Commons:Wikimaps/Wikimaps Tartu–Hong Kong

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Wikimaps Tartu–Hong Kong is a series of events where the Wikimaps process will be demonstrated.


  1. Workshop at the State of the Map Baltics, Tartu, Aug 4, 2013, 9:30 EEST (23:30 PDT (Aug 3), 2:30 EDT, 7:30 BST, 8:30 CEST, 9:30 EEST, 12:00 IST, 14:30 HKT)
    • Old Tartu maps have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by Rahvusarhiiv (National Archives), Rahvusraamatukogu (National Library) and the Library of Tartu University.
    • Workshopping reuse possibilities for old Tartu maps
    • Workshop notes
  2. Wikimaps geodata roundtable at the DevCamp in Wikimania, Hong Kong, Aug 7, 2013, 15:30 HKT (0:30 PDT, 3:30 EDT, 8:30 BST, 9:30 CEST, 10:30 EEST, 13:00 IST)
  3. Wikimaps presentation Aug 10, 2013, 16:00 HKT (BST 9:00 - CEST 10:00 - EEST 11:00 - IST 13:30)
    • Open Historical Map code sprint later that night during daytime in the US (~ 00:00 HKT = 12:00 EDT = 9:00 PDT)
    • Demonstrating the digitizing process together with the OHM, using the Tartu maps.
    • Presentation pad






  • Wikimaps Warper
  1. Select any of the maps above and click open it.
  2. Click on the warper link (first row in the metadata)
  3. You will be transferred to Wikimaps Warper to view the map overlaid on a map or to have it rectified if it has not previously been so.
  • Open Historical Map
    Try out digitizing a historical map
  1. In Wikimaps Warper, viewing your maps, select 'export' tab.
  2. Copy the link 'Tiles (Google/OSM scheme)'
  3. Goto Open Historical map. Register if needed
  4. Goto your location (Click on for Tartu)
  5. Click on "Edit map"
  6. Select layer icon on the left edge or hit 'b'
  7. Select Custom
  8. Paste the link in the dialogue box
  9. Start editing



Pictures from the Tartu workshop.


Blog posts etc
