Category:United States government debt
English: United States government debt
cumulative face value of all outstanding U.S. Treasury securities | |||||
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "United States government debt"
The following 109 files are in this category, out of 109 total.
18960415 antisemitic political cartoon in Sound Money.jpg 900 × 658; 250 KB
1969 $100K Treasury Bill (front).jpg 5,259 × 3,668; 11.7 MB
1976 $5000 8% Treasury Note.jpg 4,681 × 5,179; 7.56 MB
1978 $1000 8 3-8% Treasury Bond (reverse).jpg 4,183 × 4,897; 4.11 MB
1979 $10,000 Treasury Bond .jpg 4,981 × 4,189; 10.08 MB
1981 $10k 15.875% Registered Note .jpg 5,487 × 4,828; 7.07 MB
2009-04-18 President Obama's Weekly Address.ogv 5 min 36 s, 1,280 × 720; 35.21 MB
2009-04-25 President Obama's Weekly Address.ogv 4 min 38 s, 1,280 × 720; 30.44 MB
2010 Budget - Deficit and Debt Increases.png 960 × 720; 6 KB
51129-land-summaryfigure1(1).png 600 × 400; 40 KB
American-debt.jpg 526 × 443; 72 KB
Bachmann in Newton 014 (6012764564).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.32 MB
Bachmann in Newton 015 (6012768532).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.19 MB
Budget Deficit 1971 to 2001.png 939 × 436; 21 KB
CBO - Public Debt Scenarios - June 2011.png 960 × 720; 65 KB
Components-of-total-US-interest-payments-minus-deposits.jpg 1,201 × 574; 58 KB
Components-of-total-US-interest-payments.jpg 1,095 × 573; 56 KB
Composition of U.S. Long-Term Treasury Debt 2000-2014.svg 1,251 × 762; 200 KB
Composition of U.S. Long-Term Treasury Debt 2005-2010.PNG 1,291 × 835; 57 KB
Debt and Debt % to GDP - 2010 Budget.png 960 × 720; 9 KB
Debt Ceiling 1981-2010.png 844 × 617; 70 KB
Debt-to-GDP ratio (1790 to 2009).png 1,310 × 951; 61 KB
Debt1929-50-zh-hans.svg 651 × 440; 31 KB
Debt1929-50.jpg 651 × 440; 32 KB
Debt1929-50.svg 651 × 440; 38 KB
Debt1929-50fr.jpg 651 × 440; 37 KB
Deficit to Change in Debt Comparison - 2008.png 1,428 × 760; 97 KB
Deficits vs. Debt Increases - 2008.png 960 × 720; 6 KB
Deficits vs. Debt Increases - 2009.png 960 × 720; 6 KB
Dette publique Etats-Unis 1983-2011.jpg 628 × 893; 85 KB
Dette publique sur PIB Etats-Unis 1983-2002.jpg 625 × 896; 78 KB
Dette US longue periode - 2.png 3,711 × 2,045; 43 KB
Dette US longue periode.png 672 × 422; 36 KB
Estimated ownership of treasury securities by year.gif 735 × 409; 33 KB
Estimated ownership of US Treasury securities by category 0608.jpg 510 × 320; 56 KB
Estimated ownership of US Treasury securities by category.gif 609 × 315; 13 KB
Evolución de la deuda nacional estadounidense entre 1929 y 1950.svg 651 × 440; 30 KB
Federal debt to GDP - 2000 to 2010.png 960 × 720; 10 KB
Federal interest payments.jpg 1,974 × 1,194; 173 KB
Federal Prison Population vs Federal Debt.png 1,024 × 768; 32 KB
Federal Spending - Cause of Change 2001 to 2009.png 960 × 720; 21 KB
FederalDebt1940to2012.svg 665 × 310; 4 KB
FederalDebt1940to2015.svg 512 × 205; 12 KB
Fiscally Responsible Obama Agenda (4463870132).jpg 1,138 × 829; 154 KB
Fiscally Responsible Obama Agenda (5081452634).jpg 1,097 × 799; 153 KB
Foreign Holders of United States Treasury Securities.svg 700 × 700; 11 KB
Fundamentals of Business - Fig. 2.9 - The United States National Debt.jpg 2,066 × 1,664; 211 KB
GAO DEBT CEILING Analysis of Actions Taken during the 2003 Debt Issuance Suspension Period.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 63 pages; 759 KB
Gross US Federal Debt as a Percentage of GDP, by President.png 687 × 356; 13 KB
Historic Federal Debt.png 921 × 711; 373 KB
Holders of the National Debt of the United States 09.08.gif 705 × 500; 23 KB
Holders of the National Debt of the United States.gif 737 × 503; 32 KB
Holders of the National Debt of the United States.jpg 705 × 500; 120 KB
Interest - Stacked bar chart 2006 - 2007.png 960 × 720; 62 KB
Interest on the federal debt.png 1,570 × 850; 113 KB
Log US GDP and Debt Graph.png 1,309 × 951; 63 KB
National-Debt-GDP.gif 529 × 332; 10 KB
President Bush Nearly Doubled the Publicly Held Debt (4691554103).jpg 892 × 644; 115 KB
President McKinley as Old Mother Hubbard 1897 cartoon.jpg 896 × 592; 157 KB
Process for FY 2003 debt ceiling relief.svg 664 × 190; 195 KB
Reason cover August–September 2024.jpg 2,400 × 3,150; 611 KB
RL32209 (IA RL32209-crs).pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 28 pages; 549 KB
Storyboard of Politics- 2012 Election Outlook (2000).jpg 557 × 455; 253 KB
The Bush Deficit (4190849095).jpg 1,036 × 753; 227 KB
The Bush Deficit (4691566087).jpg 998 × 748; 101 KB
Total government spending on all levels (United States).png 1,618 × 411; 152 KB
Total US deficits surpluses by GDP.png 600 × 421; 64 KB
Total US Federal Debt by House Majority Party (1940 to 2009).png 1,310 × 951; 40 KB
Total US Federal Debt by President (1940 to 2015).png 916 × 589; 26 KB
Total US Federal Debt by Senate Majority Party (1940 to 2009).png 1,310 × 951; 42 KB
U.S. Federal Net Interest as Pct GDP.png 937 × 523; 50 KB
U.S. Household Debt Relative to Disposable Income and GDP.png 960 × 720; 10 KB
U.S. Total Deficits vs. National Debt Increases 2001-2010 (hy).png 1,828 × 1,388; 150 KB
U.S. Total Deficits vs. National Debt Increases 2001-2010.png 914 × 694; 30 KB
Uncle Sam (4092500319).jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 3.4 MB
United States budget deficit, 1971 to 2001.svg 939 × 436; 38 KB
United States Federal Debt as a Percentage of Domestic Product-2013.png 1,098 × 515; 39 KB
United States Federal Debt in Constant Dollars.svg 750 × 560; 12 KB
United States national debt as a percent of GDP.png 1,250 × 500; 60 KB
US Budgeted Deficit 1993-2017.svg 750 × 540; 83 KB
US Debt in Constant Dollars and as Percent of GDP.png 1,024 × 768; 72 KB
US debt outstanding by sector.png 970 × 604; 25 KB
US Debt Trend-Congress.svg 765 × 990; 10 KB
US Debt Trend.svg 765 × 990; 9 KB
US Federal Debt (1940 to 2009).png 1,310 × 951; 89 KB
US Federal Debt as Percent of GDP by President.jpg 965 × 593; 108 KB
US Federal Debt as Percent of GDP by President.png 960 × 600; 6 KB
US Federal Debt as Percent of GDP by President.svg 985 × 618; 64 KB
US Federal Debt Chart 1940-2011.png 460 × 646; 41 KB
US Federal Debt Projection to 2080.svg 750 × 560; 11 KB
US Federal Debt.JPG 909 × 624; 75 KB
US federal government debt ceiling from 1990 to 2013.png 970 × 604; 17 KB
US federal government debt ceiling from 1990.png 970 × 604; 16 KB
US national debt.png 1,418 × 472; 42 KB
US Public Debt Ceiling 1981-2010.png 851 × 617; 70 KB
US Public Debt Ceiling Trillions.png 1,157 × 526; 107 KB
USDebt.png 744 × 1,004; 53 KB
USDept-de.png 976 × 1,260; 66 KB
Wars and Bush Tax Cuts Will Account For Half of Public Debt (5791270736).jpg 1,086 × 786; 119 KB
Who Increased The Debt? (5684032538) (complete terms only).jpg 862 × 701; 43 KB
Who Increased The Debt? (5684032538).jpg 1,149 × 832; 69 KB