Category:VE Day
public holiday commemorating the surrender of Nazi Germany (8 May 1945) | |||||
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Deutsch: Tag der Befreiung: Bedingungslose Kapitulation der Wehrmacht am 7. und 8. Mai 1945. Da die Kapitulation erst am 9. Mai in Moskau bekannt gegeben wurde, wird dort der 9. Mai als Tag es Sieges gefeiert.
English: Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day or VE Day) was May 7 and May 8, 1945, the dates when the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany and the end of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Victory Day (Russia) is May 9.
Українська: День Перемоги в Європі — день святкування беззастережної капітуляції збройних сил нацистської Німеччини у Другій Світовій війні.
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Media in category "VE Day"
The following 59 files are in this category, out of 59 total.
359th Fighter Group - V-E Day Celebration.jpg 1,255 × 852; 170 KB
Americans on Okinawa hear of victory in Europe.jpg 3,752 × 3,000; 5.65 MB
Arabic World War Two Poster Germany Surrenders.jpg 817 × 1,200; 213 KB
Barclay's Bank building covered with British flags, 1945. matpc.13590.jpg 3,164 × 3,332; 5.23 MB
British Victory Parade in Berlin BU9088.jpg 2,480 × 1,669; 1.04 MB
Buffalo courier express nazi surrender.jpg 2,728 × 1,972; 1.25 MB
Cust VJ and VE Day Memorial.JPG 4,000 × 6,016; 11.98 MB
EVDayParadeAlexandriaSinagoge7051945.jpg 1,317 × 894; 150 KB
F Company Scots Guards march up Whitehall during VE Day Celebrations.jpg 5,534 × 3,953; 10.14 MB
Fra Brattørkaia eller Fosenkaia? (1945) (4327610892).jpg 2,582 × 1,800; 541 KB
Front Page of the Daily Mirror on Victory in Europe Day.jpg 358 × 420; 98 KB
Gedenkstele Platz der Befreiung (Adlh) 8. Mai 1945 2.JPG 924 × 2,324; 3.11 MB
Gedenkstele Platz der Befreiung (Adlh) 8. Mai 1945 3.JPG 797 × 1,994; 1.61 MB
Gedenkstele Platz der Befreiung (Adlh) 8. Mai 1945 4.JPG 882 × 2,300; 2.9 MB
Gedenkstele Platz der Befreiung (Adlh) 8. Mai 1945.JPG 924 × 2,115; 2.56 MB
Harry Truman Announcing Surrender Of Germany.ogg 5 min 53 s; 1.97 MB
Journaux du 8 mai 1945.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 690 KB
Luxembourg American Cemetery Hamm DF-ST-97-01009.jpg 2,887 × 1,884; 1.65 MB
Morgunbladid forsida 8 mai 1945.jpg 375 × 568; 95 KB
Musée de la reddition Cleveland News.JPG 1,159 × 1,546; 393 KB
Musée de la rédition L'Union.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1 MB
Musée de la rédition The Evening Star.JPG 1,044 × 1,323; 371 KB
Notice of end of war against German Soldier.jpg 4,611 × 3,308; 2.35 MB
Oberhausen - Kaisergarten - Bombentrichter (Heinrich Kasan) 05 ies.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 3.46 MB
Plaque Symi surrender dodecanese 1945.jpg 2,519 × 3,080; 4.56 MB
StampMaribor1945Michel26.jpg 279 × 330; 116 KB
V-E-Day Stars and Stripes No 285 Paris 8 May 1945.JPG 800 × 1,172; 798 KB
Teppich-Museum Oelsnitz 27.jpg 2,440 × 3,548; 4.29 MB
Tyske soldater og sovjetiske krigsfanger ved Trondheim Sentralstasjon 01.jpg 2,602 × 1,861; 1.77 MB
V-E Day in Paris (OHA 143.02), National Museum of Health and Medicine.jpg 1,818 × 1,228; 131 KB
V.E. Day, Barclay's Bank flood lit at night. 1945. matpc.12584.II.jpg 633 × 1,563; 504 KB
V.E. Day, Barclay's Bank flood lit at night. 1945. matpc.12584.jpg 3,157 × 3,642; 5.07 MB
V.E. Day, Barclay's Bank, day pictures. 1945. matpc.12585.jpg 4,415 × 3,145; 7.08 MB
VE Day and VJ Day memorial at Chirnside - - 948909.jpg 427 × 640; 114 KB
VE day Jerusalem 1945 (cropped 3-2).jpg 4,369 × 2,914; 5.69 MB
VE day Jerusalem 1945 (cropped).jpg 2,834 × 2,409; 3.11 MB
VE day Jerusalem 1945.jpg 4,369 × 3,163; 6.3 MB
VE Day mural on a former buildings of Pontefract General Infirmary (21st June 2020).jpg 3,872 × 2,176; 3.63 MB
VE Day Passing out Champagne to 1139th troops.jpg 2,798 × 3,936; 1.29 MB
VE-day parade, Afula, Israel, 1945.jpg 612 × 920; 154 KB
Victory in Europe (VE) Day in Baltimore (24822655412).jpg 1,397 × 1,091; 166 KB
Victory V Plantation Felbrigg Hall.JPG 2,304 × 1,728; 1.72 MB
WWII 109.B2.F6.21.jpg 711 × 528; 50 KB
Zentralbibliothek Solothurn Ernst Klöti 1790.jpg 6,415 × 4,184; 20.49 MB
חגיגת יום הנצחון בגמר מלחמת העולם השניה , ירושלים-JNF006510.jpeg 600 × 398; 56 KB
ירושלים - חגיגת יום הנצחון-JNF012417.jpeg 567 × 427; 47 KB
מסדר הניצחון בסיום המלחמה מאי 1945 - iלהביi btm8606.jpeg 658 × 453; 144 KB
תושבי עפולה חוגגים את הניצחון על גרמניה 1945 - iעפולהלבנהi btm4563.jpeg 635 × 453; 126 KB
תושבי עפולה חוגגים את הניצחון על גרמניה 1945 - iעפולהלבנהi btm4566.jpeg 653 × 453; 101 KB