Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2021/Winners/Macedonia

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These are the finalists for WSC2021 in Macedonia.

This country-level selection had a specific national organizer and a national coordination page. 127 files were submitted by 21 uploaders/authors.




People in Science images from Macedonia
Finalist Finalist Finalist
Metal detector for coins. Zalfija Systematic archaeological excavation. Zalfija Systematic archaeological excavation. Zalfija

Finalist Finalist Finalist
Part of an archeological excavation by the Student Archaeological Association Axios-Skopje. Research of Paionian necropolis 5-6 century BC. Kirilangelovski5678 Systematic archaeological excavation. Kirilangelovski5678 Determination of dry mass of honey with a refractometer. Deamit

Determination of chlorides in water according to the Mohr's method. Deamit
Microscopy images from Macedonia
National winner
National category winner
Gorilla face accidentaly shaped from polymer droplets during electrospinning, observed with SEM microscopy. Kushina Dahlia

Finalist Finalist
Particles in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) oil-in water emulsion seen through an optical microscope. Kushina Dahlia SEM Image of Black pepper. Kushina Dahlia

Non-photographic media from Macedonia
National winner
National category winner
Control of a humanoid robotic hand with Arduino Uno and sensor glove. Луната1999

Wildlife & nature images from Macedonia
National winner
National category winner
Common jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) observed in "The San Sebastián Aquarium" in San Sebastian (Donostia), Spain. Kushina Dahlia

Finalist Finalist Finalist
Aglais io. Animorski Macroscopic picture of Pilea Peperomioides. Iva508 Caterpillar Saturnia (Saturnia) pyri in nature in the village of Bojane, Macedonia. Reshat 1981

Finalist Finalist Finalist
Macrolepiota procera or the parasol mushroom. Anastasija Zakovska Caterpillar on a leaf. Reona13 Praying mantis in Skopje, Macedonia. Reshat 1981

Astronomy category images from Macedonia
National winner
National category winner
Heart Nebula. Sasho Sk

General category images from Macedonia
Finalist Finalist Finalist
Oil on water. Animorski Transparent PDMS emulsion sample ready for dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis. Kushina Dahlia Chemicals found in one of the storage rooms at the Institute of Chemistry in Skopje, probably dating from the period 1968-1975. Miha Bukleski

Finalist Finalist Finalist
Vintage fume hood from 1968 equipped with apparatus for synthesis under inert conditions (Schlenk line) in one of the research laboratories at the Institute of Chemistry in Skopje. Miha Bukleski A reaction between concentrated sulfuric acid and 4-nitroaniline happens fast and the obtained product solidifies right after it comes out of the reaction vessel. Miha Bukleski An uguentarium in the Larnaka Museum, Greece. Reona13

Litmus paper . Deamit
The national organizer inserted the category of national finalists to two files of a set as well (probably by mistake). Since there was one free slot, the second-level jury saved one of two.

Image sets from Macedonia
Finalist: Control of a humanoid robotic hand with Arduino Uno and sensor glove. Луната1999

Finalist: First two images: Determination of chlorides in water according to the Mohr's method. Third image: Determination of dry mass of honey with a refractometer. Fourth image: Determination of the pH of a sample of water with litmus paper. Fifth image: Sterilization of the flame pool in a microbiological laboratory. Deamit

Finalist: First three images: Pilea Peperomioides. Second image: Macroscopic picture of Monstera Deliciosa. Fifth image: Cacti and succulents. Iva508

Finalist: Panoramic views. First three images: Air pollution in the town of Tetovo. Fourth image: Air pollution in the town of Gostivar. Fifth and sixth image: Earth erosion in Mavrovo National Park. Seventh and eight image: Exploitation of marbled limestone near Gostivar. Делфина

Finalist: Systematic excavation on an archaeological site. Делфина

Finalist: Parnassius apollo in Galičica National Park. KlimentKomit

Finalist: First image: Basic tools to escavation. Second image: Ancient Roman fragment with the letters AIT. Third image: Bottom fragment of a prehistoric pot. Fourth image: The archaeological site Stobi. Markovi Kuli (lit. Marko's Towers) located in the proximity of the town of Prilep. Kirilangelovski5678