; 11 KB
Stress strain comparison es.svg 410 × 282; 35 KB
Stress strain comparison ro.svg 400 × 250; 7 KB
Stress strain comparison.gif 328 × 226; 12 KB
Stress strain comparison.svg 400 × 250; 7 KB
Stress Strain Ductile Material es.svg 531 × 347; 23 KB
Stress Strain Ductile Material.png 885 × 578; 42 KB
Stress strain ductile ro.svg 600 × 385; 11 KB
Stress strain ductile.svg 590 × 385; 11 KB
Stress-strain1 es.svg 515 × 335; 8 KB
Stress-strain1.svg 515 × 335; 11 KB
StressMeasures.png 887 × 418; 18 KB
Sólido deformación tangencial.png 637 × 118; 2 KB
Teknisk Elasticitetslære - Pl5-fig44.png 614 × 564; 34 KB
Teknisk Elasticitetslære - Pl5-fig45.png 868 × 826; 41 KB
Teknisk Elasticitetslære - Pl5-fig46.png 416 × 662; 19 KB
Teknisk Elasticitetslære - Pl5-fig48.png 754 × 484; 23 KB
Tender fatigued axle.JPG 1,511 × 609; 106 KB
TensileStress3D .jpg 1,152 × 648; 43 KB
Tension-sigma-tau-xy-section.png 478 × 474; 9 KB
The way to calculate the true strain where necking starts.png 463 × 340; 49 KB
Torseur cinématique d'un mouvement hélicoïdal.png 1,123 × 794; 55 KB
Traction.PNG 149 × 825; 5 KB
UCB Willam Warnke Yield Surface 3Da.png 865 × 629; 24 KB
UCB Willam Warnke Yield Surface 3Db.png 706 × 679; 29 KB
UCB Willam Warnke Yield Surface sig1sig2.png 827 × 805; 31 KB
Uniaxial compression of neo-Hookean solid.png 655 × 530; 28 KB
Virial in the form between paritcles.pdf 1,239 × 1,752; 119 KB
Visco79.jpg 962 × 378; 25 KB
Visco79.svg 556 × 488; 11 KB
Visco89.jpg 213 × 125; 4 KB
Visco89.svg 512 × 230; 852 bytes
Viscoplastic elements.JPG 404 × 276; 11 KB
Viscoplastic elements.svg 509 × 611; 13 KB
Willam Warnke Yield Surface sig1sig2.png 827 × 805; 32 KB
Çekme.jpg 624 × 355; 8 KB
Схема напылителя LPCS.jpg 1,259 × 693; 237 KB
מומנט ראשון של שטח דוגמה.jpg 1,280 × 720; 99 KB