Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Thuringia Suhl asv2020-07 img06 Cross Church.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Thuringia Suhl asv2020-07 img06 Cross Church.jpg

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  1. Another Believer
  2. Amakuha
  3. Fabiorahamim
  4. Filetime
  5. BD2412
  6. نعيم قربوسي
  7. Caligatus
  8. Akwugo
  9. Thingofme
  11. Laborec
  12. یاس
  13. Tupungato
  14. Ham II
  15. Tfeliz
  16. TripleU
  17. Diablo Cris
  18. Bartek z Polski
  19. Deror avi
  20. AtlanteanAstorian
  21. Kalisidina
  22. DrPZ
  23. Nikokok
  24. SvenDK
  25. Cyfraw
  26. Kiryienka
  27. Donald Trung
  28. Filipović Zoran
  29. Draceane
  30. Pythagoreio
  31. Wcr1993
  32. 英雄控
  33. Robina Fox
  34. Mediatus
  35. Jianhui67
  36. Patrik Kunec
  37. Aleksey Churushkin
  38. Xemenendura
  39. Cybularny
  40. WikiLuke
  41. P12062545
  42. Ajpvalente