Category:United States Army Command and General Staff College

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English: The United States Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort Leavenworth is a graduate school for United States Army and sister service officers, interagency representatives, and international military officers. The college was established in 1881 by William Tecumseh Sherman as the School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry, (later simply the Infantry and Cavalry School), a training school for infantry and cavalry officers. In 1907 it changed its title to the School of the Line. The curriculum expanded throughout World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War and continues to adapt to include lessons learned from current conflicts.
<nowiki>Colegio de Comando y Estado Mayor General del Ejército de los Estados Unidos; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Командно-штабной колледж армии США; Command and General Staff College; Command and General Staff College; United States Army Command and General Staff College; ԱՄՆ հրամանատարական-շտաբային քոլեջ; 美國陸軍指揮參謀學院; アメリカ陸軍指揮幕僚大学; US Army Command and General Staff College; המכללה לפיקוד ומטה של צבא ארצות הברית; АКШ армиясенең команда-штаб көллияте; 美國陸軍指揮參謀學院; 美国陆军指挥参谋学院; 미국 육군지휘참모대학교; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Kolej armádního velení a generálního štábu Spojených států; Command and General Staff College; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Command and General Staff College; Ameerika Ühendriikide maaväe juhtimis- ja kindralstaabi kolledž; Командно-штабен колеџ на Армијата на САД; Κολέγιο Διοίκησης και Γενικού Επιτελείου του Αμερικανικού Στρατού; دانشگاه فرماندهی ارتش و ستاد کل ایالات متحده; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Камандна-штабны каледж арміі ЗША; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Colaiste Luchd-riaghlaidh is Luchd-obrach Coitcheann Arm nan Stàitean Aonaichte; Colégio de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército dos Estados Unidos; ریاستہائے متحدہ آرمی کمانڈ اینڈ جنرل اسٹاف کالج; Command and General Staff College; United States Army Command and General Staff College; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; 美國陸軍指揮參謀學院; Командно-штабний коледж армії США; United States Army Command and General Staff College; Камандна-штабны коледж арміі ЗША; United States Army Command and General Staff College; United States Army Command and General Staff College; كلية القيادة والأركان العامة للجيش الأمريكي; 美国陆军参谋与指挥学院; كليه القياده والاركان العامه للجيش الامريكى; Kansas'ta bulunan askerî eğitim kurumu; École supérieure de l'armée américaine; Escuela de posgrado del ejército de los Estados Unidos; Аспірантура арміі Злучаных Штатаў; مدرسة الدراسات العليا في جيش الولايات المتحدة; militaire academie in de Verenigde Staten; United States army graduate school; دانشگاه نظامی; Graduiertenschule der US-Armee; podiplomski vojaški kolidž Kopenske vojske Združenih držav Amerike; United States army graduate school; United States army graduate school; americká vojenská škola; Graduiertenschule der US-Armee; USACGSC; CGSC; USACGSC; United States Army Command and General Staff College; École des études militaires avancées de l’Armée des États-Unis; United States Army Command and General Staff College; U.S Army Command and General Staff College; Army Command and General Staff College; 美國陸軍指揮學院; 美國陸軍指揮與參謀學院; 美國陸軍指揮與參謀大學; 美國陸軍參謀與指揮學院; 美國陸軍指參學院; 美国陆军指揮與参谋大学; 美国陆军指挥学院; 美國陸軍指揮与參謀學院; 美国陆军参谋与指挥学院; Army Command and General Staff College; Армейский командно-штабной колледж; USACGSC; CGSC; Infantry and Cavalry School; School of the Line; 美國陸軍指揮與參謀學院; 肯薩斯州利雲和夫參謀大學; 美國陸軍指揮參謀大學; 美國陸軍指揮與參謀作業學院; 美國陸軍指揮及參謀學院; 美國陸軍參謀學院; 美國陸軍指輝與參謀大學; 美国陆军参谋与指挥学院; 美国陆军指挥学院; 美国陆军指挥参谋学院; 美国陆军指挥学院; 美国陆军指揮與参谋大学; 美國陸軍指參學院; 陸軍指參學院</nowiki>
United States Army Command and General Staff College 
United States army graduate school
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LocationFort Leavenworth, Kansas
Headquarters location
  • 1881
official website
Map39° 20′ 39″ N, 94° 54′ 57″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1115050
ISNI: 0000000121092379
VIAF cluster ID: 126752257
GND ID: 1034956-X
Library of Congress authority ID: n83008056
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 135833041
IdRef ID: 122268415
J9U ID: 987007269174505171
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