Commons:Share Your Struggle 2021/Rules and FAQ

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Share Your Struggle 2021


Help Desk


Rules and FAQ











You can upload files in two categories: images and video. Irrespective of the format, all the files:

  • should have been created by you, or you own the exclusive copyright of files;
  • should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by you;
  • or by designated team members (for content release partnerships)
  • should be uploaded between 15 August and 15 September 2021;
  • should have a proper and meaningful title and description;
check the participation guidelines for more information
  • should be identifiable to a specific incident or theme (check scope);

  • should not be promoting any call for violence or harm.
  • should not be promoting hatred or discriminating against any race, colour, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • should not be featuring celebrities, “specific” government officials, or politicians.
  • should not be related to any political campaigning activities.

Additional guidelines



Why is this campaign being organized?
There have been many campaigns and competitions focused on getting images of tangible objects like monuments and food but there is an acute shortage of images of various movements, crises and other struggles on Wikimedia Commons. One example can be of the decade long movement “Narmada Bachao Andolan” and there are only two relevant images about this movement on Commons; a logo for the movement and a portrait of the individual leading this movement.
Why is it only limited to India?
This is the first iteration of this competition and the organizing team decided to pilot it in one country. We plan to learn about the challenges of doing a new campaign like this and hopefully, this will be expanded to more countries and regions in the future.
What are the prizes?
Check out the prizes page for more details.
I am not sure whether my images fit the scope of the campaign, what can I do?
Make sure that your image abides by all the above mentioned rules and upload.
Where can I learn about participating?
The participate page should provide you with all the required steps.
I need help, where can I ask?
Feel free email us at
I am a professional photographer, and/or I have a huge set of files that, how can I share?
Please contact the partnerships coordinator or write to us email at
We are an organization that would like to release a set of files, how can we?
Please contact the partnerships coordinator or write to us email at
Who are the jury members?
The jury will comprise of 2 Commons contributors; 1 from India and 1 from the Global community, and a photojournalist. The jury members are being finalized and more information will be provided soon.