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Category:Tetany (medical sign)

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<nowiki>tetania; tetánia; Tetaneye; Tetania; تتانی; تكزز; тетания; Тетания; tetanedd; tetania; teitine; Տետանիա; 手足強直; tetania; tetanija; テタニー; tétanie; Tężyczka; tetani; tetani; Тетанія; tetanie; tetània; अपतानिका; Cơn tetany; tetānija; tetany; tetanio; tetanie; Tetanie; stato patologico che, nella sua forma manifesta, si caratterizza per la presenza di contrazioni forzate e involontarie dei muscoli (sia dolorose che indolori); Contractions musculaires involontaires; Espasmoak eta muskulu-uzkurdurak izateko joera patologikoa; хвороба; aandoening waarbij spasmen optreden; मांसपेशियों के अनैच्छिक संकुचन से युक्त एक चिकित्सा संकेत; Krankheit; medical sign consisting of the involuntary contraction of muscles; simptomo de nevolonta kontrahiĝo de muskoloj; syndrom vyvolaný sníženou hladinou hořčíku; tetano; tetanisk anfall; 手足强直; 手足抽搐症; izomgörcs; merevgörcs</nowiki>
medical sign consisting of the involuntary contraction of muscles
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Wikidata Q511818
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85134169
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12303177j
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 52223
NL CR AUT ID: ph685367
J9U ID: 987007531729405171
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Media in category "Tetany (medical sign)"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.