Category:Van Aubel's theorem

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<nowiki>Teorema de Van Aubel; théorème de van Aubel; Теорема Ван-Обеля; Satz von van Aubel; Định lý Van Aubel; 凡·奧貝爾定理; Teorema lui van Aubel; ヴァン・オーベルの定理; Twierdzenie van Aubela; теорема ван Обеля про чотирикутник; stelling van Van Aubel; 판 아우벌의 정리; مبرهنة فان أوبيل; Van Aubelin lause; van Aubel's theorem; teoreom de van Aubel; Теорема на Фан Обел; Teorema de Van Aubel; теорема планиметрии; théorème qui décrit dans un quadrilatère certaines relations entre les centres de quatre carrés construits sur les quatre cotés d'un quadrilatère convexe; mathematischer Satz; theorem that, given a convex quadrilateral, if one constructs a square—external to the quadrilateral—on each side, the 2 line segments between the centers of opposite squares have equal lengths and are orthogonal; theorem that, given a convex quadrilateral, if one constructs a square—external to the quadrilateral—on each side, the 2 line segments between the centers of opposite squares have equal lengths and are orthogonal; wspólna nazwa dwóch twierdzeń planimetrii; теорема, доведена 1878 року; teorema que relaciona los cuadrados construidos sobre los lados de un cuadrilátero; Теорема Ван-Обеля о четырёхугольнике; теорема ван Обеля</nowiki>
Định lý Van Aubel 
theorem that, given a convex quadrilateral, if one constructs a square—external to the quadrilateral—on each side, the 2 line segments between the centers of opposite squares have equal lengths and are orthogonal
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  • 1878
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