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English: A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or county. Typically, statutes command or prohibit something, or declare policy. The word is often used to distinguish law made by legislative bodies from case law and the regulations or by-laws issued by government authorities. Statutes differ from constititions, as in most (but not all) modern states the constitution has supremacy over ordinary statute law.
<nowiki>statut; 法定のもの; yasa; Статут; статут; statuto; חוק; Статут (описание); قانون (حوقوق); 法規; Statut; Statut; statute; تشريع (قانون); statut; எழுத்துருச் சட்டம்; yasama organı tarafından ihdas edilen kural; фармальны прававы акт, які стварае закон; určitý typ základního právního předpisu či dokumentu některých typů organizací, či územních jednotek, zejména statut města; formal written document that creates law; формальный документ, который создаёт закон; מסמך חוק רשמי שנוצר על ידי המחוקק; atto giuridico scritto; Статут (положение); Статут ордена; статут; статут (Средние века); kanun; norm; mevzuat; hukuki işlem</nowiki>
formal written document that creates law
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Media in category "Statutes"

The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.