Category talk:Ferry houses in the Netherlands

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About categories added by Kreuz und quer


@Kreuz und quer: You added two categories I do not agree with:

  1. Category:Caretakers' houses in the Netherlands; but a ferry house in the Netherlands is not a caretakers' house. The owner or renter of the ferry house does not need to live in it and is not a caretaker.
  2. Category:Ferry terminals in the Netherlands; but a ferry house in the Netherlands does not need to be on a ferry terminal; there are ferries that serve several places. Ferry houses can be at intermediate moorings as well.

JopkeB (talk) 02:38, 30 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

First a note on point 2: A ferry terminal need not be at the 'end' of the ferry's route. Any structure at an intermediate mooring for a ferry can be considered a ferry terminal. In this sense, 'terminal' refers only to the end of a particular segment of travel, much like an airport terminal may serve as a point of departure or an intermediate stop, not ony a final destination.
This might be a matter of mistranslation. Can you describe to me what a ferry house is in the Netherlands? In English, a ferry house is a house/structure where a) a caretaker of a ferry lives, and/or b) an inn where passengers on a ferry can stay before or after a ferry trip; historically, a ferry house often served both purposes. Kreuz und quer (talk) 17:10, 30 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Kreuz und quer, for your reply.
Ferry on the Meuse river
  1. In the Netherlands "Veerhuizen" are indoors waiting areas, often cafes, where passengers could wait for the ferry; and indeed (according to the NL-WP), you are right, they could also have the function of the ferryman's residence. But then I think the parent category should not be "Caretakers' houses", because in my opinion a ferryman is not a caretaker (someone who takes care of a cemetery, park, estate, school, or other building complex), but who runs and drives a ferry, he may even own the boat. I think it would be better to have Category:Houses in the Netherlands by inhabitants as the parent instead.
  2. In the Netherlands many ferries do not moor on for instance a jetty or in a real port/harbour, but just at the beginning/end of a road at the other side of a river, see photo. Would that still be called a "ferry terminal"? (I am not at all an expert on boating, harbors, and so on, and not in English terminology as well, so I should rely on other Commonners for this kind of matters).
--JopkeB (talk) 07:05, 1 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]