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<nowiki>termopolio; thermopolium; Termopolij; Thermopolium; Thermopolium; thermopolium; Thermopolium; termopolij; テルモポリウム; Termopólio; Termopolium; thermopolium; thermopolium; термополий; Θερμοπωλείο; termopolio; Термополій; thermopolium; Thermopolium; termopolium; Thermopolium; starorimski lokal s hitro prehrano; meleg ételeket és italokat árusító üzlettípus az antik görög és római világban; rzymska gospoda uliczna serwująca gotowe pożywienie i napoje, rodzaj antycznego baru; kleine fastfoodwinkel in het oude Rome; древнеримский трактир или бар, где подавали горячую еду и вино с пряностям; Imbiss im antiken Pompeij und Herculaneum; luogo di ristorazione rapida nell'antichità romana; ancient Roman fast food establishment; petite boutique de restauration rapide dans la Rome ancienne; antické zařízení rychlého občerstvení; establecimiento comercial en la Antigua Roma; thermopolium; thermopolia; thermopolia; thermopolium; thermopolia</nowiki>
ancient Roman fast food establishment
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  • In Ancient Rome thermopolia (singular thermopolium) were small shops had L-shaped counters into which large storage vessels were sunk, which would contain either hot or cold food. They are linked to the absence of kitchens in many dwellings and the ease with which people could purchase prepared foods - just as in modern times. Eating out was also an important aspect of socialising.


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