Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Ukraine/Оксана Проценко

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rate base authors
objects ids
8 1 6 1 1 74-203-0053
7 1 6 0 16 07-104-0060, 07-104-0061, 32-105-0002, 32-105-0004, 32-105-0014, 35-101-0288, 35-101-0528, 56-103-0023, 56-103-0233, 73-101-0625, 73-101-0630, 74-104-0080, 74-104-0157, 74-203-0041, 74-203-0150, 74-203-0154
4 1 3 0 27 01-103-0013, 07-104-0009, 07-104-0020, 07-104-0063, 26-106-0011, 26-106-0016, 35-101-0083, 35-101-0214, 35-101-0285, 35-101-0591, 35-101-0596, 48-101-0145, 56-101-0058, 56-101-0106, 56-101-0109, 56-101-0111, 56-101-0117, 56-103-0101, 61-208-0018, 61-224-0058, 73-101-0363, 74-104-0178, 74-104-0181, 74-104-0183, 74-104-0187, 80-361-0976, 80-361-1006
2 1 1 0 11 35-101-0590, 56-101-0103, 56-101-0107, 56-103-0002, 56-103-0232, 61-208-0001, 73-101-0340, 73-101-0619, 74-104-0105, 74-104-0177, 74-203-0015
1 1 0 0 33 01-109-0005, 26-106-0017, 35-101-0243, 35-101-0293, 35-101-0306, 35-101-0307, 46-101-1888, 46-101-2059, 56-103-0213, 56-103-0214, 56-103-0215, 56-103-0217, 56-103-0219, 56-103-0228, 56-103-0242, 56-216-0041, 61-105-0004, 61-105-0025, 61-208-0035, 61-224-0002, 61-224-0004, 61-224-0018, 61-224-0042, 61-224-0057, 61-224-9001, 68-104-0048, 68-104-0065, 68-104-9007, 68-104-9502, 73-101-0017, 73-101-0321, 73-101-0571, 80-361-0957

Rating: 9

rate base authors
objects ids
4 1 3 0 2 26-106-0011, 26-106-0016
1 1 0 0 1 26-106-0017




Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 16 (9-) authors = 0, 363 (49-) images were of 26106, bonus = 0



Будинок культури

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 363 (49-) images were of 26106, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої гімназії

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 363 (49-) images were of 26106, bonus = 0

Rating: 5

rate base authors
objects ids
4 1 3 0 1 01-103-0013
1 1 0 0 1 01-109-0005



Теккіє дервішів (монастир)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 638 (49-) images were of 01109, bonus = 0



Церква Федора Стратилата

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 156 (49-) images were of 01103, bonus = 0

Rating: 26

rate base authors
objects ids
7 1 6 0 2 07-104-0060, 07-104-0061
4 1 3 0 3 07-104-0009, 07-104-0020, 07-104-0063



Меморіальна стела „Хрест пам'яті жертв більшовицького терору”

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 366 (49-) images were of 07104, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник ліквідаторам аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 366 (49-) images were of 07104, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Лесі Українки

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 366 (49-) images were of 07104, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 366 (49-) images were of 07104, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 366 (49-) images were of 07104, bonus = 0

Rating: 9

rate base authors
objects ids
4 1 3 0 2 80-361-0976, 80-361-1006
1 1 0 0 1 80-361-0957



Вітряк з села Олександрівка Білозерського району Херсонської області

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 46884 (49-) images were of 80, bonus = 0



Вітряк із села Вільшана Дворічанського району Харківської області

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 46884 (49-) images were of 80, bonus = 0



Вітряк із села Смолин Чернігівського району Чернігівської області

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 46884 (49-) images were of 80, bonus = 0

Rating: 21

rate base authors
objects ids
7 1 6 0 3 32-105-0002, 32-105-0004, 32-105-0014



Пам'ятник воїнам-землякам, які загинули під час афганської війни

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 145 (49-) images were of 32105, bonus = 0



Пам'ятний знак вченому-етнографу П. П. Чубинському, автору слів державного Гімну України

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 145 (49-) images were of 32105, bonus = 0



Меморіал на честь воїнів-визволителів та воїнів-бориспільців, які загинули в роки війни 1941—1945 роках

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 145 (49-) images were of 32105, bonus = 0

Rating: 40

rate base authors
objects ids
7 1 6 0 2 35-101-0288, 35-101-0528
4 1 3 0 5 35-101-0083, 35-101-0214, 35-101-0285, 35-101-0591, 35-101-0596
2 1 1 0 1 35-101-0590
1 1 0 0 4 35-101-0243, 35-101-0293, 35-101-0306, 35-101-0307



Вулиця Велика Перспективна

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Стайні (на 180 голів)

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник жертвам Чорнобиля

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Кропивницькому М. Л., українському драматургу, театральному діячу.

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Будинок адміністративний

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Особняк І. М. Марущака

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 16 (9-) authors = 0, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Штабний корпус

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишнього Зимового театру, в якому було засновано український професійний Драматичний театр

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Колишній пасаж

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Колишнє відділення Петроградського міжнародного банку

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник радянським воїнам-визволителям

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 2901 (49-) images were of 35101, bonus = 0

Rating: 2

rate base authors
objects ids
1 1 0 0 2 46-101-1888, 46-101-2059



Вітряк з с. uk:Ширівці Хотинського р-ну Чернівецької обл.

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 28467 (49-) images were of 46101, bonus = 0



Церква дерев'яна святого Миколая з с. Кривки

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 21 (9-) authors = 0, 28467 (49-) images were of 46101, bonus = 0

Rating: 4

rate base authors
objects ids
4 1 3 0 1 48-101-0145



Службовий корпус з комплексу споруд синагоги

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2089 (49-) images were of 48101, bonus = 0

Rating: 54

rate base authors
objects ids
7 1 6 0 2 56-103-0023, 56-103-0233
4 1 3 0 6 56-101-0058, 56-101-0106, 56-101-0109, 56-101-0111, 56-101-0117, 56-103-0101
2 1 1 0 4 56-101-0103, 56-101-0107, 56-103-0002, 56-103-0232
1 1 0 0 8 56-103-0213, 56-103-0214, 56-103-0215, 56-103-0217, 56-103-0219, 56-103-0228, 56-103-0242, 56-216-0041



Пам'ятний знак, присвячений 60-річчю депортації українців Холмщини, Підляшшя, Надсяння, Лемківщини зі своїх етнічних земель

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Парафіяльний костел (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник поету Т. Г. Шевченку

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок (мур.)

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Замок князів Острозьких-Любомирських (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 44 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Луцька брама (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 13 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Синагога (мур.)

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Пам'ятний знак жертвам Чорнобильської катастрофи

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Палац (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 22 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Дзвіниця парафіяльного костелу

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Костел (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Іллінська церква (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник С. Петлюрі

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Дубенський форт (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 43 (9-) authors = 0, 515 (49-) images were of 5621689101, bonus = 0



Братська могила Радянських воїнів та тувинських добровольців

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Надбрамний корпус (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 34 (9-) authors = 0, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник борцям за волю

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Будівлі торгівельно-житлові (мур.)

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 908 (49-) images were of 56103, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник поету Т. Г. Шевченку

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятний знак на честь загиблих в локальних війнах

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 957 (49-) images were of 56101, bonus = 0

Rating: 19

rate base authors
objects ids
4 1 3 0 2 61-208-0018, 61-224-0058
2 1 1 0 1 61-208-0001
1 1 0 0 9 61-105-0004, 61-105-0025, 61-208-0035, 61-224-0002, 61-224-0004, 61-224-0018, 61-224-0042, 61-224-0057, 61-224-9001



Бернардинський монастир - Костел

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 20 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



Вірменська церква

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 13 (9-) authors = 0, 649 (49-) images were of 61105, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник польському поету Міцкевичу Адаму

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник державному і військовому діячу, гетьману України Хмельницькому Богдану

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



Костел Різдва Діви Марії (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 18 (9-) authors = 0, 649 (49-) images were of 61105, bonus = 0



Успенська церква

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 12 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



Народний будинок (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 12 (9-) authors = 0, 68 (49-) images were of 6120810100, bonus = 0



Бернардинський монастир - Дзвіниця

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



Бернардинський монастир

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 18 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0



uk:Давньослов'янський печерний храм

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 53 (49-) images were of 6120880902, bonus = 0



Троїцький костел

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 68 (49-) images were of 6120810100, bonus = 0



Воскресенська церква(мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 632 (49-) images were of 6122410100, bonus = 0

Rating: 4

rate base authors
objects ids
1 1 0 0 4 68-104-0048, 68-104-0065, 68-104-9007, 68-104-9502




Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 111 (9-) authors = 0, 6041 (49-) images were of 68104, bonus = 0



Кушнірська башта (Башта Кушнірська і Вітряна брама)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 31 (9-) authors = 0, 6041 (49-) images were of 68104, bonus = 0



Комплекс споруд Польської брами

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 13 (9-) authors = 0, 6041 (49-) images were of 68104, bonus = 0



Будинок Польського магістрату

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 51 (9-) authors = 0, 6041 (49-) images were of 68104, bonus = 0

Rating: 25

rate base authors
objects ids
7 1 6 0 2 73-101-0625, 73-101-0630
4 1 3 0 1 73-101-0363
2 1 1 0 2 73-101-0340, 73-101-0619
1 1 0 0 3 73-101-0017, 73-101-0321, 73-101-0571



Театральна площа, на якій відбулося Буковинське народне віче.

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Ратуша (мур.)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 35 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Будинок соцзабезпечення

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



«Муза» («Ангел») — декоративна скульптура

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Телефонно-переговорна станція

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Кобилянській О.Ю. - українській письменниці

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Єврейський Народний Дім (арх. Т. Левандовський)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 20 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Євгену Гакману (1793—1873) — першому митрополиту Буковини і Далмації

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0

Rating: 65

rate base authors
objects ids
8 1 6 1 1 74-203-0053
7 1 6 0 5 74-104-0080, 74-104-0157, 74-203-0041, 74-203-0150, 74-203-0154
4 1 3 0 4 74-104-0178, 74-104-0181, 74-104-0183, 74-104-0187
2 1 1 0 3 74-104-0105, 74-104-0177, 74-203-0015



Пам’ятник М.В. Гоголю

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Будинок відділення Державного банку СРСР

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Скульптура «Мадонна Батурина»

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 439 (49-) images were of 7420310300, bonus = 0



Єврейський готель

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Пам’ятник «Скорботна Мати-Україна»

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 439 (49-) images were of 7420310300, bonus = 0



Скульптурна композиція «Вчитель»

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Пам’ятний знак на честь земляків воїнів-інтернаціоналістів

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Парк біля палацу К. Розумовського

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 439 (49-) images were of 7420310300, bonus = 0



Пам’ятник Т.Г. Шевченку

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Залізничний вокзал

Rating = 8, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 10 (10-49) images were of 7420310100, bonus = 1



Скульптура «Бентежний дух гетьманства»

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 439 (49-) images were of 7420310300, bonus = 0



Пам’ятник М.К. Заньковецькій

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0



Пам’ятник Ю.Ф. Лисянському – видатному мореплавцю

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 1638 (49-) images were of 74104, bonus = 0