Category:Totland kirke

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<nowiki>كنيسه توتلاند; Totland kyrka; Totlandin kirkko; Totland Church; Totland kyrkje; Totland kirke; Totland Kirke; bâtiment de Vågsøy, Sogn og Fjordane, Norvège; kirke i Stad kommune; Kirchengebäude in Norwegen; kyrkje i Stad kommune; church building in Stad, Vestlandet, Norway; كنيسة في النرويج; церква в Норвегії; kerkgebouw in Noorwegen; Totland kyrkje; Totland kirkested</nowiki>
Totland Church 
church building in Stad, Vestlandet, Norway
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Instance of
Heritage designation
  • heritage site in Norway
  • 1912
Map61° 55′ 56.64″ N, 5° 23′ 17.16″ E
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Norsk bokmål: Totland kirke i Kinn kommune

Media in category "Totland kirke"

This category contains only the following file.