Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Photographic Reports by Harold Weaver, Forester, compiled ca. 1938 - ca. 1966, documenting the period ca. 1959 - ca. 1966

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Category:US National Archives series: Photographic Reports by Harold Weaver, Forester, compiled ca. 1938 - ca. 1966, documenting the period ca. 1959 - ca. 1966
No. File Categorized?
1 General view of Kettle Falls of the Columbia River. This was taken on a field trip of the Spokane Camera Club.... - NARA - 298707.tif ✓ Done
2 Kettle Falls, Columbia River - NARA - 298708.tif ✓ Done
3 Coulee Dam under construction - NARA - 298709.tif
4 Warm Springs Indian Agency - NARA - 298710.tif ✓ Done
5 Forest fire in foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. This photo was taken from the Donner Pass... - NARA - 298711.tif
6 July 1944 appearance of one of the most severely scorched pole patches on compartment ^1, where broadcase slash... - NARA - 298713.tif
7 Photo taken where logging slash was tracotr piled during the supper of 1944 and was burned during late September and... - NARA - 298712.tif
8 Forest Guard Mathew Dick using propane gas backfiring torch to set backfire near fire line. For fire suppression... - NARA - 298670.tif
9 Slash fire burning. Near the center of the picture can be seen Scaler Walter Moomaw setting fire to dry pine snag by... - NARA - 298671.tif
10 The Biles-Coleman slash piling tractor with blade raised. Over the top of the tractor there can be seen a slash pile... - NARA - 298672.tif
11 Another view of the slash piling tactor in actin. This phote well illustrates the piling conducted on the Omak Lake... - NARA - 298673.tif
12 This slash pile is typical of the work accomplished by the Biles-Coleman slach piling tractor. Notice the new... - NARA - 298674.tif
13 The photo shows burning of tractor piled slash in progress somewhere atop Omak Lake Ridge. As can be observed the... - NARA - 298675.tif
14 Morris Lodoen burning tractor piled slash - NARA - 298676.tif
15 Broadcast slash burning in progress. At least two of the burners are visible in this picture. As illustrated, the... - NARA - 298677.tif
16 Broadcast slash burning in progress on the Manila Creek Indian Logging unit. - NARA - 298678.tif
17 Appearance of Omak Lake Ridge before logging. Edward J. Whalen, Forester, was marking timber for selective logging on... - NARA - 298679.tif
18 Summer of 1945 photo of a portion where logging slash was tractor piled during the previous summer and was burned... - NARA - 298680.tif
19 Forester selecting mature pines for cutting. He carefully inspects for overmaturity or tother signs of weakness that... - NARA - 298681.tif
20 Power saw felling of a tree marked for cutting by the foreter. One of the men operating the electrically powered... - NARA - 298682.tif
21 Appearance of a pine forest after it had been selectively logged in 1941. Younger, thrifty trees as here depicted... - NARA - 298683.tif
22 Burnign of hand piled slash during the fall of 1941 - NARA - 298684.tif
23 One of the largest ponderosa pines on the Colville Indian Reservation. Photo taken at the edge of Moses Meadow. L-R... - NARA - 298686.tif
24 Summit Lake and Upper Omak Creek Basin, looking NE from eastern end of Omak Lake Ridge. Apporximately half of the... - NARA - 298685.tif
25 Felling crew at work on the Kartar unit - NARA - 298687.tif
26 Slavage loggin in progress on the Tunk Creek logging unit in the NE corner of the Colville Reservation. In the... - NARA - 298688.tif
27 Harold Weaver, Walt Moomaw and Pete Whitelaw on the summit of Grizzly Mountain. Most of these mountains had been... - NARA - 298689.tif
28 Walt Moomaw, at left, with enrollee crew in valley of Onion Creek. This crew was cutting fence posts from western red... - NARA - 298690.tif
29 Part of the damage that resulted from the 700-acre Brush Crrek fire in the lower San Poil Canyon. - NARA - 298691.tif
30 Gunther Heeren indicating a one-year old ponderosa pine seedling on the Keller Ridge burn of August 1958. Almost the... - NARA - 298692.tif
31 Photo by Ladd of fresh grade for a logging railroad in the Moses Mountain unit. Double tracks were laid along this... - NARA - 298693.tif
32 Photo by Ladd showing general view of Omak Creek Valley from a ridge top. Note old model auto in greshly cut-over... - NARA - 298694.tif
33 Ladd photo of hand-piled slash on freshly cut-over area - NARA - 298695.tif
34 Ladd photo of log cutter felling timber on Moses Mountain logging unit. - NARA - 298696.tif
35 Ladd photo of horse skidding of logs on the Moses Mountain logging unit. For skindding to landings along the railroad... - NARA - 298697.tif
36 Ladd photo of "ten ton" Holt tractors skidding tree-length logs on "bummers" on the Moses Mountain logging unit. The... - NARA - 298698.tif ✓ Done
37 Ladd photo of solid-tired Moreland logging trucks of Biles Coleman Lumber Co. on the Moses Mountain logging unit.... - NARA - 298699.tif ✓ Done
38 Ladd photo showing "jammer" of Biles Coleman Lumber Co. loading 16-foot logs on a flat car. - NARA - 298700.tif
39 Loaded log train on narrow gauge railroad of Biles Colemena Lumber Co. at "big landing" on the old Omak Creek unit.... - NARA - 298701.tif
40 Tribal Business Council. L-R, standing, Mr. Dick, Alex Covington, Henry Covington, ^, Barney Rickard, FA Gross... - NARA - 298702.tif
41 Colville Business Council with some of the hereditary ciefs and older members of the Colville Confederated Tribe.... - NARA - 298703.tif
42 Fire school at the Coyote Creek CCC Camp. Pete Whitelaw is lecturing on use of the double-bitted axe. Superintendent... - NARA - 298704.tif
43 War-time fire presuppression crew. Most of these boys were 16 and 17 years old from various high schools of the... - NARA - 298705.tif ✓ Done
44 Part of the colville Forestry staff. Back row, L-R, Edward T. Hall, Forest Ranger, Melvin Robertson, Assistant Forest... - NARA - 298706.tif
45 General view of Kettle Falls of the Columbia River. This was taken on a field trip of the Spokane Camera Club.... - NARA - 298707.jpg ✓ Done
46 Kettle Falls, Columbia River - NARA - 298708.jpg ✓ Done
47 Coulee Dam under construction - NARA - 298709.jpg ✓ Done
48 Warm Springs Indian Agency - NARA - 298710.jpg ✓ Done
49 Forest fire in foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. This photo was taken from the Donner Pass... - NARA - 298711.jpg
50 July 1944 appearance of one of the most severely scorched pole patches on compartment ^1, where broadcase slash... - NARA - 298713.jpg
51 Photo taken where logging slash was tracotr piled during the supper of 1944 and was burned during late September and... - NARA - 298712.jpg
52 Forest Guard Mathew Dick using propane gas backfiring torch to set backfire near fire line. For fire suppression... - NARA - 298670.jpg
53 Slash fire burning. Near the center of the picture can be seen Scaler Walter Moomaw setting fire to dry pine snag by... - NARA - 298671.jpg
54 The Biles-Coleman slash piling tractor with blade raised. Over the top of the tractor there can be seen a slash pile... - NARA - 298672.jpg
55 Another view of the slash piling tactor in actin. This phote well illustrates the piling conducted on the Omak Lake... - NARA - 298673.jpg
56 This slash pile is typical of the work accomplished by the Biles-Coleman slach piling tractor. Notice the new... - NARA - 298674.jpg
57 The photo shows burning of tractor piled slash in progress somewhere atop Omak Lake Ridge. As can be observed the... - NARA - 298675.jpg
58 Morris Lodoen burning tractor piled slash - NARA - 298676.jpg
59 Broadcast slash burning in progress. At least two of the burners are visible in this picture. As illustrated, the... - NARA - 298677.jpg
60 Broadcast slash burning in progress on the Manila Creek Indian Logging unit. - NARA - 298678.jpg
61 Appearance of Omak Lake Ridge before logging. Edward J. Whalen, Forester, was marking timber for selective logging on... - NARA - 298679.jpg
62 Summer of 1945 photo of a portion where logging slash was tractor piled during the previous summer and was burned... - NARA - 298680.jpg
63 Forester selecting mature pines for cutting. He carefully inspects for overmaturity or tother signs of weakness that... - NARA - 298681.jpg
64 Power saw felling of a tree marked for cutting by the foreter. One of the men operating the electrically powered... - NARA - 298682.jpg
65 Appearance of a pine forest after it had been selectively logged in 1941. Younger, thrifty trees as here depicted... - NARA - 298683.jpg
66 Burnign of hand piled slash during the fall of 1941 - NARA - 298684.jpg
67 One of the largest ponderosa pines on the Colville Indian Reservation. Photo taken at the edge of Moses Meadow. L-R... - NARA - 298686.jpg
68 Summit Lake and Upper Omak Creek Basin, looking NE from eastern end of Omak Lake Ridge. Apporximately half of the... - NARA - 298685.jpg
69 Felling crew at work on the Kartar unit - NARA - 298687.jpg
70 Slavage loggin in progress on the Tunk Creek logging unit in the NE corner of the Colville Reservation. In the... - NARA - 298688.jpg
71 Harold Weaver, Walt Moomaw and Pete Whitelaw on the summit of Grizzly Mountain. Most of these mountains had been... - NARA - 298689.jpg
72 Walt Moomaw, at left, with enrollee crew in valley of Onion Creek. This crew was cutting fence posts from western red... - NARA - 298690.jpg
73 Part of the damage that resulted from the 700-acre Brush Crrek fire in the lower San Poil Canyon. - NARA - 298691.jpg
74 Gunther Heeren indicating a one-year old ponderosa pine seedling on the Keller Ridge burn of August 1958. Almost the... - NARA - 298692.jpg
75 Photo by Ladd of fresh grade for a logging railroad in the Moses Mountain unit. Double tracks were laid along this... - NARA - 298693.jpg
76 Photo by Ladd showing general view of Omak Creek Valley from a ridge top. Note old model auto in greshly cut-over... - NARA - 298694.jpg
77 Ladd photo of hand-piled slash on freshly cut-over area - NARA - 298695.jpg
78 Ladd photo of log cutter felling timber on Moses Mountain logging unit. - NARA - 298696.jpg
79 Ladd photo of horse skidding of logs on the Moses Mountain logging unit. For skindding to landings along the railroad... - NARA - 298697.jpg
80 Ladd photo of "ten ton" Holt tractors skidding tree-length logs on "bummers" on the Moses Mountain logging unit. The... - NARA - 298698.jpg ✓ Done
81 Ladd photo of solid-tired Moreland logging trucks of Biles Coleman Lumber Co. on the Moses Mountain logging unit.... - NARA - 298699.jpg ✓ Done
82 Ladd photo showing "jammer" of Biles Coleman Lumber Co. loading 16-foot logs on a flat car. - NARA - 298700.jpg
83 Loaded log train on narrow gauge railroad of Biles Colemena Lumber Co. at "big landing" on the old Omak Creek unit.... - NARA - 298701.jpg
84 Tribal Business Council. L-R, standing, Mr. Dick, Alex Covington, Henry Covington, ^, Barney Rickard, FA Gross... - NARA - 298702.jpg
85 Colville Business Council with some of the hereditary ciefs and older members of the Colville Confederated Tribe.... - NARA - 298703.jpg
86 Fire school at the Coyote Creek CCC Camp. Pete Whitelaw is lecturing on use of the double-bitted axe. Superintendent... - NARA - 298704.jpg
87 War-time fire presuppression crew. Most of these boys were 16 and 17 years old from various high schools of the... - NARA - 298705.jpg
88 Part of the colville Forestry staff. Back row, L-R, Edward T. Hall, Forest Ranger, Melvin Robertson, Assistant Forest... - NARA - 298706.jpg