Commons:IG Commons Hub/Projects/Shutterbugs photo training project

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Shutterbugs Photo training project



The Project


The shutterbugs photo training project is a project of the IG Wiki Commons Hub. The project is aimed at training selected hub/community members on how to capture and edit photos that meets up with the Wikimedia Commons standard using mobile phones.

The project is conceptualized and executed by Wilson Oluoha. Ogali Hilary, Frankincense Diala with administrative assistance from Ojogbue Stephanie. Together, they constitute members of the project team.



Shutterbugs Launch


The shutterbugs photo training started on Tuesday 18th of April 2023 with 8 participants. The launch was done and the aim of the project was revealed to all the participants and participants were encouraged to put their all into the shutterbugs photo training project and also maintain the Wikimedia friendly space policy.



The photo training will last for 9 weeks. Each week having a theme and activity to be carried out by the participants.

How it was done


The shutterbugs photo training project is a virtual training where participants learn through watching Youtube videos, photos and reading related materials about the theme of the week.

Photo submission


Participants having known the theme for the week and having gone through the materials provided, participants takes photo about the theme with their mobile phones, edit it with Snapseed App to enhance the quality then submit the photo to the shutterbugs WhatsApp group latest on friday. Participants meet every Sunday for an online webinar to discuss and tell the story about their photo submission during the week, what they did to make their photo submission better and what inspires them. Observation and corrections will then be made on the photos while the participants takes note and learn from them.

Ground rules


The following are the rules drafted to help the shutterbugs maintain the Wikimedia friendly space policy and also practice discipline during the project

  1. Explore interests, not positions: It’s often difficult to reach an agreement in a meeting because some are often dogmatic about their position. But if participants mutually explore the interest behind the positions, it becomes much easier to find a common ground.
  2. Don't judge ideas, add ideas: Instead of judging ideas, everyone should focus on adding to ideas or providing alternative answers to questions or class work during the training.
  3. Give room to everyone to talk: Don't talk while someone is talking, don't shut anyone up and always give room to others to participate in answering questions and contributing their ideas.
  4. Be present, or be elsewhere: The more people zone out of a meeting, the more it affects the quality of the meeting and its output will diminish.
  5. Punctuality: Be early to meetings, don't come when the meeting has gone far.
  6. Tackle problems, not people: When people feel that their personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict.

Weekly Theme[edit]

Week Theme

Architectural Photography




Outdoors photos (Roads, streets, etc)






Lights (continuation)


Silhouettes photography


Silhouettes photography



  1. Ogali Hilary
  2. Ojogbue Stephanie
  3. Albert Mkpongonyong
  4. Nkrumah Blessing
  5. Iwuala, Lucy Chinyeaka
  6. Nwonwu Uchechukwu Pascaline
  7. Frankincense Diala
  8. George Blessing



Before the shutterbugs photo training I normally take photos because I love photography but I never knew I could do wonders with my mobile phone camera and the Snapseed App. During the photo training I learnt how to take good photographs with my phone, how to edit the photographs to a good quality and to a standard that anyone can use. I also got to learn that taking good photographs first is not about the camera or quality of the lens but the photographers eye, the ability to see, capture and visualize your photo in your head before taking them is what makes you a good photographer. I am happy I participated in this training and I can say the training is worth the time and resources spent. --Ogali Hilary

Prior to the Shutterbugs Photo Training, I know nothing about Snapseed tools and other features I can utilize from my smartphone. However, there's an improvement (I'm a work in progress) and all these are thanks to the Shutterbugs sessions. Looking forward harnessing and doing more from the ideas, skills and knowledge acquired. - Iwuala Lucy

Starting this training, I knew nothing about snapseed but during the course of the project I was taught how to use Snapseed. The training also helped me to learn how to take pictures that is having the eye of a photographer. I look forward to more of this training. - ojogbue Stephanie

The last few weeks have be so entertaining and enlightening. I have always loved taking pictures with my mobile phone and sometimes, a borrowed camera. Comparing the images, I made a conclusion; "The secret to a good photograph is a high end camera". I carried on with this idealogy until I was selected to participate in The shutterbugs project. I learnt that there is a tool far greater than a high resolution camera, The photographers eye. My journey through the program has been so rejuvenating all thanks to our coach Mr. Wilson and my fellow team members. He kept motivating and pushing us to be the best version of ourselves using the limited resources we have "Our smartphones". I was introduced to SNAPSEED and I must say it is a great application with a wide range of tools. My take home: Be intentional about everything you do, click that shutter button like you mean it, let your photograph tell a story. - Albertoblaq

Long before the shutterbug photography training, i used to take pictures like every other person. During the course of this project, i have improve my skills of taking photographs, being creative with images and editing the images. I have never heard of Snapseed until this training began, i can now use the Snapseed app to edit images and give their best look. All thanks to Mr. Wilson for your effort and time spent on this project and carrying everyone along. - Nkrumah Blessing

I had the incredible opportunity to participate in a photography training project called Shutterbug, where I was chosen to be part of the esteemed group known as the Fantastic Five. I cannot express how excited I was to be selected for this program. Before joining Shutterbug, I had always had a passion for photography, but I would simply take pictures without much thought or technique. However, throughout the weekly training sessions, I gained an extensive set of skills, even using just my mobile phone. I learned about the photographer's eye, the importance of utilizing the rule of thirds and gridlines, and how to enhance the overall appearance of an image using the Snapseed App, among many other things. This training had a profound impact on me, as it opened up my creative mind and allowed me to become a more skilled and improved version of myself. Additionally, my time in Shutterbug introduced me to an amazing group of people who inspired and motivated me every step of the way. Our coach, Mr. Wilson, was a tremendous source of inspiration and an exceptional teacher. He not only imparted his knowledge to us but also encouraged us to see through his teachings by incorporating practical exercises and ensuring that everyone was learning and progressing together. The training process encompassed a wide range of emotions, from the enjoyable moments to the constructive criticisms that ultimately helped us improve. It was an all-encompassing experience, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it. I cannot wait to continue exploring and expanding my skills further. In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the Shutterbug training and all that it has provided me. - Nwonwu Uchechukwu P